landed with twenty thousaud men, A. D. 870. ravaged the kingdom of East Anglia, and murdered the monarch, whom they shot to death. King Edmund was interred at Bury in Suffolk, called afterwards Bury St. Edmund's. Leaving the road on the right to North Walsham, we turn to the left from Yarmouth to Norwich, and notice the village of ALDEBY; the church was given to the see of Norwich, in the time of Henry the First. A priory of Black monks was founded here also. Aldeby contains 86 house, and 448 inhabitants. Toft Monk, or Monachorum, in the hundred of Clavering, contains 40 houses, and 320 inhabitants. There was a priory of Benedictines established here, which was given by King Edward the Fourth, to King's College, Cambridge; which still retains the patronage of the living. The priory was founded by Robert, Earl of Leicester. Raveningham, is a village where formerly was a chantry or college of secular priests, founded by Sir John Norwich, in the reign of Edward the Third, but was removed to Norton Sub-Cross, and afterward to the castle of Mettingham in Suffolk. Raveningham Hall, the seat of Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart the premier baronet of England, stands near this village. This baronet is of the same family as Roger Bacon, the father of science, and Lord Verulam, who first laid down the real principles of ethics and held up the torch of truth to mankind. In the neighbouring village of Norton Sub-Cross, a chapel and other necessary buildings for the priests of Raveningham College, was erected; but in the twentieth year of Richard the Second the holy fathers were removed to the castle of Mettingham, near Bungay, in Suffolk. Heckingham, a parish in this hundred, contains 104 houses, and 495 inhabitants; it has also a handsome house of indus try. Ditchingham Ditchingham in the hundred of Lodden, is celebrated for a cold bath, the medicinal virtues of which are highly esteemed. Lodden is a market town and parish, in the hundred of the same name; it contains 162 houses, and 799 inhabitants. This town stands on the banks of a small stream, which falls into the Yare. The manor formerly belonged to the Bigods, earls of Norfolk, in the time of King Henry the Seventh it belonged to Sir James Hobart, ancestor of the present Earl of Buckinghanshire; Sir James was attorney-general. He rebuilt Lodden church and St. Olave's bridge over the Waveney; this bridge cost almost as much as the church, which is a very sumptuous stone building, with a large tower steeple, within three or four miles of Beccles. The market on Friday is very inconsiderable. At three miles distance north is the manor of Carleton, which was held by the service of carrying 100 herring pies to the King, whenever he was in England; the manor now belongs to the city of Norwich, and the sheriff supplies the place of the lord. The town of Yarmouth is by charter bound to send the herrings to Norwich. h. At this spot is Langley Hall, the seat of Sir T. Beauchamp Proctor, bart. at Langley, five miles from Lodden, was an abbey of Premonstratensian canons, founded by Roger Fitz Roger de Clavering in 1198, which was granted to John Bernay; this abbey was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The abbey is now included in the extensive park and plantations of Sir Thomas Beauchamp Proctor, bart. Langley Hall is a noble modern building, having four quadrangular turrets, and two detached wings; the park is well stocked with deer. Approaching near the borders of Suffolk, we arrive at Billingford, situated near the river Waveney, it contains 23 houses, and 180 inhabitants. An hospital was founded here, by William Beck, in the reign of of Henry the Third, with thirteen beds, for the accommodation of poor travellers. The town of Harleston has a bridge across the river Waveney, and including Redenhall, contains 260 houses and 1,459 inhabitants, of whom 229 have been returned as employed in trade. The market is chiefly for yarn and linen cloth. Between Harlestone and Bungay in Suffolk, are Flixton Hall, the seat of Alexander Adair, Esq.; Earsham House, of Joseph Wyndham, Esq. and Gawdy Hall, the residence of Mrs. Holmes. Harleston is a dirty town, and the houses are very mean, being little superior to cottages. This town is supposed to have given name to the family of Herovelston, belonging to which was the famous Sir John Herovelston, who was instrumental in quelling a rebellion in this county in the reign of King Richard the Second: from him are descended the now existing families of the Harlestons of Norfolk. A great part of this town is in the parish of Redenhall. The church of St. Mary's, at Redenhall, is a large structure, having a lofty tower and spire. On the west doors are carved the figures of a hammer and a horse-shoe, designed as ænigmatical of the names of Smith and Hammersmith. Harleston is 16 miles from Norwich, and 112 from London. It has a market on Wednesday, and two fairs, July 5, and September 9. Earsham was formerly denominated Erlesham, from its having belonged to the Earls of Norfolk; as giving name to the hundred, it once was a considerable town, but is now a village. The churchyard occupies the æra of an antient encampment. At Earsham was formerly an extensive park. Earsham Hall was built by John Buxton, Esq. and is a large handsome square building, situated in a pleasant park. It is now the property of Joseph Wyndham, Esq. SHELTON is a parish in the hundred of Depwade Norfolk; Norfolk; 12 miles from Norwich, and 100 from London. Camden pays the following compliment to this place:-"Though the Waveney (says that illustrious antiquary) is covered, as it were, with towns all the way, not one of them is eminent for antiquity, except Shelton, which gave name to the ancient family of the Sheltons. STRATION ST. MARY, and STRATTON ST. МіCHAEL, are two villages in the same county, which derive their name from Stratum, or the Street, being built upon the Roman road. Many urns, coins, and Roman and Saxon antiquities have been dug up in and about these villages. Stratton St. Mary is nine miles and a half from Norwich, and 100 miles and a half from London: contains 98 houses, and 549 inhabitants. Stratton St. Michael, one mile farther, contains 25 houses and 189 inhabitants. THORPE, called also Ashwell Thorpe, to distinguish it from other places of the same name in this county, was for many centuries the property of the ancient family of De Thorpe. Sir Edmund de Thorpe was killed at the siege of a castle in Normandy. He is buried in the church: he and his lady are both represented in lively effigy, in alabaster, lying under a wooden canopy. He is clothed in armour, with his sword by his side; at his feet a greyhound is placed couchant, and at his Lady's a lap-dog. Two miles from the village of Stratton St. Mivillage chael is TASBOROUGH, where is an ancient square fortification, supposed to be Roman. It is eight miles from Norwich, and 101 from London; and contains 55 houses, and 363 inhabitants. SHOFTISHAM ST. MARY, and SHOTTISHAM ALL SAINTS, are two parishes of great antiquity. Shottesham Hall was formerly the seat of the D'Oyleys, but is now the residence of Sir Robert Fellows, Bart. Within five miles south of Norwich are GREAT and LITTLE PORINGLAND, or Porland. The church of D of the former was built about the beginning of the fifteenth century, though upon the scite where it was built a former one had been standing before the reign of Edward the Confessor. Great Poringland contains 36 houses, and 248 inhabitants. Little Poringland contains 20 houses, and 79 inhabitants : Its church has long since been demolished. Caistor St. Edmund's is about three miles from Norwich, and is celebrated for its castle. At Bixley, distant nea two miles and a half from Norwich, is Bixley Ilall, the seat of the Earl of Roseberry: it is a handsome building, erected by Sir Edward Ward in the last century. It has three fronts, each containing three stories from the basement and the attic windows are placed in the roof. We now arrive at the ancient and magnificent city of NORWICH, The capital of this county. This famous city was denominated by the Saxons North Wic. Camden cannot agree with those writers who derive the name from Venta; "for (says that able and candid topographical historian) in so doing I should depart from the truth." The Saxon words North Wic, signified a northern station, castle, or town. This city is situated upon the river Yare, and stands pleasantly on the slope of an hill, forming a long square, (says Camden) one inile and a half from north to south, and about half as much in hreadth, constructing itself into a conic figure gradually towards the south. A modern tourist and antiquary, Mr. Britton, in his Beauties of England and Wales, observes on this subject, that " of Norwich, in its present state, it has been said that it stands upon more ground comparatively with its population than any city in the kingdom, the buildings being generally interspersed with gardens, which latter circumstance has |