| George Hickes - 1707 - 644 pages
...the going down of the lame, my Name lhall be great among theGentiles, and \nevcryplace Incenfe (hall be offered unto my Name, and a pure Offering, for my Name fliall be great among the Heathen, faith rhe Lord, but you have profdned it. Bat of the Sacrifice of... | |
 | Robert Jenkin - 1708 - 604 pages
...going dorfn of the fame, my Name (hall be great among the Gentiles : and in every flace Incenfe Jhall be offered unto my Name , and a pure offering : for my Name fljall be great among the Heathen-, faith the Lord of Hofts, Malach. i. 11. 1 Grot, ad loc, and {landing... | |
 | Francis Atterbury - 1708 - 582 pages
...going down of t/wfame, my Name {hall be great among the Gey tiles \ And in every p/ace Incenje (hall be offered unto my Name, And a, pure Offering : for my Name (ball be great among the Heathen, j'aith the ., • Lord ofHofts. I 4 . The ' The J<wi/bt then, and... | |
 | John Pearson (bp. of Chester.) - 1715 - 426 pages
...down of Mai. MI the fame, my name Jball be great among the Gentiles, and in everyplace incenfe Jball be offered unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name Jball be greaf among the heathen, faith the Lordofhofts. Now being the bounds ofjudsa were fettled,... | |
 | William Nicholls - 1723 - 554 pages
...the going down thereof, my Name Jhall be great among the Gentiles, and in every pLwc Incenfe Jliall be offered unto my Name, and a pure Offering, for my Name fljali be great among the Heathen, faith the Lard of Hofts. By which "yVords it is plain, that at that... | |
 | Henry Wharton - 1728 - 546 pages
...going down of the fame, my name jhall be great among the Gentiles^ and in every place inc en fe jhall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering ; for my name jhall be great among the Heathen, faith the Lord of hofts. Which Prophecies did clearly inftrudl the... | |
 | Samuel Clarke - 1730 - 438 pages
...going down of the fame, my Name Jhall be great among the Gentiles; and in every place, Incenfe Jhall be offered unto my Name, and a pure Offering; for my Name Jhall be Great among the Heathen, faith the Lord of Hofts. N difcourfing upon thefe SER M. words of... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...GOING ooww of ihe fame, my NAME (hall be great among the Gentiles; and in every P)acc Inccnfe (hall be offered unto my Name, and a pure Offering : for my Name flul! be great among the Heathen, faith the Loril of Holts. 12. But yc have profaned it, in that ye... | |
 | John Jortin - 1752 - 320 pages
...going down of the fame my name Jhall be great among the Gentiles, and in every place incenfe Jhall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering ; for my name foall be great among the Heathen, faith the Lord of hojts. — Ifaw, lays Daniel, and behold one like... | |
 | Richard Clarke - 1759 - 60 pages
...going down of the fame, my Name " fhall be great among the Gentiles, and in every Place Incenfe " fhall be offered unto my. NAME, and a pure Offering; for my " NAME fhall be great among the Heathen, faith the Lord of " Hofts." At this Time will the firft Refurre&ion... | |
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