A CORRECT LIST OF ALL THE FAIRS IN SUFFOLK. Aldborough.-March 1, May 3, for toys. Beccles. Ascension-day, Whit-Monday, St. Peter's, June 29, October 2, for horses and petty chapmen. Bergholt. (East) - Wednesday after St. Swithin, July 15, for toys. Bildestone.--Ash-Wednesday, Holy-Thursday, for wearing apparel and toys. Blythborough. - April 5, for toys. Botesdale.-Holy-Thursday, for cattle and toys. Boxford. Easter-Monday, St. Thomas, December 21, toys. Boxtead. Whit-Tuesday, for cattle. Brandon.-February 11, Monday before Easter, July 5, and November 16, for cattle, toys, &c. Briset-July 5, for butter, sheep, and toys. Bungay. May 14, for horses and lean cattle; September 25, for hogs and petty-chapmen. Bures.-Holy-Thursday, for toys. Bary St. Edmund's.-October 2, a fortnight, for millinery goods, butter and cheese, December 1. Clare.-Easter-Tuesday, July 26, for toys. Cooling.-July 31, for lambs, other cattle, and pedlary; October 17, for sheep chiefly, other cattle, and pedlary. Debenham.-June 24, for braziers and toys. Dunwich.-St. James, July 25, for toys. Elmset-Whit-Tuesday, for toys. Earl Soham.-August Soham. August 4, for lambs. Eye. Whit-Monday, for cattle and toys. Felsham. August 16, for sheep, lambs, and toys. Finningham.-September 4, for toys and lean cattle. Framlingham.-- Whit-Monday, October 10, cattle, sheep, and cloaths. Fransden. Fransden.-Holy-Thursday, for cattle. Gorleston.-June 8. Great Thurlow. October 10, for sheep and toys. Hacheston.-November 12, for boots, shoes, uphol stery, and joiners. Hadleigh. Whit-Monday, for toys; October 10, for butter, cheese, and toys. Halesworth.-October 18, for Scotch beasts. Handford. March 18, May 18, August 22, for cattle. Haughley. August 25, for toys. Haverhill.-May 12, August 20, for toys. Hinton.-June 29, for toys. Horringer. September 4, for toys and sheep. Horne. December 1, a month, for Scotch cattle. Hundon.-Holy-Thursday, for cattle. Inkworth, th, near Bury...V toys. Bury. Whit-Monday, pleasure and Ipswich.-May 4, lean cattle and toys; May 18, cattle; July 25, toys; August 8, horses; 22, lambs; September 25, butter and cheese. Kersey. Easter-Monday, for toys. Lavenham.-Shrove-Tuesday, October 10, for butter and cheese. Larfield. May 12, St. Luke, October 18, for toys. Lindsey.-July 25, for toys. Lowestoft.-May-day, St. Michael, September 29, for petty chapmen. Market Weston.-August 15, a small pedling fair. Massingham, near Woodbridge. - August 9, lambs and horses. Mattishaw. August 9, shew of horses. Melford.--Whit-Tuesday, pedlary, Wednesday and Thursday, cattle and sheep. Mendlesham. Holy-Thursday, for cattle. Milden-hall.-October 10, for wood. Nayland. October 2, for horses, cattle, and toys. Needham.-November 8, for toys. Newmarket. Newmarket.-Whit-Tuesday, November 8, for horses and sheep. Orford.-Midsummer-day, June 24, for toys. Polstead. June 16, for tovs. Saxmundham.-Holy-Thursday, September 23, toys. Stradbrooke. August 10, St. Matthew, September 21, for toys. Snape, or Dunningworth, near Aldborough.-August 11, for horses. Somerliton.-July 31, for toys. Southwould.-Trinity-Monday, St. Bartholomew, Au gust 24, toys. Santon.-May 31, for pedlary. Stowmarket-July 10, for shop goods and toys, Au gust 12, for sheep and cattle. Stratford, June 11, for toys. Woodbridge. April 5, October 23, for toys. IND OF LIST OF FAIRS. |