The CHEAPEST Books in Science, Philosophy, and Psychology Now Publishing in America, High Grade Paper. Large Print. Thread-sewed. These books are not reprints of obsolete works, but REPRODUCTIONS OF STANDARD TREATISES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS; Scientific and Philosophical Classics, etc. Postage extra-15c. books, 4c.; 25c. books, 6c.; 50c. books, 10c. No. 1 The Religion of Science. By Paul Carus. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 2 Three Introductory Lectures on the Science of Thought, By F. Max Mueller. 25c. 1s. 6d. 3 Three Lectures on the Science of Language. By F. Max Mueller. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 4 The Diseases of Personality. By Th. Ribot. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 5 The Psychology of Attention. By Th. Ribot. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 6 The Psychic Life of Micro-Organisms. By Alfred Binet. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 7 The Nature of the State. By Paul Carus. 15 cents. 9d. 8 On Double Consciousness. By Alfred Binet. 15 cents. 9d. 9 Fundamental Problems. By Paul Carus. Pages, 373. 50 cents. 2s. 6d. 10 The Diseases of the Will. 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By Rene Descartes. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 39 The Dawn of a New Religious Era. By Paul Carus. 15 cents 9d. 40 Kant and Spencer. By Paul Carus. 20 cents. 1s. 41 The Soul of Man. By Paul Carus. 75 cents. 3s. 6d. 42 World's Congress Addresses. By C. C. Bonney. 15 cents. 9d. 43 The Gospel According to Darwin. By Woods Hutchinson. 50 cents. 2s. 6d. 44 Whence and Whither. By Paul Carus. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 45 Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding. By David Hume. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 46 Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals. By David Hume. 25 cents. 1s. 6d. 47 The Psychology of Reasoning. By Alfred Binet. 25 cents. 1s. 6d, 48 Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge, 25 cents. 1s. 6d. By George Berkeley. 49 Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous. By George Berkeley. 25 cents, 1s 6d. 50 Public Worship: A Study in the Psychology of Religion, By John P. 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The Open Court Publishing Company, 1322 Wabash Avenue, Chicago HROUGH a combination with other periodicals, THE we are enabled to make the following special offers for the year 1906: Offer 1-The Open Court and The Cosmopolitan for $1.50. Offer 2-The Open Court $1.00, The Cosmopolitan $1.00, The Review of Reviews $3.00; five dollars ($5.00) worth for only $2.50. Offer 3-The Open Court $1.00, The Cosmopolitan $1.00, Review of Reviews $3.00, Woman's Home Companion $1.00; six dollars ($6.00) worth for only $3.00. All Open Court subscriptions will be dated to January, 1907, and will be entered upon our mailing list immediately upon receipt. Intervening numbers from now until January 1st, 1906, will be sent complimentary. Fill out coupon and mail it with your remittance. The Open Court Publishing Co. 1322 Wabash Avenue, Chicago Cut this coupon off and send it to-day. Date. The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago, IN. I accept your offer No.. for one year, all for amount, The Open Court subscription to begin with the current issue and to close with December, 1906, issue. All other subscriptions to run one year. Now first compared from the originals. Being Gospel parallels from Pali texts. Reprinted, with additions by Albert J. Edmunds. Third and complete edition. Edited, with parallels and notes from the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka, by M. Anesaki, Professor of Religious Science, Imperial University of Japan. Pages, 230, xviii. Price, $1.50. This book is the first attempt to compare the two religions from the actual texts. The first attempt at comparison, at least in English, was a Christian polemic by a learned Wesleyan missionary in Ceylon, Robert Spence Hardy (1874). He quotes but little from the texts, to which he had access, however, through an ex-monk, his aim being to condemn Buddhism. Subsequent attempts at comparison have been made in England and Germany, notably by Rudolf Seydel (1882 and 1884). But none of these authors knew Pali, and had, therefore, at their command only the small fraction of the Buddhist scriptures which had been translated. Even today, though more has been done, in English, French and German, the two great collections of Buddha's Dialogues, known as the classified and the numerical, can be read only in Pali, Chinese and Thibetan. The most remarkable feature of Edmunds' work is the fact that all his translations from the Pali have been compared by his Japanese editor, with Chinese versions of the early Christian centuries. As Anesaki says in his preface, this brings together two literatures which have been kept apart for a thousand years, one in the south of Asia and the other in the north. The work aims at scientific impartiality in comparing the two faiths. While the author thinks it probable that one Evangelist-Luke-made use of Buddhist legends in his own poetical introduction, yet he fully admits the independence and originality of the Christian Gospels in the main. The work abounds in misprints, because the publishers could not keep the type standing seven weeks, while the mails came and went between Tokyo and Philadelphia. But a list of errata may be had on application. The book contains eighty-eight parallels from the canonical Scriptures and an appendix of uncanonical parallels, such as the Wandering Jew. Four parallels are verbal agreements, the majority being in ideas alone. Printed in large octavo, clear type, good paper; bound in limp board, with paper wrapper, printed in two colors. The Open Court Pub. Co., 1322 Wabash Ave., Chicago and Subscription The Open Court (Monthly) Price, $1.00 By an arrangement with the publishers of THE LITERARY DIGEST we are enabled to make a most attractive offer of the two magazines at the price of one. THE OPEN COURT covers a field distinctly its own, and THE LITERARY DIGEST is one of the best in its class. season. This offer is good until January 15, 1906, only. Order now before the rush Offer No. 1 Offer No. 2 SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFERS THE LITERARY DIGEST, new subscriptions only, ($3.00), and THE OPEN COURT $3.00 THE LITERARY DIGEST, renewals (83.00), $3.75 WHAT THE WORLD THINKS on all live questions of the day, Political, Scientific, Industrial, The Open Court AN ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE Devoted to the Science of Religion, The Religion of Science and the Extension of The Religious Parliament Idea. The Open Court on the one hand is devoted to the Science of Religion; it investigates the religious problems in the domain of philosophy, psychology. and history; and on the other hand advocates the Religion of Science. It believes that Science can work out a reform within the Churches that will preserve of religion all that is true, and good, and wholesome. Descartes' Philosophy By Benedictus De Spinoza The Philosopher's earliest work. Translated from the Fages lxxxi+177. Price, cloth 75 cents, mailed 85 cents; paper covered, sewed, 35 cents, mailed 42 cents This work of Spinoza, here translated for the first time into English, is this philosopher's earliest work, and, strange to say, the only one to which he ever subscribed his name. As the title indicates, it is a presentation of Descartes' "Principles of Philosophy," but ample material is also given to reveal the character of Spinoza's early thinking. Little has been done to study Spinoza's system historically, so this book evidently has a place in the literature on this subject. In his Introduction the author has sought to point out the causes that turned Spinoza's thought, even at this early period, irrevocably to Pantheism. The two points upon which he centers most of his attention are the geometrical method, employed by Spinoza only here and in the "Ethics," and the concept of God. These are both shown to be the acme of logical procedure from the standpoint of deduction. Spinoza, better than any of his predecessors, carried this method of thought through to its logical conclusion, with the results found in the "Ethics.' This work, therefore, by directing attention to Spinoza's early thought and to the forces that were, even then, carrying him on to his pantheistic conception of God, cannot but add new light to the "Ethics," and help the student to a fuller appreciation of Spinoza's mature philosophy. The Open Court Publishing Company 1822 Wabash Avenue, Chicago |