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" ... gestures to show it. At last he lays his head flat upon the ground, close to my foot, and sets my other foot upon his head, as he had done before, and after this made all the signs to me of subjection, servitude, and submission imaginable, to let... "
The life and surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe - Page 231
de Daniel Defoe - 1820
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The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York ...

Daniel Defoe - 1719 - 524 pages
...antick Geftures to fhow it : At laft he lays his Head flat upon the Ground, clofe to my Foot, and fets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before...all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submiffion imaginable, to let me know how he would ferve me as long as he liv'd. 1 underftood.him in...
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The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York ...

Daniel Defoe - 1719 - 390 pages
...antick Geftures to fhow it: At lafi he lays his Head flat upon the Gfound, clofe to my Foot, and fets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before; and after this, made all the Signs to me o£ Subjection, Servitude, and Submiffion imaginable, to let me know how he would fcrve me as long...
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The life and ... adventures of Robinson Crusoe, written by himself ..., Volume 1

Daniel Defoe - 1761 - 320 pages
...antick Geftures to fhew it. At laft he lay-s his Head flat upon the Ground, clofe to my Foot, and fets my other Foot upon his Head, as he had done before;...all the Signs to me of Subjection, Servitude, and Submiffion imaginable, to let me know how much he would ferve me as long as he liv'd : I underftood...
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The Novelist's Magazine, Volume 4

1781 - 748 pages
...antick geftures to (hew it. At lall he lays his head flat upon the ground, clofe to my foot, and fets my other foot upon his head, as he had done before ; and after this made all the figns to me of fubjeflion, fervitude, and fuhmiflion imaginable, to let me know how much he would ferve...
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The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: Of York ...

Daniel Defoe - 1790 - 966 pages
...antic geftures to fhew it. At laft he lays his head flat upon the ground* clofe to my foot, and fets my other foot upon his head, as he had done before ; and after this, made all the figns to me of fubje&ion, fervitude, and fubmiffion imaginable, to let me know how much he would ferve...
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The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe ...

Daniel Defoe - 1805 - 316 pages
...antick gelhires to fhew it. At lalt he lays his head fiat upon the ground, dole to mv foot, and lets my other foot upon his head, as he had done before ; and after this, made all the ligns to me of fubleftion, fervitude, and iiibmiifion imaginable, to let me know how much hf would...
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The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe - 1808 - 628 pages
...dispusition, making many antic gestures to shew it. At last he lays his head flat upon the ground, cluse to my foot, and sets my other foot upon his head, as he had done hefore; and after this, made all the sigus to me of suhjection, servitnde, and suhmission imaginahle,...
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The Life and Aventures of Robinson Crusoe: To which is Prefixed a ..., Volume 2

Daniel Defoe - 1810 - 354 pages
...possible signs of an humble thankful disposition, making many antic gestures to shew it. At last he lays his head flat upon the ground, close to my foot,...servitude, and submission imaginable, to let me know how much he would serve me as long as he lived. I understood him in many things, and let him know I was...
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Crusoe, written by himself [by D. Defoe

Daniel Defoe - 1815 - 602 pages
...last, he lays his head Hat upon the ground, close to my lout, and sets my other foot upon his bead, as he had done before ; and after this, made all the...submission, imaginable, to let me know how he would servo me so long as he lived. I understood him in many things, and let him know I was very well pleased...
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The British Novelists: With an Essay, and Prefaces ..., Volume 16,Partie 1

1820 - 368 pages
...signs of an humble thankful disposition, making a great many antic gestures to show it. At last, he lays his head flat upon the ground, close to my foot,...done before; and after this, made all the signs to rne of subjection, servitude, and submission, imaginable, to let me know how he would serve me so long...
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