miles, which oblong of country may be considered as its head quarters. It is in the hands of hoth farmers and cottagers; but it is very rare to see more than five or six acres in the occupation of any one man. With cottagers, the more common method is, to sow it every year on the same land. The soil preferred is, what is called in that district, mixed land, that is, sandy loam, moist and putrid, but without being stiff or tenacious, in one word the best land the country contains; and does well, as may be supposed, on old meadow and low bottoms near rivers. They manure for it with great attention; so that it may be taken as a maxim, that hemp is not often sown without this preparation of dung and mould, twentyfive three-horse loads per acre; of dung alone, sixteen loads. This is done directly after wheat sowing is finished. The tillage consists in three earths, with harrowing sufficient to make the soil perfectly fine; and it is laid flat, with as few furrows as possible. The time of sowing is from the middle to the end of April, but will bear sowing all May. It is often found, that the early sown yields hemp of the best quality. No weeding is ever given to it, the hemp destroying every other plant. It is pulled thirteen or fourteen weeks after sowing; the wetter the season the longer it stands; and it bears a dry year better than a wet one: there should be no distinction made in pulling, between the male and female, or fiinble and seed hemp, as denominated in some places. It is tied up in small bundles, called baits. It is always water retted; clay pits preferred to any running water, and cleaned out once in seven or eight years. An acre of three small waggon loads are laid in one bed. They will water five times in the same hole; but it is thought by some too much, If necessary to wait, they pull as the hole is ready, not not chusing to leave it on the land after pulled. It is generally four days in the water, if the weather be warm, if not five; but they examine and judge by feeling it. The grassing requires about five weeks; and if there are showers, constantly turned thrice a week; if not, twice a week. This is always on grass lands or layers. It is done by women. It is then tied up in large bundles of eight or ten baits, and carted home to a barn or house to break directly. Breaking is done by the stone. The offal is called hemp sheaves, and makes good fuel. The fabrics wrought in this country, from their own hemp, have great merit. FOUND IN SUFFOLK. Anemore pulsatilla. Pasque flower; on a bank on Icklingham heath. Arenaria peploides. Sea Sandwort: on sea shores at Southwold. Artemisia campestris. Wild Southernwood, or fine leaved Mugwort: on the banks of corn fields, by the way sides near Elveden, on the way towards Lynn, at Barton mills, and elsewhere. Artemisia maritima. Sea Wormwood: on sea shores; at Orford. Aristolochia clematitis. Climbing Birthwort; in woods and hedges at Bungay. Asplenium ruta muraria. White Maiden Hair, Wall Rue or Tent wort; on Long Melford church, and elsewhere. Atropa Belladonna. Deadly Nightshade or Dwale, in a ditch in the abbey garden at Bury. Bunias Cakile. Sea Rocket; on sea shorcs: at Southwold. Brassica campestris. Field Cabbage; on cliffs about Bardsey near Orford. Carduus acaulis. Dwarf Carline Thistle; in the road from Bury to Long Melford. Carduus erisphorus. Woolly-headed Thistle; in hilly meadows and pastures of a chalky soil: near Clare, plentifully. Chara flexilis. Smooth Chara; in the ponds about Henley and Ipswich. Chelidonium glaucium. Yellow-horned Poppy: on sandy sea shores, at Orford. Cerastium Cerastium umbellatum. Umbellated Cerastium; on walls about Bury. Coriandrium sativum. Coriander; in corn fields about Ipswich. Cucubalus otites. Spanish Catchfly; in and about the gravel-pits on the north side of Newmarket town, also by the way sides from Barton Mills to Thetford. Cicuta virosa. Long-leaved Water Hemlock; about the great lake at Lothingland. Erysimum chieranthoides. Treacle-hedge Mustard or Wormseed; in the corn fields about Elveden. Fritillaria Meleagris. Common Fritillary, chequered Daffodil or Snake's Head; in meadows and pastures, about Bury. Frankenia lævis. Smooth Frankenia or Sea Heath; in Lothingland, just over the water at Yarmouth. Fucus siliquosus. Podded Fucus; on sea rocks and stones, at Orford. Genista pilosa. Hairy Dyers Broom; on dry heaths: about Lackford and Culford, four or five miles from St. Edmund's Bury. Gentiana campestris. Field Gentian; on a bank on Icklington heath. Inula crithmoides. Golden-flowered samphire; on the sea coast. Ilex aquifolium (baccis luteis). Common Holly, with a yellow berry; at Wiston, not far from Buers. Leonurus Cardiaca. Mother Wort; on the hill going from the priory at Farnham All Saints to Bury heath. Marchantia hemisphærica. Hemisphæric Marchantia; on banks of rivers, wet ditches, and rocks: at Sudbury. Medicago Polymorpha. A variety of Heart Clover or Trefoil; on the sea bank and by the key at Orford. Oenanthe Oenanthe Pimpinelloides. Parsley water drop; at Westley bottom, near Bury. Ophrys Nidus-avis. Bird's nest; in woods and shady places, at Aldborough. Orobanche camosa. Branched Broom rape; in cornfields and dry pastures, at Beccles. Panicum sanguinale. Cock's foot Paric grass; in the ploughed fields about Elveden, plentifully. Pisum maritimum. Sea Peas; on the stone beach on the end next to Orford, running from Alburgh, called Shingles, abundantly. Riccia natans. Fringed Riccia; in the ponds near Henley. Sedum Anglicum. English Stone crop; on the barren ground between Yarmouth and Dunwich. Scleranthus perennis. Perennial Knawel; in sat dy corn-fields, about Elveden. Sambucus Ebulus. Dwarf Elder or Danewort; in the hedges just before you enter Long Melford from London, plentifully. Silene noctiflora. Night-flowering Catchfly; amongst corn about Saxmundham, and between the two windmills and the warren lodge at Mewell. Scrophularia vernalis. Yellow Figwort; iu hedges about Bury. Stratiotes Aloides. Common-water Aloe or Fresh water Soldier; in the lake in Lothingland. Trifolium glomeratum. Round-headed Trefoil; in gravelly places about Saxmundham. Trifolium scabrum. Knotted Trefoil, with oblong beads; at Newmarket, where the Cucubalus otites grows. Tillæa muscosa. heaths, about Bury. Procumbent Tillæa; on sandy Veronica |