Together with your ring; and not the wronger Of her, or you, having proceeded but By both your wills. Post. If you can make it apparent That you have tasted her in bed, my hand, lach. Sir, my circumstances, Post. Proceed. lach. First, her bed-chamber 379 (Where, I confess, I slept not; but, profess, With tapestry of silk and silver; the story 380 Proud Cleopatra, when she met her Roman, Could be so rarely and exactly wrought, Since the true life on't was Post. This is true; And this you might have heard of here, by me, Or by some other. lach. More particulars Must justify my knowledge. Or do your honour injury. lach. The chimney Is south the chamber; and the chimney-piece, Chaste Dian, bathing: never saw I figures Motion and breath left out. 400 Post. This is a thing, Which you might from relation likewise reap; lach. The roof o' the chamber With golden cherubims is fretted: Her andirons (I had forget them) were two winking Cupids Of silver, each on one foot standing, nicely Depending on their brands. Post. This is her honour! Let it be granted, you have seen all this (and praise Be given to your remembrance) the description 411 Of what is in her chamber, nothing saves The wager you have laid. lach. Then, if you can, [Pulling out the Bracelet. Be pale: I beg but leave to air this jewel: See!- To that your diamond; I'll keep them. Once more let me behold it: Is it that 420 lach. lach. Sir (I thank her) that: She stripp'd it from her arm; I see her yet; And said, she priz'd it once. Post. May be, she pluck'd it off, To send it me. lach. She writes so to you? doth she? Post. O, no, no, no! 'tis true. Here, take this too; [Gives the Ring. 430 It is a basilisk unto mine eye, Kills me to look on't;-Let there be no honour, Where there is beauty; truth, where semblance; love, Where there's another man: The vows of women Of no more bondage be, to where they are made, Than they are to their virtues; which is nothing:O, above measure false ! Phil. Have patience, sir, And take your ring again; 'tis not yet won: It may be probable, she lost it; or, Who knows if one of her women, being corrupted, Hath stolen it from her. Post. Very true; 44 And so, I hope, he came by't : -Back my ring ; Render to me some corporal sign about her, More evident than this; for this was stolen. lach. By Jupiter, I had it from her arm. Post. Hark you, he swears; by Jupiter he swears. 'Tis true; -nay, keep the ring-'tis true: I am sure, Eiij She She could not lose it: her attendants are, it! And by a stranger-No; he hath enjoy'd her: 450 Is this she hath bought the name of whore thus dearly. There, take thy hire; and all the fiends of hell Divide themselves between you! Phil. Sir, be patient : This is not strong enough to be believ'd Of one persuaded well of • Post. Never talk on't: She hath been colted by him. lach. If you seek For further satisfying, under her breast (Worthy the pressing), lies a mole, right proud Of that most delicate lodging: By my life, I kiss'd it; and it gave me present hunger Post. Ay, and it doth confirm Another stain, as big as hell can hold, Were there no more but it. lach. Will you hear more? 460 470 Post. Spare you arithmetick: never count the turns; Once, and a million ! lach. I'll be sworn Post. No swearing: If you will swear you have not done't, you'lie; A Thou hast made me cuckold. lach. I will deny nothing. Post. O, that I had her here, to tear her limb. meal! : 480 Her father: Phil. Quite besides I will go there, and do't i'the court; before I'll do something The government of patience! You have won: Let's follow him, and pervert the present wrath He hath against himself. lach. With all my heart. [Exeunt. [Exit. : SCENE V. Another Room in PHILARIO's House. Enter Post HUMUS. * Post. Is there no way for men to be, but women 1 Must be half-workers? We are all bastards; And that most venerable man, which I 490 Did call my father, was I know not where When I was stamp'd; some coiner with his tools Made me a counterfeit: Yet my mother seem'd The Dian of that time: so doth my wife The non-pareil of this.-Oh vengeance, vengeance! Me of my lawful pleasure she restrain'd, And pray'd me, oft, forbearance: did it with A pudency |