Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioral ResearchAbbas Tashakkori, Charles Teddlie SAGE, 2003 - 768 pages The Handbook contains a gold mine of articles by leading scholars on what has come to be known as the third methodological movement in social research. Aimed at surveying the differing viewpoints and disciplinary approaches of mixed methods, this breakthrough book examines mixed methods from the research enterprise to paradigmatic issues to application. The book also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of mixed methods designs, and provides an array of specific examples in a variety of disciplines, from psychology to nursing. The book closes with a brief section on how to teach and perform collaborative research using a mixed methods research design. Written so that it can be used either as a pedagogical tool or as a reference for researchers, the book is rich in examples and includes a glossary, easy-to-follow diagrams, and tables to help readers become more familiar with the language and controversies in this evolving area. |
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Table des matières
Use of Mixed Methods in the Social | 3 |
Pragmatic Threads in Mixed Methods Research | 51 |
Making Paradigmatic Sense | 91 |
Cultural Distance Levels of Abstraction | 111 |
Mixed Methods and the Politics of Human | 135 |
SECTION | 165 |
Principles of Mixed Methods | 189 |
Advanced Mixed Methods Research Designs | 209 |
Impact of Mixed Methods and Design | 423 |
Research Methods in Management | 513 |
Status of Mixed Methods in the Health Sciences | 527 |
Status of Mixed Methods Research in Nursing | 541 |
Mixed Methods in Psychological Research | 557 |
Multimethod Research in Sociology | 577 |
An Alternative Approach | 241 |
Mixed Methods Sampling Strategies | 273 |
Data Collection Strategies | 297 |
Tables or Tableaux? The Challenges of Writing | 321 |
A Framework for Analyzing Data | 351 |
Computerized Data Analysis | 385 |
Collaborative Mixed Methods Research | 639 |
Glossary | 703 |
Name Index | 719 |
737 | |
About the Contributors | 759 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
approaches behavior Caracelli Chapter coding collaborative complex components concepts conducted context Creswell cultural data analysis data collection Dewey discussion effect effect sizes empirical ence evaluation example findings focus groups framework grounded theory handbook hypotheses inductive inference inquiry integration internal validity interpretation interviews issues Journal knowledge logical ment mixed meth mixed methodology mixed methods design mixed methods research mixed methods studies mixed model design multimethod multiple nursing research observation paradigm participants Peirce perspective phase philosophy postpositivism postpositivist practice pragmatism proaches problem psychology purpose qualitative and quantitative qualitative data qualitative research QUAN quantitative and qualitative quantitative methods research design research methods research questions Sage sampling searchers sequential social science statistical strategies supervenience survey Tashakkori & Teddlie Tashakkori and Teddlie tative teachers techniques theoretical Thousand Oaks tion tive triangulation types typology understanding University validity variables