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Heredity and the Origin of Species (Illustrated)

Mathematical Emancipations
A Scientific Sketch of Untruth
Fechner's View of Life after Death
Criticisms and Discussions:





Mr. Peterson's proposed Discussions on Philo

sophical Nomenclature

Reflections on Magic Squares

Haeckel's Theses for a Monistic Alliance

Book Reviews and Notes

Single numbers of The Monist will henceforth be supplied at 60 cents each; the yearly subscription price will remain at $2.00.


The Open Court Publishing Company

1322 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, U. S. A.

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Scenes from the Life of Buddha

Reproduced in colors from the paintings of KEICHYU YAMADA, Professor in the Imperial Art Institute, Tokyo. With a handsome cover-stamp especially designed for the volume by FREDERICK W. GOOKIN, in imitation of a Buddha-painting of the Fifteenth Century. Only a limited number left. Price, $5.00.

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Scenes from the Life of Buddha

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Hymns of the Faith (Dhammapada),

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The Dharma,

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Acvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening

of Faith in the Mahayana

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This is one of the lost sources of Buddhism. It has never been found in its original Sanskrit, but has been known to exist in two Chinese translations, the contents of which have never till now been accessible to the Western world.

Zarathushtra and the Greeks,

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Zarathushtrian Gathas,

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This book is a careful and reverential study of human life and philosophy, as viewed from a monistic standpoint. A strictly logical and scientific exposition, indicating a midway course between irrational fanaticism and unphilosophical materialism.

Pages,xii, 440. Cloth, gilt top, $3.50 net.


My dear Mr. Ashcroft:

JENA, II, 1, 1906.

Accept my sincerest thanks for sending your splendid work, The World's Desires; for your excellent exposition of our "Monism,” and mainly for the great honor of my personal dedication! I hope your book will very much contribute to the understanding and distribution of the true monistic philosophy and the realistic religion connected with it. I wish sincerely that it may soon reach a very wide circle of intelligent readers.



I have been ill several months and must resign for a long time every work. Therefore I must beg your pardon that I cannot write more to-day.



Yours sincerely,


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Professor Haeckel and his school, could not easily find a better guide than Mr. Ash-


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Professor of Mathematics in Teachers College
Columbia University, N. Y. City

N response to a wide-spread demand from those interested in mathematics and the history of education, Professor Smith has edited a series of portraits of some of the most eminent of the world's contributors to the mathematical sciences.

Accompanying each portrait is a brief biographical sketch, with occasional notes of interest concerning the artists represented.

The pictures are of a size that allows for framing, it being the hope that a new interest in mathematics may be aroused through the decoration of class-rooms by the portraits of those who helped to create the science.

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The first installment consists of twelve great mathematicians down to 1700 A. D. and includes Thales, Pythagoras, Euclid, Archimedes, Leonardo of Pisa, Cardan, Vieta, Fermat, Descartes, Leibnitz, Newton, Napier.

Twelve Portraits on Imperial Japanese Vellum, 11x14, 85.00
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"The selection is well made, the reproduction is handsomely executed, and the brief account which accompanies each portrait is of interest. Prof. Smith has rendered a valuable service to all who have interest in mathematics, by editing this collection. Wherever mathematics is taught, these portraits should adorn the walls."-WILLIAM F. OSGOOD, Cambridge, Mass.

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