The Scientific and Literary Treasury

Longmans, Green, 1866 - 820 pages

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Page 402 - Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely. A government can interfere in discussion only by making it less free than it would otherwise be. Men are most likely to form just opinions when they have no other wish than to know the truth, and are exempt from all influence, either of hope or fear. Government, as government, can bring nothing but the influence of hopes and fears to support its doctrines.
Page 196 - ... next after any relation in the same degree of the whole blood, and his issue, where the common ancestor shall be a male, and next after the common ancestor where such common ancestor shall be a female...
Page 100 - Board should consist of: The Lord President of the Council. The Lord Privy Seal. The Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Secretary of State for the Home Department, and The Master of the Mint.
Page 174 - The court-leet, or view of frankpledge,(x) which is a court of record, held once in the year, and not oftener,(^) within a particular hundred, lordship, or manor, before the steward of the leet: being the king's court, granted by charter to the lords of those hundreds or manors.
Page 290 - FRETS ; certain short pieces of wire fixed on the finger-board of guitars, &.C., at right angles to the strings, and which, as the strings are brought into contact with them by the pressure of the fingers, serve to vary and determine the pitch of the tones.
Page 304 - One and four make five. Things equal to the same thing are equal to one another. The whole is greater than a part ; ' and, in brief, all axioms in arithmetic and geometry. These are, in effect, but so many expositions of our own general notions, taken in different views. Some of them are no more than definitions, or equivalent to definitions. To say,
Page 21 - Musteum, where they were transcribed by persons employed for that purpose. The copies were then delivered to the proprietors, and the originals were deposited in the library. Ptolemy Euergetes, for...
Page 21 - If these writings of the Greeks agree with the book of God, they are useless, and need not be preserved; if they disagree, they are pernicious, and ought to be destroyed.
Page 295 - When the battery is a very powerful one, and the charcoal points are brought within the 30th or 40th of an inch of each other, a bright spark is produced. By withdrawing the points from each other, a constant discharge takes place through the heated air, in a space of from one to four or more inches, according to the energy of the apparatus, producing a most brilliant arch of light, of considerable breadth, and in the form of a double cone.
Page 264 - On this relation of the jaw to the forehead is founded the facial line, discovered by Peter Camper. Suppose a straight line drawn at the base of the skull, from the great occipital cavity across the external orifice of the ear to the bottom of the nose. If we draw another straight line from the bottom of the nose, or from the roots of the upper incisors, to the forehead, then both lines will form an angle which will be more acute the less the shape of the face, in brutes, resembles that of men. In...

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