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reached and Hana is at liberty to marry her American lover. Critics ought to be lenient in consideration of the fact that novel writing is a new departure in the flowery kingdom, and while the story would not have any especial attraction for us, we must confess that the make-up of the book is certainly dainty. The outer cover which is quite separate from the bound volume, is ornamented with Japanese landscapes of the snow-capped Fuji range, while the inside is neatly done up in Japanese fashion, with an iris design. The colored illustrations are fine, especially the double-folded frontispiece, and the picture of an ornamental lantern surrounded by pigeons, which faces page 288. The black and white drawings are of poorer composition. Our American countryman looks very silly, and the Russian appears quite rough enough for the conventional villain. The tail pieces showing Japanese flowers and kindred subjects are very dainty and artistic. The book, which is expensively gotten up, sells for six dollars and a half.

THE HUNDRED LOVE SONGS OF KAMAL AD-DIN OF ISFAHAN. Translated from the Persian by Louis H. Gray and done into English verse by Ethel Watts Mumford. New York: Scribner. 1904. Pp. 68.

This dainty volume in cream color and gold contains a collection of one hundred rubaiyat which tell of a lover's longing and despair with intermittent efforts at a philosophical indifference; and an additional rubai made conspicuous by a title of its own, "Love's Fulfillment," which contributes somewhat to relieve the reader's feelings by the inference that the singer's persistent passion did not remain permanently unrewarded. The stanzas have been chosen with a strong semblance of logical sequence from a hundred and seventy-two totally disconnected quatrains. The verses contain warmth of color and feeling expressed in the glowing imaginative figures which are typical of Oriental language and modes of thought.

An introduction of some twenty pages written be the translator gives an account of the worthy Ad-Din's birth and life; misanthropy and consequent withdrawal from his fellows; and, finally, his martyrdom after it was discovered that he was concealing his own and his neighbors' property from a victorious enemy. Something also of his heart's history is here discussed, as it is gleaned from the internal evidence of the present volume, and from the same source inferences are drawn as to the character of the beloved, and the lover's choice is defended.

An appendix furnishes careful bibliographical data in regard to the works of the author and various accounts of his life, closing with an explanation of the division of work between Mrs. Mumford who selected and versified the quatrains, and Dr. Gray, whose complete prose translation formed the basis for the poetical version. Both of these collaborators are members of the American Oriental Society.

SUPERNATURAL RELIGION. An Inquiry into the Reality of Divine Revelation.

Sixth edition. New York: The Truth Seeker Company.

This voluminous book consisting of 1115 pages is a compendium of the Freethinkers. An author is not mentioned, but an idea of the popularity of the book can be gathered from the fact that it is the sixth edition and is a reprint of a successful English Freethought publication. The contents are

divided into six parts with an introduction. The introduction insists on the duty of inquiry and criticises the attitude of orthodox Christians. The first part is an elaborate discussion of miracles. The second part is historical, being devoted to an examination of the Synoptic Gospels and a discussion of all the testimony contained in the several Church Fathers. The third part discusses the problem of the fourth gospel, its authorship and character. The fourth part treats the historical value of the Acts and the mission of John the Apostle. The fifth part treats of the epistles and the Apocalypse, especially Paul's evidence and statements as to miracles. The three chapters of part six are concentrated on the most significant of all Christian problems, the resurrection and ascension of Christ, presenting first, the relation of the evidence to the subject, second the evidence of the gospel and third the evidence of Paul.

THE DOOM OF DOGMA AND THE DAWN OF TRUTH. By Henry Frank. G. P. Putnam's Sons. New York and London. 1901. Pp. xxi, 399.

Mr. Henry Frank of New York, the lecturer of a congregation in line with the New Thought movement, expresses in this book his religious views. He says: "We have passed the age of ignorance and entered a period of a reconstruction. The theology of mediævalism is dead beyond recovery." Accordingly he proposes to do without the "fragile fables and 'old women's tales' of antiquity," and substitute for them, "a new interpretation for vagaries and ignorant assumptions." He concludes the preface with the sentence: "If the Ideal Theology portrayed herein shall prove to be a purified Anthropology, substituting Exalted Man for Demonized Deity, the author will not have occasion to exclaim Peccavi."

The contents of the book are devoted to a new interpretation of atonement; a new definition of inspiration; a rehabilitation of belief; a new conception of the trinity, the triunity of man being reflected in the trinity of God; the myth of hell; the myth of human deification; the defeat of death or the strange story of the resurrection. The second part of the book is devoted to the creeds of Christianity, much space being devoted to Calvin and Calvinism, especially chapter 14, the Defamation of Deity, or the Scandal of Theology. The third and last part, entitled "The Dawn of Truth," discusses such topics as the conflict between religion and theology, the twilight of the past, and finally, the marriage of reason and religion.


We have been so fortunate as to procure an article on Russia, written by a Frenchman who went to the land of the Czar to study the conditions of the revolution on the spot, and make observations with his own eyes. M Joseph Reinach, a well-known litterateur, a prominent politician of good name, and highly esteemed in his country by men of all parties, is a sympathizer with the Russian people, and a competent judge of the present intricate situation. The crisis is not yet over, and all civilized mankind watches with eagerness the result of this great fermentation. The old order will soon be a matter of the past. It was filled with romance, the glory of sanguinary wars, patriarchal paternalism and and also cruel tyranny. The new order is likely to

be an imitation of other European constitutions, those of Germany, England, or perhaps France.

Our frontispiece represents that grand complex of buildings which is the most representative monument of Czardom, the Kremlin, the imperial cidadel of Moscow; and we add here the Russian national hymn, the text of which may perhaps be altered in future days and be adapted to the new order of things.

The tune of the Russian hymn is most beautiful, but the rhythm of the words is not easily understood by those who are not accustomed to Russian notions of euphony. We here reproduce the music together with the text in the original and an English translation in the same measure as the Russian.

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God save our no - ble Czar! Puissant and mighty, Reign thou for
Bo jé tsa ra khra-ni; Silni der-jav-ni, Tstarstvouy na


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O'er awe the en emy,
Tsarstvouy na strakh vragam,



jé tsa

our no ble Czar! ra khra-ni.


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The January number of The Monist promises to be of more than usual interest. Professor Lindemann, of the University of Munich, contributes an article, "On the Form and Spectrum of Atoms," which demonstrates the possibility of distinguishing the forms of different elemental atoms from the lines of their respective spectrums, and thus mechanically accounting for their different chemical combinations. This article is ably supplemented by "Manifestations of Ether," by Mr. W. S. Andrews, while both of these presentations tend to strongly confirm the electronic theory.

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subject to some slight changes depending
on the space available

On the Form and Spectrum of Atoms

Manifestations of Ether



Heredity and the Origin of Species (Illustrated)


[blocks in formation]

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