Movement and Change

Nelson Thornes, 1997 - 216 pages
Encourages a reflective and investigative approach to religious education. By building on their everyday experiences, the students are encouraged to emphasize with the worlds major faiths. Carefully controlled language and highly illstrated pages make this easy to follow for students of all abilities. Suitable for specialist and non-specialist teachers. Reviewer' Comments " The layout of the text appeals to the student's eye: it is colourful and has interesting extracts which students can relate to. It is multicultural andgives an excellent balance of the six world religions." Head of RE.

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Expressions et termes fréquents

À propos de l'auteur (1997)

Born in Red Oak, Iowa, educated at Coe College; the University of Iowa, Iowa City; and Georgetown University, John Logan found inspiration for his early poetical works in his conversion to Catholicism. Influenced primarily by Rainer Maria Rilke, his poetry has moved from a religious formalistic style to a freedom of line and voice. Editor of Choice, a major magazine of poetry and photography, Logan has received the Indiana School Letters Fellowship (1965, 1969); the Miles Modern Poetry Award (1967); and a Rockefeller grant (1968).

Informations bibliographiques