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to go up to Jerufalem." This idolatry greatly refembled that of the golden calf; and the monarch's speech feems to have been copied from Aaron's on that occafion. Corruption had made alarming progrefs under the aufpices of the kings of Ifrael, which loudly called for an explicit teltimony against it, as well as the prefent application of a proper remedy.

4. THE Lord, in fovereign grace, had referved a remnant for himself, notwithstanding thefe fhaking providences, and heinous provocations. The facred hiftorian remarks various things which obtained, in favour of religion, under the reign of Afa. He took away the altars, brake down the high places and images, and cut down the groves. The Lord had also given feveral victories to the children of Judah; and fent various encouraging meffages by his prophets unto them: "And when Afa heard thefe words, he took courage, and put away the abominable idols out of the land of Benjamin, and of the cities which he had taken from mount Ephraim; and renewed the altar of the Lord that was before the porch of the Lord." Now, as this reformation was genuine in its principle,-large in its extent, it was proper to make it a covenanted-reformation, that it might be lafting in its duration.

SIXTHLY, The SOLEMNITIES by which this Covenant was ratific, may be confidered in the next place.


1. IT

1. It was confirmed by OATH *. The form of the oath is not regiftered in the infpired volume; nor can the particular mode of fwearing be learned from it: but as to the certainty of the fact we have no reason to hesitate.

2. Ir was probably ratified by facrifice and writing. The facred hiftorian affures, that they offered facrifices at the fame time. Now, although fome of them might be offered before the folemn action, as a preparative for it; yet, it is probable, there were others offered befides them. It is alfo reafonable to conclude, that as they covenanted under the influence of the Holy Ghoft, he would induce them to ufe every folemnity which had been left on record for their imitation.

I SHALL now clofe this differtation with an INFERENCE or two for improvement of what has been faid.

1. WE may fee the imperfection of grace, even in the wifeft and beit of God's children, in this world. Solonion, the wifeft of men, yielded to a trifling temptation; fo as to deface that fyftem which had arrived at its meridian fplendor under his aufpices. Excellence of gifts, abundance of manifestation, are no barrier against a partial apoftacy: Solomon had

2 Chron. XV, 14.


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both; we read of his fall, but not of his repentance. Good king Afa, in the fifteenth year of his reign, was alfo a distinguished covenanter; in the last years of his reign, when he was cenfured by Hanani the Seer, "he was wroth with the Seer, and put him in the prifon-houfe.” This rebellion against juft cenfure, contumacy against the authority of the Seer, and putting him in prifon, did not deftroy the work of God in his foul, nor difannul his title to the heavenly inheritance: For the Spirit of God witneffeth, notwithstanding these things, "his heart was perfect with the Lord all his days."

2. COVENANTING ought to be effayed and practifed by the fmaller number of profeffors of religion, even when the greater part continue in apoftacy, and refufe to be reclaimed. The ten tribes were the greater, and apoftatizing church: The two tribes the leffer, and reforming one. Notwithstanding the majority was on the fide of defection; yet the minor part did not lofe their right unto their covenanted God, neither were their obligations to him diffolved. It has been faid by fome, Covenanting is inexpedient in the prefent time, as the greater part of Chriftians are otherways minded. But, if the objection be valid now, why was it not fo then? They might have faid, when the fpirit of God excited them to this duty, "The majority of profeffors are against it, pray, therefore, have us excufed." Might


not the prophet eafily rejoin, "The authority of God, interpofed in his precept, is fufficient warrant for prefent duty, though all the world be against it." Should any still infist, that “If the majority avow their religion with the folemnity of an oath, and the minority theirs, then the land will be profaned with contradictory fwearing." The anfwer is easy, The profanity lies at the door of them who fwear unto a falfe religion; and the profeffors of the true religion are by no means anfwerable for the oppofers of it. Moreover, few who have imbibed falfe principles, and followed corrupt practices, ever durft avow them with the folemnity of an oath. Sin and error delight to

walk in the fhade.






2 KINGS Xi. 17. 2 CHRON. xxiii 16.

S this tranfaction took place at a very remarkable revolution of the State, it may not be improper to attend,I. Unto the Character and Circumftances of the Covenanters. -II. The Minifter who bore a principal share in that revolution, and who difpenfed this Covenant.-I. Confider the Subftance of the Covenant. IV. The Occafions of it.-And then conclude with fome Reflections on the whole.

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FIRST, I must attend unto the CHARACTER and CIRCUMSTANCES of the Covenanters. The sketch which is drawn of them by the infpired hiftorian is fhorter than ufual: Our furvey must be contracted in proportion.

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