THE NAMES, TITLES, AND CHARACTERS OF THE SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, IN THEIR VARIETY, AS FOUND IN THE SCRIPTURES. "They are they which testify of Me." The Headings are designed to direct the mind to various Aspects of the Person, and Glories of the Lord. Examine each text with the context, in Proof that the Son of God is the Speaker, or the One spoken of. I-AND SIMON PETER ANSWERED AND SAID, || III.-VERILY, VERILY, I SAY UNTO YOU, BE THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE 1 Jno. 4. 14. Jno. 1. 34. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS JEHOVAH OF Mat. 16. 16. The Lord Jehovah, . FORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM.-Jno. 8. 58. HOSTS. Is. 6. 3. Jehovah, Is. 40. 3. Is. 40. 10. His only begotten Son, Jno. 3. 16. Jehovah my God, Zec. 14. 5. 'The only begotten Son of God, Jno. 3. 18. Jehovah of Hosts, The Son of the Father,. 2 Jno. 3. Jehovah God of Hosts, Ho. 12. 4. 5; Gen. 32. 24. The only begotten of the Father, Jno. 1. 14. The King, Jehovah of hosts, The only begotten Son, which is in The Strong and Mighty Jehovah, Ps. 24. 8. the bosom of the Father, Jno. 1. 18. Jehovah, mighty in battle, The first born of every creature, His own Son, A Son given, One Son, (His well-beloved) My Son, His dear Son, (or the Son of his love) The Son of the Blessed, Secret, Ju. 13. 18.-Wonderful, Is. 9. 6. TESTIMONY BORNE TO THE SON BY THE My Beloved Son, Mat. 17. 5, I am the Son of God, Jno. 10. 36, The Son of God, Mar. 1. 1, The The Son of God, Lu. 1. 35; Lu. 2. 11, The Christ, the Son of God, Jno. 20. 31, Disciples. Martha. Thou art the Son of God, Mat. 14. 33, He that liveth, • Re. 1. 18. V.-NO MAN HATH SEEN GOD AT ANY TIME The Word, Is. 9. 6. The Word was with God, Is. 40. 28. The Word was God, 1 Jno. 5. 20. The Word of God, Jno. 20. 28. Lu. 1. 47. The Word of Life, The Word was made flesh, The Image of God, Over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Ro. 9. 5. The God of the whole earth, God manifest in the flesh, Is. 54. 5. 1 Ti. 3. 16. 2 Pe. 1. 1. Tit. 2. 13. Mat. 1. 23. As to the Angel of the Lord who spake as the God of God, comp. Ju. xiii. 18, 22. Lu. 1. 76. Da. iii. 25, 28. The Image of the Invisible God The Express Image of his Person, The Brightness of his Glory, Wisdom, The Wisdom of God, The Messenger of the Covenant, My Messenger,. The Angel of Jehovah, Jno. 1. 1. Jno. 1. 1. Jno. 1. 1. Re. 19. 13. 1 Jno. 1. 1. Jno. 1. 14, 2 Cor. 4. 4. Col. 1. 15. He. 1. 3. Ho. 1, 3. Pro. 8. 12,22. 1 Cor. 1. 24. 1 Cor. 1. 24. Is. 42. 19. Mal. 3. 1. Gen. 22. 15. Ge. 31. 11, 13; Εx. 14. 19. NAMES AND TITLES OF THE SON OF GOD. VI.-THOU HAST MADE HIM A LITTLE LOWER || IX.-WORTHY IS THE LAMB THAT WAS THAN THE ANGELS.-He. 2. 7. SLAIN TO RECEIVE POWER, RICHES, WISDOM, STRENGTH, HONOUR, GLORY, AND A Man approved of God, Ac. 2. 22. The Second Man, The LORD fr. Heaven, 1 Co. 15. 47. A Lamb without blemish & without spot, 1 Pe. 1. 19. The Son of Man, Mar. 10. 33. The Lamb that was Slain, Re. 5. 12. The Son of Abraham, Mat. 1. 1. A Lamb as it had been Slain, Re. 5. 6. The Son of David, Mat. 1. 1. The Lamb in the midst of the Throne, Re. 7. 17. The Son of Mary, Mar. 6. 3. The Bridegroom, Mat. 9. 15; Re. 21. 9. The Son of Joseph, (reputed) Jno. 1. 45. The Lamb, (the Temple of the City) Re. 21. 22. The Seed of the Woman, Ge. 3. 15. The Lamb, (the Light of the City) Re. 21. 23. The Seed of Abraham, Ga. 3. 16, 19. The Lamb, (the overcomer) Re. 17. 14. Of the Seed of David, VII.-Lo, I COME TO DO THY WILL, O GOD. The Babe, The Child, The Young Child, He. 10. 9. Is. 9. 6. The Child Jesus, Lu. 2. 43. The Shepherd of Israel, Ez. 34. 23. Her First Born Son, Lu. 2. 7. The Shepherd and Bishop of Souls, 1 Pe. 2. 25. The Sent of the Father, Jno. 10. 36. The Good Shepherd, Jno. 10. 11. (that laid down His Life). The Apostle, He. 3. 1. A. Prophet, The Great Shepherd, He. 13. 20. Ac. 3. 22, 23. (that was brought again from the dead). A Great Prophet, Lu. 7. 16. The Chief Shepherd, 1 Ре. 5. 4. The Prophet of Nazareth, Mat. 21. 11. (that shall again appear). A Prophet, mighty in deed and word, Lu. 24. 19. A Servant, Phil. 2. 7. The Servant of the Father, XI.-THE TREE OF LIFE, IN THE MIDST OF Mat. 12. 18. My Servant, O Israel, Is. 49. 3. My Servant, the Branch, The Root of Jesse, Zec. 3. 8. My Righteous Servant, Is. 53. 11. A Servant of Rulers, Is. 49. 7. A Nazarene, or Nazarite, THE PARADISE OF GOD.-Re. 2. 7. The Root of David, The Root and Offspring of David, A Rod out of the stem of Jesse, . Is. 11. 10. Re. 5. 5. Re. 22. 16. Is. 11. 1. Mat. 2. 23. The Carpenter, The Carpenter's Son, (reputed) He humbled Himself... unto death. A Stranger and an Alien, A Man of Sorrows, A Worm, and no Man, Accursed of God, or the Curse of God, marg. VIII.-GOD HATH GIVEN HIM A NAME WHICH IS ABOVE EVERY NAME.-Phi. 2. 9, 10. I, Jesus, A Saviour, Jesus, The Saviour of the World, A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, Jesus Christ, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, A Branch out of his roots, Re. 11. 1. Mar. 6. 3. The Branch, Zec. 6. 12. Mat. 13. 55. The Branch of the Lord, Is. 4. 2. The Branch of Righteousness, Je. 33. 15. . Ps. 69. 8. A. Righteous Branch, Је. 23. 5. Is. 53. 3. The Branch strong for Thyself, Ps. 80. 15. Ps. 22. 6. The Vine, Jno. 15. 5. De. 21. 23. The True Vine, Jno. 15. 1. The Tree of Life, Re. 2. 7. The Corn of Wheat, Jno. 12. 24. The Bread of God, Jno. 6. 33. The True Bread from Heaven, Jno. 6. 32. The Bread wh. came down fr. Heaven, Jno. 6. 41. The Bread wh. cometh down fr. Heaven, Jno. 6. 50. Mat. 1. 21. The Bread of Life, Jno. 6. 35. Lu. 24. 15. The Living Bread, Jno. 6. 51. Re. 22. 16. The Hidden Manna, Re. 2. 17. Ac. 13. 23. A Plant of Renown, Ez. 34. 29. 1 Jno. 4. 14. The Rose of Sharon, Lu. 2. 11. The Lily of the Valleys, Ca. 2. 1. Re. 1. 5. A Bundle of Myrrh, Ca. 1. 13. Col. 1. 2. A Cluster of Camphire, Ca. 1. 14. XII.-I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: HE THAT FOLLOWETH ME SHALL HAVE THE day, and for ever, He. 13. 8. The Light, Jno. 12. 35. Jesus of Nazareth, Ac. 22. 8. The True Light, Jno. 1. 9. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Ac. 4. 10. A Great Light, Is. 9. 2. Lord Jesus, Ac. 7. 59. A Light come into the World, Jno. 12. 46. Christ Jesus, 1 Ti. 1. 15. The Light of the World, Jno. 8. 12. Christ, Mat. 23. 8. The Light of Men, Jno. 1. 4. Messiah, which is called Christ, Jno. 4. 25. A Light to lighten the Gentiles, Lu. 2. 32. Anointed, Ps. 2. 2; Ac. 4. 26. A Light of the Gentiles, Is. 42. 6. • Christ, the Lord, Lu. 2. 11. A Star, Nu, 24. 17. The Lord Christ, Col. 3. 24. The Morning Star, Re. 2. 28. The Christ of God, Lu. 9. 20. The Bright and Morning Star, Re. 22. 16. The Lord's Christ, The Christ, the Son of the Blessed, The Day Star, 2 Pe. 1. 19. The Christ, the Saviour of the World, The Day-spring from on High, Lu. 1. 78. Jno. 4. 42. The Sun of Righteousness, Mal. 4. 2. NAMES AND TITLES OF THE SON OF GOD. XIII-THE NAME OF THE LORD IS A STRONG || XVII.-A GIFT IS AS A PRECIOUS STONE IN TOWER. Pr. 18. 10. distress, The Strength of the Children of Israel, The Hope of His People, A Horn of Salvation, Joel 3. 12-16. Is. 25. 4. Is. 25. 4. XIV. THEY DRANK OF THAT SPIRITUAL ROCK THE EYES OF HIM THAT HATH IT; WHITHER- The Gift of God, Jno. 3. 16; Jno. 4. 10. His Unspeakable Gift, Mine Elect, in whom my soul delighteth, Is. 42. 1. 2 Co. 9. 15. pleased, Mat. 12. 18. Thy Holy Child Jesus, Ac. 4. 27. The Chosen of God, Lu. 23. 35. The Salvation of God, Lu. 2. 30. The Salvation of the daughter of Zion, Is. 62. 11. The Redeemer, . Is. 59. 20. The Shiloh, (Peace Maker) Gen. 49. 10. The Consolation of Israel, Lu. 2. 25. The Blessed, Ps. 72. 17. My Strong Rock, Ps. 31. 2. The Most Blessed for ever, Ps. 21. 6. The Rock of Ages, (marg.) Is. 26. 4. The Rock that is higher than I, Ps. 61. 2. My Rock and my Fortress, Ps. 31. 3. The Rock of my Strength, Ps. 62. 7. XVIII.-WHO WAS FAITHFUL TO HIM THAT APPOINTED HIM. He. 3. 2. • The Rock of my Refuge, A Rock of Habitation, (marg.) Ps. 71. 3. The Faithful and True, Re. 19. 11. The Rock of my Heart, (marg.) Ps. 73. 26. A Covenant of the People, Is. 42. 6. The Rock of my Salvation, 2 Sa. 22. 47. The Testator or Covenantor, Не. 9. 16, 17. My Rock and my Redeemer, (marg.) Ps. 19. 14. The Faithful Witness, Re. 1. 5. 1 Co. 10. 4. The Faithful and True Witness, Re. 3. 14. 1 Co. 10. 4. A Witness to the People, Is. 55. 4. Is. 25. 4. The Amen, Re. 3. 14. That Spiritual Rock, The Rock that followed them, A. Shadow from the Heat, XVI-IN HIS TEMPLE EVERY WHIT OF IT The Last Adam, UTTERETH HIS GLORY, (marg.)-Ps. 29. 9. The Minister of the Sanctuary and The Firstfruits of them that slept, 1 Co. 15. 20. 1 Co. 15. 45. The Resurrection, Jno. 11. 25. Re. 21. 22. A Quickening Spirit, 1 Co. 15. 45. Is. 8. 14. The Head, (even Christ) Ep. 4. 15. The Head of the Body the Church, Col. 1. 18. of the True Tabernacle, He. 8. 2. The Head over all things to the Church, Ep. 1. 22. Minister of the Circumcision, Ro. 15. 8. The Head of every Man, 1 Co. 11. 3. The Veil, (His flesh) He. 10. 20. The Altar, He. 13. 10. The Offerer, He. 7. 27. The Offering, Ер. 5. 2. The Sacrifice, Ep. 5. 2. A Ransom, (His life) Mar. 10. 45. The Head of all Principality and Power, Col. 2. 10. XXI.-GIRD THY SWORD UPON THY THIGH, The Lamb, Re. 7. 9. The Captain of the Host of the Lord, Jos. 5. 14. The Lamb Slain, . Re. 13. 8. The Captain of Salvation, He. 2. 10. Within the Veil, The Author and Finisher of Faith, He. 12. 2. The Forerunner, (for us entered, even Jesus) He. 6. 20. A. Leader, Is. 55. 4. The Mercy-seat, (or Propitiation) Ro. 3. 25. A Commander, Is. 55. 4. The Priest, Не. 5. 6. A Ruler, Mi. 5. 2. The High Priest, He. 3. 1. A Governor, . Mat. 2. 6. The Great High Priest, He. 4. 14. The Deliverer, Ro. 11. 26. The Mediator, 1 Ti. 2. 5. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Re. 5. 5. The Daysman, Job 9. 33. An Ensign of the People, Is. 11. 10. The Interpreter, Job 33. 23. The Chiefest among 10,000, (in an army), Ca. 5. 10. The Intercessor, He. 7. 25. or Standard Bearer, (marg.) The Advocate, The Surety, 1 Jno. 2. 1. A Polished Shaft, Is. 49. 2. He. 7. 22. The Shield, Ps. 84 9. |