LIFE OF REV. HOSEA BALLOU; WITH ACCOUNTS OF HIS WRITINGS, AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF HIS SENIORS AND CONTEMPORARIES Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1854, by THOMAS WHITTE MORE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. Stereotyped by BOSTON. Ir may surprise the reader to perceive that the second volume of the present work, containing about as many pages as the first, does still embrace only about ten years and a half of Mr. Ballou's life, whereas the first embraced forty-six years. The explanation of the fact is this, the ten years that succeeded Mr. Ballou's removal to Boston were the most active years of all his life, in which he took upon himself a greater amount of both bodily and mental labor than he had ever performed before in the same time. He had no anticipation, when he left Salem to remove to Boston, of the full amount of labor which he should be called upon to do. He knew, indeed, that he was about to enter a new field, and he doubtless believed that his labors would be increased; but we have no reason to think he foresaw what a great weight of care and effort the removal would bring upon him. It was well he did not; for, although he would not have shrunk, it would have created unnecessary and premature excitement with him. It was not his duties as pastor that exhausted his energies. To these were added frequent journeys into the country, some of them being extended to places quite distant. He was incessantly engaged in controversy. No man could attack what Mr. Ballou honestly believed to be the truth, in his presence, or in any place where he had the opportunity of replying, without being met with promptness and force, but always with a Christian spirit. He believed he was set for "the defence of the gospel ; " he believed . the gospel was capable of defence, or God would never have appointed a class of men to defend it; and he was ready and willing to defend it, not merely against "flesh and blood," but against "principalities and powers," and the "rulers of the darkness of this world," and "spiritual wickedness in high places." Not only by his pen did he do this, but also by the living voice, when occasion made it necessary. He never shrunk from any man's presence, through an unwillingness to defend the truth. It was his habit of constant reflection the incessant pondering which he kept up that supplied him with subject after subject which the various occasions of his duty required. No man, we think, ever preached a greater number of sermons at dedications, ordinations, installations, conventions and associations, than he. And yet, those even who heard him the most often, heard him with continual interest. No man could tire of his preaching. There was such a vein of sound sense in it, such interesting similitudes, such important exhibitions of divine truth, such lucid interpretations of Scripture, such turning of error upside down, that all would and must be interested. In bringing this volume to a close, I cannot fail to confess my utter dependence on that divine goodness which has thus far sustained me. The present volume has been wholly prepared since the publication of its predecessor, and in the midst of other and , very important duties. It will be seen that the work is not finished. The biography of Hosea Ballou, with sufficient accounts of his travels and labors, cannot be compressed into a small compass; and the writer has been solicited on all hands not to omit anything essential to the work, for the sake of reducing the number of volumes. To God, the preserver of life and the giver of every blessing, may all praise and glory be ascribed! MAY 1, 1854. CONTENTS MR. BALLOU'S FIRST LABORS IN BOSTON; CONTROVERSIES THAT ENSUED ; INFLUENCE OF HIS LABORS IN THE COUNTRY. The new society in Boston, 9; Mr. Ballou at this time, 11; his first labors in Bos- ton, 14; first sermon published in Boston, 15; Strictures by Rev. T. Merritt, 21; Mr. B.'s Brief Reply, 21; Mr. Merritt's Vindication, 22; Reply to the Vindication, 23; controversy with Rev. E. Turner, 27; Mr. T. reluctant to lead, 31; scriptural proof of future punishment, 34; last views concerning the "spirits in prison," 36; effect of the controversy, 46; review of Dr. Emmons' sermon, 49; series of lecture- sermons, 52; effect of the lectures, 54; journeys into the country, 59; events in MR. BALLOU AS AN EDITOR; HIS COURSE CONCERNING THE DOC- TRINE OF FUTURE PUNISHMENT; HIS WISHES IN REGARD TO THE NEW SECT OF UNITARIANS; HIS BELIEF IN DIVINE REVELA- The Universalist Magazine, 67; subject of future punishment, 71; first signs of Unitarian policy, 73; brief and pithy replies, 75; conventions of 1818, 1819 and 1820, 82; how Mr. B. was regarded by Unitarians, 87; love of religious liberty, 96; pub- lished sermons, 99; travels and preaching abroad, 100; letter from Mr. Le Baron, 103; events at Wrentham, Mass., 106; installation at Salem, Mass., 111; defence of revelation, 112; correspondence concerning it published, 126; a new acquaintance formed, 128; dedication of churches, 133; events at Canton, Mass., 138; Mr. B.'s habits of charity, 141; Universalism springs up in Ohio, 142; Universalism in Rhode |