Our Modern ServicesUzima Publishing House, 2008 - 310 pages "Our Modern Services" is the Prayer Book of the Anglican Church of Kenya, published in North and South America by The Ekklesia Society |
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... congregational , non commercial use , in which case copyright ownership should be acknowledged , as a matter of etiquette . Printed by English Press P.O. Box 30127-00100 Nairobi Table of Contents Preface vii General Notes to the Prayerbook.
... congregational , non commercial use , in which case copyright ownership should be acknowledged , as a matter of etiquette . Printed by English Press P.O. Box 30127-00100 Nairobi Table of Contents Preface vii General Notes to the Prayerbook.
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Table des matières
Evening Worship | 18 |
Late Evening Prayer Compline | 28 |
Service of Baptism | 34 |
Conditional Baptism | 42 |
Confirmation and Commissioning for Service and Witness | 57 |
Admitting Christians from Other Churches | 64 |
Ordination of Deacons | 89 |
Ordination of Priests | 101 |
Blessing of Marriage | 154 |
Reaffirmation of Marriage Vows | 160 |
Burial Service | 164 |
Burial of One Who has Committed Suicide | 178 |
Admitting Lay Readers | 195 |
Thanksgiving after a Life Threatening Experience | 209 |
A Thanksgiving Service | 223 |
The Litany | 241 |
Ordination of Bishops | 115 |
Laying the Foundation Stone of a Church | 130 |
Wedding Service | 145 |
Prayers and Intercessions for Different Times and Purposes | 287 |
Acknowledgements | 305 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
alive and reigns Alleluia Amen Anglican Church Anglican Communion anoint Archbishop baptism believe and trust beseech Bishop bless Blessed Virgin Mary bread candidates Christ our Lord Christian Church of Kenya Collect Almighty comfort Conditional Baptism congregation death diocese eternal everlasting faith Father fellowship gift give us grace give you thanks glorified glory God the Father God's godparents Gospel Grant hallowed healing Hear hearts Holy Communion Holy Spirit honour Hymn Jesus Christ kingdom kneel Leader People Leader liturgical live Lord have mercy Lord Jesus Christ Lord's Luke marriage Matthew mercy and give Minister People Minister ministry Nicene Creed Offertory ordained ORDER OF SERVICE peace penitent Pentecost Green Pontius Pilate Post Communion praise prayerbook Priest Psalm repent resurrection sacrament salvation sang Saviour says Scriptures servants service of Holy SONG stand Sunday after Pentecost Sunday of Pentecost thank you Lord thanksgiving truth ululation unity vows word worship