| sir Matthew Hale - 1699 - 638 pages
...AfTedion from his Creature, as the Tribute and Return of his Goodnefs and Beneficence, Pfal. 5-0. 15. Catt upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and tboufoalt glorify me. And this Retribution, as it is moft admirably Congenious and Connatural to the... | |
| Daniel Defoe - 1719 - 390 pages
...about my Danger from the Appearance ,of Savages, I found it difcompos'd me very much ;'upon which thole Words of the Scripture came into my Thoughts, Call...upon me in the Day of Trouble', and I will deliver, and thou jbalt glorify me. Upon.this, rifing chearfully out of my Bed, my Heart was not only comforted,... | |
| Daniel Wilcox - 1744 - 462 pages
...all his dealings with us, which if we know not now, we mail know after a while. He hath faid, Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, &c. But as he has not exprefly limited the time, faith will tell us, that it mall be in the fitteft... | |
| John Mason - 1754 - 350 pages
...you in fo many former Dangers ? Why " do you doubt the faithfulnefs of GOD ? " who hath faid, call upon me in the day of " Trouble, and I will deliver thee (b). And cc why do you doubt my Care of you, or c e think that you can perifh, whilft I am " with you?"... | |
| Samuel Westcott - 1762 - 276 pages
...learn, by confulting Pfa. 1. 14, 15. Offer to God Thankfgiving, and pay tljy Vows to the Mojl High. Call upon me in the Day of Trouble, and I 'will deliver thee, and thouJhalt glorify me. The Defign of the Pfalm is to reprove the common Mifcarriages and Errors of many... | |
| William Mason - 1765 - 526 pages
...surely find, " as tribulation abounds, consolation shall much more abound." Our Lord advises, " Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me," Psal. 1. 15. Prize it as your greatest blessedness, to live near the Lord, and maintain... | |
| Daniel Defoe - 1777 - 496 pages
...will. One morning, lying on my bed, thefe words of the; facred writings came again into my mind, Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thoujhalt glorify me. Upon this fentence, rifingmore chearfully from my bed, I offered up my prayers... | |
| 1781 - 748 pages
...my danger from the appearance of favages, I found it dil'compofed rile very much; upon which thole words of the Scripture came into my thoughts, ' Call...upon ' me in the day of trouble, and I will < deliver iliee, and thou malt glorify « me.' Upon this, rifing chearfully out of my bed, my heart was not only... | |
| Daniel Defoe - 1789 - 350 pages
...One morning, lying on my bed, thefe words of the facred writings came again into my mind, Call tifon me' in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thoit foalt glorify me. Upon this fentence, riling. more chearfully from my bed, I offered up my prayers... | |
| Daniel Defoe - 1790 - 966 pages
...appearance of favages, I found it difcompofed me very much ; upon which thofe words of the fcripture came into my thoughts, Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thoujhalt glorify me. Upon this, rifing chearfully out of my bed, my heart was not only comforted,... | |
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