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warrior preserved his honor and the reputation of the ladies, by keeping guard in an antechamber the livelong night with a lighted

lantern; and in allusion to the untarnished name of the hero, the Chinese say to this day "Kwan Yün's lighted candle lasts until

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morning." As soon as Ts'ao Ts'ao believed himself strong enough, he rebelled openly against the emperor. He took Kwan Yü pris




A temple of Kwan Ti exists in every village, and people consult it in many affairs of their lives. We find in Kwan Ti temples a method of divination which is highly esteemed by the illiterate

classes. A great number of oracles are written on wooden slips which are attached to the divining board and marked with a special symbol for each. The same symbols are written on sticks and locked






up in a box with a hole in one corner. The box is shaken until one stick comes out, and the oracle thus determined by the symbol of the stick is read off from the divining board. Underneath the pic

ture of Kwan Ti and his attendants we have a representation of the divination board containing sticks of wood upon which oracles are written. To the right of it is the divination box and one of the

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Other divinities that are met with in every village of China

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