CHAP. XXIV. New-York continued, from the death of Lord Lovelace to the arrival Montgomery, 1732. Causes of the failure of the expedition, Second assembly of New-York, His character-His administration, Address of the council, by the way of report, CHAP. XXVI. Pennsylvania continued, from the arrival of Thomas Penn, 1732, to the administration of John Penn, 1763. A.D. State of the colony, Page. 1738 Thomas Penn arrives-Address of Andrew Hamilton, 1741 Thomas Penn returns to England-Faction, 1747 The province becomes quiet, CHAP. XXVII. Carolina cantinued. - Governor Johnston's administration. Colo- 1754 Gov. Johnston dies--Nath. Rice, then Matthew Rowan, suc- &c. CHAP. XXVIII. GEORGIA. |