APPENDIX. WE give below a commercial view of the Heart of the Pacific, as contained in authentic statistics of Exports and Imports at the Sandwich Islands, for the year 1850, a tabular view of their educational and religious progress; also a documentary history of the late controversy with the French at the Hawaiian Islands; and a paper from the London "Athenæum," on the comparative history and fortunes of the conquering race, that is so rapidly colonizing and becoming dominant upon the coasts and throughout the Isles of the Pacific, no less than of the Atlantic. IMPORTS for the year 1850, from the following countries: Columbia River, Sitka, Bremen, Kamtschatka, Callao, Bonin Isles 283,037.49 63.987.69 114.782.11 109,124.19 58,097.84 33,187.84 19,288.29 15,942.59 7,633.48 STATEMENT OP IMPORTS, DUTIES, AND EXPORTS CLAIMING DRAWBACK, AT THE PORT OF HONOLULU, FOR THE YEAR 1850. DOMESTIC EXPORTS from Honolulu and Lahaina for the year 1850. Cattle 50, horses 2, mule 1, sheep 10, goats 10, swine 179, fowls 49 doz., turkeys 19 doz., eggs 2,010 doz., brooms 410 doz., pumpkins 4,678, melons 950, cocoa-nuts 2,100, cocoa-nut door-mats 119, wood 4 cords, mat-bags 500, oranges 22,000, charcoal 69 bags. Limes, lime-juice, peppers, Bananas, poi, butter, rope, furni Sheep and goats 182, swine 444, fowls 864 doz., eggs 504 doz., pumpkins 62,016, cocoa-nuts 22,450, oranges 117,500, melons 4,610, pineapples 14,300, cabbages 1,600, sweetmeats 212 galls., lime-juice 304 galls., beans 64 bbls., corn 5 bbls., butter 157 lbs., vinegar 168 galls., wood 61 cords, lumber 21,072 feet. 20,000.00 68,400.00 Value of domestic produce exported and furnished 6,500.00 24,640.00 10,160.00 Domestic supplies furnished to 112 whale-ships at .8536,522.63 MEMORANDUM of Spirituous Liquors which paid five dollars per gallon duty at the Custom-house in Honolulu, for consumption in the kingdom, during the years 1847, 1848, 1849, and 1850; and also the amount of each kind consumed during the year 1850. |