Shewing, at One View, the Distances of the Towns from London, and from each other. BY GEORGE ALEXANDER COOKE, Editor of the Universal System of Geography. Illustrated with A MAP OF THE COUNTY. London: Printed for C. COOKE, No. 17, Paternoster Row, the United Kingdom. The names of the respective Towns are on the top and side, and the square where both meet gives the distance. INSPECTION TABLE FOR THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. Suffolk is included in the Province of Canterbury, and in the Diocese of Norwich. of all the DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS IN SUFFOLK. In which are included the STAGES, INNS, and GENTLEMEN'S SEATS. N. B. The first Column contains the Names of Places passed through the Figures that follow shew the Distances from Place to Place, Town to Town, and Stages; and in the last Column are the names of Gentlemen's Seats and Inns. The right and left of the Roads are distinguished by the letters R and L. JOURNEY FROM STRATFORD BRIDGE TO YARMOUTH BRIDGE, |