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Veronica triphyllos. Trifid Speedwell; at Methwold, between the two windmills and the warren lodge; in the gravel pits two miles beyond Barton-mills; on the ridge of a hill where a small cart-way crosses the road to Lynn and elsewhere in the grass thereabouts, also on the sandy fallow fields, half a mile to the east of Icklingham.

Veronica verna. Spring Veronica or Speedwell; in sandy corn-fields near Bury. This was first found indigenous in England by Sir John Cullum.

Urtica Pilulifera. Roman Nettle; about Aldborough and elsewhere on the coast, plentifully.


That have been Published in Illustration of the

Topography, Antiquities, &c. of

BISHOP KENNET, in his Life of Somner, seems to hint that Sir Simonds D'Ewas designed a survey of this county; what progress he made is not known, there being but few pieces on this subject among his collections in the Harleian Library. He mentions his collections for part of Suffolk in his Prolegomena on Domesday, MS. Harl. 623. Bishop Nicolson was disappointed in his search for them, we know not on what authority, among Dodsworth's, at Oxford. Sir Simonds is buried in Stow-Langtoft church.

Dr. Thomas Beckham's collections for this county, 1602, 4to. were bought at Mr. Ives's sale by the Earl of Surrey; as were also those of Mr. Blomefield's, in two 4to. and two fol. volumes: Taxations and Inquisitions, four large folios, with indexes, very valuable: Abstracts of Patents, the places alphabetically ranged, folio. Another valuable folio of like abstracts of patents, licences of alienation, &c. with complete descriptions of persons and places. Inquisitiones Post Mortem, for Suffolk, t. c. i. collected by Edward Wenyeve; with an index of persons, folio; and a folio brought from Framlingham Castle, given by Martin to Le Neve, 1737, intitled, "Sir John Howard, Knt. first Duke of Norfolk, Account of his Steward of Lands and Houses; wherein are many particulars of the prices of Eatables, Drink, and other matters, worth notice." In several pages is Sir John's own handwriting.

An Alphabetical List of the Arms and Crests of the Gentry of the county of Suffolk, as well ancient as modern; collected from the best authors, and most authentic manuscripts, by the Rev. Joseph Brokenham, rector of StokeAsh and Little Thornham, in Suffolk, 1713, 4to. the largest collection for this county, perhaps, ever extant. It contains a list of 730 coats of arms. A true copy, 1765, with addenda, by Mr. Fenn. The original was in Mr. Martin's library, but disposed of in his life time.

This county was surveyed in 1702, and the two following years, by John Kirby, of Wickham, who published "The Suffolk Traveller; or, a Journey through Suffolk in which is inserted the true distance in the roads from Ipswich to every market-town in Suffolk, and the same from Bury St. Edniund's. Likewise the distance in the roads from one village to another; with notes of direction for travellers; as what churches and gentlemens' seats are passed by, and on which side of the road, and the distance they are at from either of the said towns: with a short historical account of the antiquities of every market town, monasteries, castles, &c. that were in former times. Ipswich, 1735.' 12mo.

The Woeful and Lamentable Wast and Spoile done by a suddaine Fire at St. Edmund's Bury, in Suffolk, on Monday the 10th of April, 1608.' 4to.

A fragment from an old register, relating to the election of Richard de Insulat, abbot of Burton, to be abbot of St. Edmund's, is in Hearne's Annals of Dunstable, p. 837.

Some account of a body, believed to be that of the Duke of Exeter, found in uncommon preservation, under the ruins of Bury Abbey; with some reflections upon the subject; by Charles Collignon, M D. F. R. S. and professor of anatomy at Cambridge, make Art 33 of vol. lxii. of the Philosophical Transactions.

In Archæologia, III. 311, are remarks on this abbey, with a correct plan and elevation of it, by Edward King, Esq.

Five Views of the Abbey Gate have been published: one by W. Millicent, engraved by E. Kirkhall, with this inscription: A View of the Gatehouse belonging to the Abbey, in St. Edmund's Bury, in Suffolk. It being uncertain when this was built, I shall leave it to the more learned to judge, whether before or after Edw. I. the wall, which enclosed the Abbey, being built in his time.'

A second, by Messrs. Buck, 1738, dedicated to Sir Jermyn Davers, Bart. then proprietor of the abbey ruins. This view was engraved in the Universal Magazine, 1759, and though only a perspective one, is much the most accurate in the style and ornaments of the building, though it has not done them the justice they deserve.

A third is prefixed to Dr. Batteley's book, but when taken is not expressed it exhibits the two unmeaning towers formerly placed on the gateway, but is, in other respects, indifferent enough.

The Society of Antiquaries have engraved a fragment of



the abbey-seal in the 8th plate of their second volume of prints.

Some account of Bury, and the procession of the Bull, with testimonies in notes, and a neat cut of the abbey seal may be seen in Corolla varia contexta per Guil Haukinum scholarcham Hadleianum in agro Suffolciensi, Cantabr. ap Tho. Buck, 1634, 12mo. a very scarce tract.

'Nomina quorundam e primariis olim regiæ grammaticalis scholæ Buria Sti. Edmundi, inter Iceños celeberrimæ carminibus illustrata (miscellaneis quibusdam adjectis) edita a Joan. Randall, A.M. coll. Christi Buriensis nuper schola magistro, nunc a sacris in agro Norfolciensi. Lond. 1719.' 8vo.

Some Reasons why the practice of Inoculation ought not to be introduced into the town of Bury St. Edmund's, 1733,' 8vo. by D. Hartley.

Bury and its Environs a poem. Lond. 1747. by Dr. Winter, fol.

Buria, a descriptive poem.' Town and Country Mag. Jan. 1770.

A curious account of Bury fair may be met with in 'An Historical Account of Sturbridge, Bury, and the most celebrated Fairs in Europe and America.' Printed at Cambridge about 1774.

A Description of the ancient and present state of the Town and Abbey of Bury St. Edmund's, in the county of Suffolk. Chiefly collected from ancient authors, and MSS. The 2d. edition, with corrections. Containing an account of the Monastery, from its foundation to its dissolution; with a list of the Abbots, aud the several Benefactions to the Town. To which is likewise added, a list of the Post and Stage-Coaches to and from Bury, with the distance of the several towns to which they go. Bury, 1771. 12mo. This edition was revised by the Rev. Sir John Cullum.

E. Prospect of the Town, by Buck, 1741.

Angel Hill in St. Edmund's Bury; with the churches of St. Mary, and St. James, and the Abbey Gate; also, a view of St. Edmund's Hill, Rushbrook, and Hardwicke. J. Kendall, del. P.S. Lamborn, sc. 1774. This plate was re-engraved in 1777, in a much neater and more accurate manner.

A new and accurate Plan of the ancient borough of St. Edmund's, in the county of Suffolk, by Alexander Downing,


1740, engraved by Toms, and adorned with views of the Cross and Abbey Gate.

Another survey, 1747, by Thomas Warren, in two sheets' adorned with views of the S. front of the hospital, the Sfront of the market-cross, the E. front of the grammarschool; the S. E. side of St. James's church, part of the abbot's palace, 1720: S. W. view of St. Mary's church; N. frout of the Earl of Bristol's house: W. front of the abbeygate: N. front of the grand jury-house. Mr. Warren left drawings of several other antiquities here, which came into the hands of his widow; his son, a writing-master, and ingenious draughtsman in this town, being deprived of them by an unhappy dispute, relative to his father's will.

A history of Ipswich, from the Saxon times, down to the death of Charles I. in 800 folio pages, by Mr. Bacon, its recorder, town-clerk, and representative, under Cromwell, is likely to remain iu MS. according to the character given of it, for inaccuracy, by the editors of Kirby's book. All that has been published about this place is, An account of the gifts and legacies that have been given and bequeathed to charitable uses in the town of Ipswich; with some account of the present state and management, and some proposals for the future regulation of them, Ipswich, 1747.' 8vo. By Mr. Canning, minister of St. Laurence; and, The principal charters, which have been granted to the corporation of Ipswich, in Suffolk; translated. Lond. 1754.' 8vo. By

the same.

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Poll for Ipswich, May 8, 1741; Edward Vernon, Samuel Kent, and Knox Ward, Esqrs. candidates:' with a supplement, containing lists of treemen who did not vote at the said election; of those who were admitted, May 11, 1741, and of some freemen who voted at the said election, and have places in the corporation, or under the government; with remarks, by a Freeman.'

'Hydro-sidereon; or, a treatise of ferruginous waters, especially the Ipswich spa; being an excellent spring of that nature there, lately discovered; with the vast differences of such mineral waters, their proper medicinal uses in various diseases, grounded on several curious experiments, and nice observations; never before made known; with a plain demonstration also of the great vanity and folly in buying, and cheat in selling German spa-water in England. Lond. 1717.' 8vo. By W. C. of the College of Physi cians, London, M. D.

The borough or corporation of Ipswich, in the county of

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