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" TOLL for the brave! The brave that are no more ! All sunk beneath the wave, Fast by their native shore ! Eight hundred of the brave, Whose courage well was tried, Had made the vessel heel, And laid her on her side. A land breeze shook the shrouds, And... "
Macmillan's Magazine - Page 217
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The life and posthumous writings of William Cowper, by W. Hayley, Volume 1

William Cowper - 1803 - 482 pages
...illness, he amused himself by translating it into Latin verse. SONG 3. ON THE LOSS OF THE ROYAL GEORGK. Toll for the Brave ! The Brave ! that are no more...made the vessel heel, * * And laid her on her side. A land breeze shook the shrouds, And she was overset; Down went the Royal George, With all her crew complete,...
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The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, Esqr: With an ..., Volume 1

William Hayley - 1803 - 450 pages
...himself by translating it into Latin verse. SONG 3. ON THE LOSS OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. Toll for the Brave I The Brave ! that are no more ! All sunk beneath the...made the vessel heel, And laid her on her side. A land breeze shook the shrouds, And she was overset ; Down went the Royal George, With ail her crew...
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The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper: With an ..., Volume 1

William Hayley - 1803 - 348 pages
...depreffive illnefs, he amufed himfelf by tranflating it into Latin verfe. SONG III. ON THE LOSS OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. TOLL for the brave! The brave ! that are no more ! All funk beneath the wave, Faft by their native fhore. Eight hundred of the brave, Whofe courage well was...
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The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, Esqr: With an ..., Volume 1

William Hayley - 1803 - 452 pages
...of depressive illness, he amused himself by translating it into Latin verse. SONG 3, ON THE LOSS OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. Toll for the Brave ! The Brave ! that are no more I All sunk beneath the wave, Fast by their native shore. Eight hundred of the Brave, Whose courage...
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The Youth's Magazine; Or, Evangelical Miscellany

528 pages
...The image highly poetical, in all the whiteness of the pure, cold Parian, spoke volumes to the heart. "Toll for the brave ! The brave that are no more ! All sunk beneath the ware, Fast by their native shore ! " Little Edward gave a sigh as I repeated Cowp«r's words — lor...
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The Life, and Posthumous Writings, of William Cowper, Esqr: With ..., Volume 2

William Hayley - 1806 - 458 pages
...version from one of his subsequent Letters, for the sake of annexing it to the original. SONG, ON THE LOSS OP THE ROYAL GEORGE. Toll for the brave ! The...made the vessel heel, And laid her on her side. A land breeze shook the shrouds, And she was overset; Down went the Royal George, Toll for the brave...
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The life and posthumous writings of William Cowper, by W. Hayley ..., Volume 2

William Cowper - 1806 - 462 pages
...from one of his subsequent Letters, for the sake of annexing it to the original. SONG, ON THE LOSS OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. Toll for the brave ! The brave that...made the vessel heel, And laid her on her side. A land breeze shook the shrouds, And she was overset ; Down went the Royal George, With all her crew...
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The life and letters of William Cowper, Volume 2

William Cowper, William Hayley - 1809 - 460 pages
...his subsequent letters, for the sake of annexing it to the original. SONG. ON THE LOSS OP THE EOYAL GEORGE. Toll for the brave ! The brave that are no...made the vessel heel, And laid her on her side. A land breeze shook the shrouds, And she was over-set ; Down went the Royal George, » With all her crew...
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Drinking-songs. Miscellaneous songs. Ancient ballads

1819 - 394 pages
...the tempests cease to blow ! SONG LXXXHI, ON THE LOSS OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. BY WILLIAM COWFBR, ESQ. TOLL for the brave ! The brave, that are no more ! All sunk beneath the wave, Eight hundred of the brave, Whose courage well was tried, Had made the vessel heel, And laid her on...
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Poems, by William Cowper, in Two Volumes

William Cowper - 1815 - 528 pages
...THE LOSS OF THE ROYAL GEORGE. WRITTEN WHEN THE NEWS ARRIVED. [SEPT. 1782.] To the March in Scipio. TOLL for the brave ! . The brave that are no more...made the vessel heel, And laid her on her side. A land breeze shook the shrouds, And she was overset; Down went the Royal George, Toll for the brave!...
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