The Beauties of England and Wales, Or, Delineations, Topographical, Historical, and Descriptive, of Each County, Volume 11


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Page 362 - The voluntary outpouring of the public feeling, made to-day, from the North to the South, and from the East to the West, proves this sentiment to be both just and natural.
Page 280 - And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.
Page 233 - In the prayer, when he gave thanks for such as were translated out of this vale of misery, he used these words : ' Let us give thanks for the happy dissolution of the high and mighty Princess Mary, late Queen of Scotland, and Dowager of France, of whose life and death, at this time, I have not much to say, because I was not acquainted with the one, neither was I present at the other...
Page 112 - The shape or plan is irregular, approaching that of a cornucopia, or bent cone, and has been said, with more truth than elegance, to resemble the outline of a shoulder of mutton.
Page 178 - Often have these walls Echoed his footsteps, as with even tread He paced around his prison ; not to him Did Nature's fair varieties exist, He never saw the sun's delightful beams, Save when through yon high bars he pour'da sad And broken splendour.
Page 139 - The king and state began now to grow sensible of the great gain the Netherlands got by our English wool ; in memory whereof the duke of Burgundy, not long after, instituted the Order of the Golden Fleece; wherein, indeed, the Jleece was ours, the golden theirs, — so vast their emolument by the trade of clothing.
Page 128 - of its former magnificence are still visible; splendid palaces, which once emulated with their gilded roofs the grandeur of Rome ; for it was originally built by the Roman princes, and adorned with stately edifices ; a gigantic tower, numerous baths, ruins of temples, and a theatre, the walls of which are partly standing. Here we still see, both within and without the walls, subterraneous buildings, aqueducts, vaulted caverns, and what appeared to me most remarkable, stoves so excellently contrived,...
Page 139 - King, therefore, resolved, if possible, to reduce the trade to his own country, who, as yet, were ignorant of that art, as knowing no more what to do with their wool than the sheep that wear it, as to any artificial and curious drapery ; their best clothes then being no better than friezes, such their coarseness for want of skill in their making.
Page 161 - From the length of the nave, the height of the walls, the aspiring form of the pointed arches, and the size of the east window, which closes the perspective, the first impressions are those of grandeur and sublimity. But as these emotions subside, and we descend from the contemplation of the whole to the examination of the parts, we are no less struck with the regularity of the plan, the lightness of the architecture, and the delicacy of the ornaments: we feel that elegance...

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