trained up with the most indefatigable care and attention to morals and religion by John Adams, who, with his interesting family around him, remained undiscovered and unvisited for nearly twenty years; when Captain Mayhew Folger, in the American ship Topaz, of Boston, touched at their island; and, after maintaining a friendly intercourse with them for two days, prosecuted his voyage. No further information respecting them transpired until 1814, when Captain Sir T. Staines, in his majesty's ship Briton, on his passage from the Marquesas to Valparaiso, unexpectedly came in sight of the island. Canoes were soon perceived coming off from the shore; and it is not easy to conceive the astonishment of the commander and his officers when those on board hailed them in the English language. The surprise of the young men in the canoe, who were the sons of the mutineers, when they came on board an English man of war, was scarcely less than that of their visiters. The frankness with which they replied to the interrogatories of the captain evinced the unsophisticated manner in which they had been brought up; and their account of their belief in the most important doctrines and practice of the great duties of religion reflected the highest honour on their venerable instructer. When they sat down to breakfast, without any hypocritical or formal show of devotion, but with a simplicity and earnestness that alone astonished and reproved those around them, they knelt down and implored "permission to partake in peace of what was set before them;" and at the close of their repast "resuming the same attitude, offered a fervent prayer of thanksgiving for the indulgence they had received." The captains of the Briton and Tagus went on shore, and were met on the brow of the hill by Adams's daughter, who, after the first emotions of surprise had subsided, led them to the "beautiful little village formed on an oblong square with trees of various kinds irregularly interspersed. The houses," Sir T. Staines adds, "were small, but regular, convenient, and of unequalled cleanliness." After a very affecting interview with John Adams (who appeared about sixty years of age), and with his rising community, who with tears and entreaties begged them not to take their father from them, the captains returned to their ships, and sent to these interesting people such useful articles as they could spare. There were forty eight persons on the island at this time. This small island is fertile, though water is not abundant. As soon as their circumstances became known, a liberal supply of agricultural implements and tools was sent from Calcutta. Bibles and prayer-books were also forwarded by the directors of the London Missionary Society. They were gladly received by Adams, and gratefully acknowledged. Since that time the number of inhabitants has considerably increased, and at the present time amounts to about eighty, including the seamen who have left their vessels, married females of the island, and have taken up their residence on shore. Apprehensive of the inadequacy of the productions of the island to the island to supply their wants, especially in fuel and water, they intimated four or five years ago their wish to be taken to another country; and it appeared probable that they might remove to the Society Islands, or some extensive and fertile but uninhabited island in the Pacific: this desire has, however, ceased, and, since the death of Adams, they have expressed their wishes to remain. I have been near their island more than once, and regret that I had not an opportunity of visiting them. The captain of the ship in which I returned to England had been on shore twice; and his accounts, with those of others whom I have met with in the Pacific, were such as could not fail to excite a deep concern for their welfare. Two degrees farther from the equator, and rather more than twenty degrees nearer the American continent, an island is situated which has attracted considerable notice from most of the navigators who have prosecuted their discoveries in the Pacific. It was discovered by Roggewein, on Easter-day 1772, and called EASTER ISLAND. This is a small hilly island, bearing evident marks of volcanic origin, or of having been subject to the action of subterraneous fire. The hills are conical, and were by Kotzebue supposed to resemble those of Hawaii. Nothing can be more contradictory than the descriptions different voyagers have given of the appearance of this island. Some, as in Roggewein's account, and that of La Perouse, representing it as rich and fertile; others, as Forster, describing it as parched and desolate. VOL. III.-L The population, which La Perouse estimated at about two thousand, is supposed by Kotzebue to have increased; by others they are said to have decreased, and not to exceed 1200. The inhabitants are evidently part of the race which has spread itself extensively over the isles of the Pacific, and they evince that propensity to licentiousness and theft which marks the larger communities. The most remarkable objects in Easter Island are its monuments of stone-work and sculpture, which, though rude and imperfect, are superior to any found among the more numerous and civilized tribes inhabiting the South Sea islands. These monuments consist in a number of terraces or platforms built with stones, cut and fixed with great exactness and skill, forming, though destitute of cement, a strong, durable pile. On these, terraces are fixed colossal figures or busts. They appear to be monuments erected in memory of ancient kings or chiefs, as each bust or column had a distinct name. One of these, of which Forster took the dimensions, consisted of a single stone twenty feet high and five wide, and represented a human figure to the waist; on the crown of the head a stone of cylindrical shape was placed erect: this stone was of a different colour from the rest of the figure, which appeared to be formed of a kind of cellular lava. In one place, seven of these statues, or busts, stood together*: one which they saw lying on the ground was twenty-seven feet long and nine in diameter. The largest, however, that La Perouse saw, was fourteen feet six inches high, and seven feet six inches in diameter. The inhabitants of many of the northern and eastern islands make stone representations of their deities and of their departed ancestors, but none equal in size to those found in Easter Island. When Cook visited this island, the natives appeared to possess but few means of subsistence, and to inhabit very small and comfortless dwellings. A greater abundance appeared when they were subsequently visited by the French navigator; their habitations appeared more comfortable, one of which was three hundred and ten feet long, and ten feet wide. Easter Island is situated in 27° 8" south lat., and * Forster's Voyage, vol. i. p. 586 109° 43" west long. It is called by the inhabitants Waihu. It has been already stated that Magellan was the first European who sailed from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The navigation of the Straits was often tedious and unsafe; yet it was the only communication known for nearly a century after its discovery, when in January, 1616, Schouten and Le Maire, two Dutch navigators, passed round the southern extremity of the American continent, which, in honour of the town whence they sailed, they designated CAPE HORN. This course is now almost invariably preferred; and though the sea is high. and the gales are often boisterous and severe, the passage round the Cape is found more expeditious and less hazardous than the way through the Straits. One of the first objects that arrests the attention of many soon after they enter the Pacific is the small island of Juan Fernandez, situated in lat. 33° 49" S., long. 80° 30′ W. The centre is mountainous, and the shore rocky, having one or two good harbours. It has received its designation from its discoverer,* a Spanish pilot, Juan Fernandez, who originally, with several Spanish families, settled on its shores, but removed to the opposite coast of Chili when the inhabitants became subject to his countrymen. It is distinguished by its verdant and romantic appearance, the luxuriance with which peaches, nectarines, apricots, and plums (produced from seeds left by different visiters), grow in different parts of the island, and by the bright red colour of the soil. But it is chiefly celebrated as having been the abode of Alexander Selkirk, a native of Fife, in Scotland, who, being left on shore by the captain of the ship in which he sailed, remained in solitude on the island four years and four months, when he was released by Captain Rogers, on the 2d of February, 1709.† During his residence here, he subsisted on such vegetables as he found on the island, with fish, and the broiled flesh of goats, which he pursued with surprising agility among the rocky and mountainous parts of the island. Captain Rogers observes, that when he came on board "he was clothed in goat-skins, and looked wilder than the first owners of them;" and adds, "he had so much forgotten his language, that we could scarcely understand him." Cowper, with his accustomed sensibility of feeling and felicity of expression, has commemorated his exile in those beautiful lines which commence with " I am monarch of all I survey " The adventures of Selkirk in Juan Fernandez also furnished De Foe with the materials for his unrivalled "Robinson Crusoe." * Rogers's Voyage of Duke and Duchess. † Ibid. CHAPTER XII. South-western borders of Polynesia-New-Holland-Tempest off the coastObservations on the aborigines-New-Zealand-Situation-Soil-Productions-Climate-Forest scenery-Native flax-Population-Savage dispositions of the people-Cannibalism-Government-Slavery-in New-Zealand -in Rio Janeiro-Cruel treatment of New-Zealand slaves-Superstitions -Instance of parental tenderness-Occurrences at New-Zealand-Tattooing-Sham-fighting and war-dances-Influence of reports from TahitiProspects of the mission. THE preceding chapter contains a brief notice of the principal islands and clusters in the eastern part of Polynesia, and which usually arrest the attention of those who, by the way of Cape Horn, enter the Pacific. The countries on the south-western borders of this ocean are not less interesting; and, in many respects, they are entitled to a greater degree of attention. The most important of these are New-Holland and Van Diemen's Land. In the former is the new settlement on the Swan River, and the important colony of New South Wales; in the latter, its flourishing appendages in Van Diemen's Land. The navigation of the northern part of this extensive island is intricate and dangerous. The shores of the southern part are rocky and bold, affording, however, several harbours, of which Port Jackson, leading to the town of Sydney, is probably the most capacious and secure. The weather is often stormy and the sea tempestuous, and fatal to the bark that may be exposed to its violence. We experienced somewhat of its fury on our first arrival off the coast in 1816. Our passage from Rio Janeiro had been pleasant; and, eleven weeks after leaving Brazil, we made the western coast of Van Diemen's Land. We passed |