I was wounded [or stricken, or pierced] in the house of my friends [in the covenant of friendship]." If, indeed, the translation of the Revisers, "between thine arms," were justified, the cuttings would still seem to be the cuttings of the blood-covenant (See pages 13, 45, supra). It is a noteworthy fact, that among the Jews in Tunis, near the old Phoenician settlement of Carthage, the sign of a bleeding hand is still an honored and a sacred symbol, as if in recognition of the covenantbond of their brotherhood and friendship. "What struck me most in all the houses," says a traveler (Chevalier de Hesse-Wartegg) among these Jews, "was the impression of an open bleeding hand, on every wall of each floor. However white the walls, this repulsive [yet suggestive] sign was to be seen everywhere." How many times, in the New Testament epistles, does the idea show itself, of an inter-union of lives, between Christ and his disciples, and between these disciples and each other. "We, who are many, are one body in Christ, and severally members one of another" (Rom. 12: 5). “We are members of his body" (Eph. 5: 30). “We are members one of another" (Eph. 4: 25). “Know ye not that your bodies are members of Christ?" (1 Cor. 6: 15). "Ye are the body of Christ, and severally [are] members thereof" (1 Cor. 12: 27). It is in this truth of truths, concerning the possibility of an inter-union of the human life with the divine, through a common inter-bloodflow, that there is found a satisfying of the noblest heart yearnings of primitive man everywhere, and of the uttermost spiritual longings of the most advanced Christian believer, in the highest grade of intellectual and moral enlightenment. No attainment of evolution, or of development, has brought man's latest soul-cry beyond the intimations of his earliest soul-outreaching. "Take, dearest Lord, this crushed and bleeding heart, And lay it in thine hand, thy pierced hand; That thine atoning blood may mix with mine, Till I and my Beloved are all one." TOPICAL INDEX. ABEL, his blood-giving, 210 ff. his blood-giving, 217-221; his faith- Adoption, blood used in, 195 f. Covenant, 81 f., 83, 232-238. See America, 90 f.; in Arabia, 120; in Antiquity of the blood-covenant, 6, Ark, the, covering record of blood cove- in China, 148 ff.; in India, 159 ff.; Blood-covenant. Belt: royal, of Tahiti, 328; wampum Blood: thicker than milk, 10; not tian legend, 111 f.; Chaldean legend, Blood-money in the East, 260 ff.; re- See Blood-cove- nant; Transfusion of blood. Bread: of Ra, 173: covenant of, 293, 313. Brébeuf, heart of, 127. Brotherhoods, blood. See Blood-cove- nant. Bruce, heart of, 107 f. CAIN, his blood withholding, 210 ff. desire, 271-286. Christians, charges of cannabalism Circumcision, a mode of blood-cove- Clasped hands: a relic of the covenant, Classics, references to blood-covenant in, 58-65, 267, 297, 312. China, 148 ff.; in Assyria, 168 f.; Covenant, between those of different Cry of blood from the ground, 212. 267 f., 322; between Jacob and La- Cuttings in flesh, 218; in friendship, in DAVID and Jonathan, covenanting, Dead, blood-covenant with, 299. 127; in Syria, 6; in Central Africa, 27 f., 32; of garments, 14, 270; of arms, 270. Evolution, or deterioration, 4. FEATHERS, red, their significance, 328 f. Feeding on the god: 176 f. See Com- Fiery cross its significance in Arabia, Fire, a gift of the gods, 174. sacrifice of: in China, 150 f.; in Food restrictions removed in commun- 168. Friend, closer than brother, 7 f., 10. GIRDLE. See Belts. Ghouls seeking life in blood, 114 f. Goel, pursuer, not avenger, of blood, Golden legend, Blood transference in, HAND, bleeding, in Tunis, 342. Hands: joined in blood, 12, 41 f., 235 f.; Heart: sacredness of, in Egypt, 99 ff., 300 ff as life, outside of the body, Heart-eating among American In- Heathen communions and the Christian man. See Sacrifices, hu- |