The History of the Reign of George III.: To the Termination of the Late War, Volume 5

T.N. Longman and O. Rees, 1803

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Page 61 - The law is an expression of the will of the community. All citizens have a right to concur, either personally or by their representatives, in its formation.
Page 62 - Men and of citizens, that force is instituted for the benefit of the community and not for the particular benefit of the persons with whom it is intrusted. XIII. A common contribution being necessary...
Page 62 - The right to property being inviolable and sacred, no one ought to be deprived of it, except in cases of evident public necessity, legally ascertained, and on condition of a previous just indemnity.
Page 61 - All who promote, solicit, execute, or cause to be executed, arbitrary orders, ought to be punished, and every citizen called upon, or apprehended by virtue of the law, ought immediately to obey, and renders himself culpable by resistance.
Page 197 - I maintained the wars which were of your formation, or that of others, not of mine: I won one member of the great Indian confederacy from it by an act of seasonable restitution: with another...
Page 61 - No man should be accused, arrested, or held in confinement, except in cases determined by the law, and according to the forms which it has prescribed.
Page 334 - Son . . . this Ring to the Queen, and assure her that it is with pain I part with it ... this little packet contains the hair of all my Family, you will give her that too. Tell the Queen, my dear Children, and my...
Page 61 - It should be the same to all, whether it protects or punishes; and all being equal in its sight, are equally eligible to all honours, places, and employments, according to their different abilities, without any other distinction than that created by their virtues and talents.
Page 61 - VIII. The law ought to impose no other penalties but such as are absolutely and evidently necessary ; and no one ought to be punished, but in virtue of a law promulgated before the offence, and legally applied.
Page 335 - I die innocent of all the crimes which have " been imputed to me. I forgive my enemies. I " implore God, from the bottom of my heart, to " pardon them, and not to take vengeance on " the French nation for the blood about to be " shed " He was continuing, when Santerre pushed furiously towards the drummers, and forced them to beat without interruption.

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