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That have been Published in Illustration of the

Topography, Antiquities, &c.

Of Norfolk.

WHAT Sir Symonds D'Ewes intended for this County res main undigested among his papers in the Harleian Library.

Norfolk was topographically surveyed, 1563, by Harvey; in 1589 by Cooke; 1613 by John Raven, Esq. of Hadleigh; and in 1664 by Sir John Byske.

Sir Henry Spelman, the greatest antiquary of his age, the ornament and glory of this country, published published a Topographical Survey of this County, which appeared among his, "Reliquiæ," Oxford, 1698. Bishop Gibson, the learned Editor of Camden's Britannia, made great use of it.

Peter Le Neve, Norroy King at Arms, amassed numerous valuable materials for the illustration of the Antiquities of this county. Mr. Martin. of Palgrave, Suffolk, marrying his widow, these materials came into his possession, and upon his decease John Worth, Esq. M. D. F.S. A. of Diss, gave 6001. for them, and immediately disposed of them to Messrs. Booth and Berry, booksellers, Norwich, who dispersed them by a market catalogue.

In 1739, the Rev. Francis Bloomfield, rector of Fersfield, published "An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk; containing a Description of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets," &c. in three volumes, folio. This is an estimable work, replete with curious and accurate information. and collected from the purest sources of intelligence. In this great work, the first of topographical consequence relative to this county, the learned author was aided by the valuable communications of that eminent antiquary, Bishop Tanner; Dr. Humphrey Prideaux, dean of Norwich, so well known for his "Connection of Sacred with Prophane History;" Dr. Harry Briggs, Rector of Holt, and Mr. B. Mackarell, author of the Antiquities of Lynn.

"A Description. "A Description of the Diocese of Norwich; or the present state of Norfolk and Suffolk; giving an account of the Situation, Extent, Trade, and Customs of the City of Norwich, in particular, and of the several Market Towns in those two counties, according to Alphabetical order: by a Gentleman of the Inner Temple, and native of the diocese of Norwich." 8vo. 1735.

The celebrated Dr. Caius, founder of Caius College, Cambridge, is supposed to have written some account of the city of Norwich.

The first printed account of Norwich is "Alexandria Nevylii Angli Norvicus." Lond. 1575, 4to. Translations of it were published under the title of "The History of the Norfolk Rebels by Alexander Nevil, a Kentish man; a history of Norwich, and a Catalogue of the Mayors, London.


"A true Description of the city of Norwich, both in its ancient and modern state, being extracted from the choicest MSS. and authentic authors." Norwich, 1706.

"The Records of Norwich, containing the Monuments in the Cathedral, the Bishops, the Plagues, Fires, Martyrs, Hospitals, &c." 1736-8. 8vo. Price Three Half-pence.

In Sir Thomas Browne's Posthumous Works is "Repertorium; or some account of the Tombs and Monuments in the cathedral church of Norwich, begun by Sir Thomas Brown; and continued from 1680 to the present time." &c.

Thornhaugh Gurden, Esq, of Letton, published, 1728, "An Essay on the Antiquity of the Castle of Norwich, its Founders and Governors from the Kings of the East Angles, down to modern Times."

"White's New List of the Mayors and Sheriffs of Norwich, from the Reign of Henry the Fourth to the present time; with a list of the High Sheriffs of the County, from the Reign of Charles the First to the present time." 1771.

F. Burgess's Observations on the origin and first use of Printing, particularly at Norwich." 1701.

In page 520 of No. 477 of the Philosophical Transactions, appears Mr. Baker's Description of Norwich Bridewell, built of flints hewn square. In No. 486, page 244, is an account of the Chalk Hills, near this city, by Mr. Anderson.


"The History of the Ancient History and Borough of Thetford. By Francis Bloomfield." 1739. 4to.

"A Description of the Town of Great Yarmouth, in the County of Norfolk; with a Survey of Yarmouth in the County of Suffolk. Printed for Sam. Speed, at the Rainbow, Fleet Street." 1668.

"An Epitome of Great Yarmouth." 1762.

"The History and Antiquities of Great Yarmouth, by Henry Swinden," 1772.

Mr. Benjamin Mackarell, an inhabitant of Norwich, published, "The History and Antiquities of the flourishing Corporation of King's Lynn; with an account of King John's Sword and Cup." 1738. 8vo.

"Ades Walpoliana, or a Description of the Collection of Pictures at Houghton Hall in Norfolk, the seat of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford. By the Hon. Horace Walpole. To which is annexed, " A Sermon on Painting, preached before the Earl of Orford at Houghton, and a Journey to Houghton, &c. a Poem by the Rev. Mr. Whaley."

A splendid edition of Bloomfield's Historical Essay has recently been published.

"An Account of the lamentable burning of East Derham, in the County of Norfolk, July 1, 1581." In verse, black let

ter. 1581.


"A True and Exact Map of the Ancient and Famous City of Norwich." 1696. In four sheets.

"A Map of the City of Norwich, by James Corbridge."


"A Plan of the City of Norwich." 1746. By the Rev. Francis Bloomfield.

The late Alderman Boydell was engaged in engraving the invaluable Galiery of Pictures at Houghton; but, alas! scarcely had that friend and patron of the graphic art compleated six pictures, ere the collection was sent to Russia.


There are six fine Engravings of Castle Acre Castle, Castle Acre Monastery, and Caster Hall or Castle, near Great Yarmouth, in Capt. Grose's Antiquities, vol. 2.

Kirkpatrick's N. E. View of the Cathedral of Norwich, was engraved by J. Harris, 1742.

An excellent Plan of the City of Norwich was published in the British Atlas.

An improved Map of Norfolk, corrected to 1808, has been lately published by Smith.


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