| Richard Kidder - 1694 - 584 pages
...earth after his kind : and it wasja. 25. And God made the beaft of the earth after hit kind, and cattel after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind : and Godfaw that it was good. z6. And Godfaid, Let m make man in our image; after our likenefs : and let... | |
| Richard Bradley - 1726 - 530 pages
...likewife every winged Fowl after his kind, to multiply in the Earth. fhe Sixth Day, Were made every Beaft of the Earth after his Kind, and Cattle after their...that creepeth upon the Earth after his kind ; and laft of all Man was created to have Dominion over the Fifh of the Sea, and over the Fowl of the Air,... | |
| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pages
...and creeping Things, and Beaft of the Earth after his kind : and it was fo. 25 And GOD made the Beaft of the Earth after his kind, and Cattle after their...that creepeth upon the Earth after his kind : And GOD faw that it was good. 26 h And GOD faid, Let us piakeMan in our own Image, after our Likenefs ; and... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pages
...and creeping Things, and Beaft of the Earth after his kind : and it was fo. ^$ And GOD made the Beaft of the Earth after his kind, and Cattle after their...that creepeth upon the Earth after his kind : And GOD faw that it was good. 26 h And GOD faid, Let us * '/*'• viii. make Man in our own Image, after our... | |
| 1771 - 882 pages
...nation were ; but that is not to my preient purpofe. In Genefis i. 25. it is (aid " God made the beaft of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon rtie earth after his kind." That is, he made every (pecies of brutes, to feed, to propagate, multiply,... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 588 pages
...&c.— — And left thefe Precepts fhould be miftaken, He fays, Ver. 2f. and the Aleim made the Beaft of the Earth after his Kind, and Cattle after their...Thing that creepeth upon the Earth after his Kind. Cap. ii. 19, Andout of the Ground Jehovah Aleim formed every Beaft of the Field, and every Fowl of... | |
| John Hildrop - 1754 - 308 pages
...Cattle, and creeping Thing, and Beajl of the Earth after his Kind, and it was jb. And God made the Beaft of the Earth after his Kind., and Cattle after their...that creepeth upon the Earth after his Kind : and God faw that it was good* They were all pronounced to be gtod, yea, very good, being the Produ&ions of... | |
| John Locke - 1764 - 438 pages
...and creeping , things, and beajls of the earth, after bis kind, . and, v. 2. and God made the beajls of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth on the earth after his kind: here, in the creation of the brute inhabitants of the earth, he firft... | |
| Thomas Amory - 1766 - 602 pages
...earth after his * Pfalm xxxiii. 5, 6. f Revelations iv. in t Pfa.'m vni, . || Genefis i. C kin^ and the cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth : and God blejjed them, and God fa^v that it 'was GOOD. And when the Creator had formed man of a nobler... | |
| Humphrey Primatt - 1776 - 354 pages
...the Spirit of Life to quicken and animate ; for we read in the next verfe, that GOD MADE the BEAST of the Earth after his kind, and CATTLE after their...THING that CREEPETH upon the Earth after his kind. The EARTH brought forth the fubftances ; but GOD fhaped them and gave them Life, and fo Made them to... | |
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