| Richard Kidder - 1694 - 584 pages
...Great Whales, whales, and every living creature See Pfalm 104, 25, that moveth , which the waters 2^' brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind : and God fart> that it was good. ^^. And God blejfid them, faying, Ee fruit full, and multiply, and fill the... | |
| 1705 - 520 pages
...gathered together ment of heaven. 2 i And God created great whales, and every living creature tharmovcth, which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind, and every winged fowl aftii his kind : and God faw that it iv.jj good, 21 And God blefled them, faying, B< fruitful) and... | |
| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pages
...created great „ That then gi«ft ,hem, riwr Whales, and every living gather : ^hoii opened thine Hand, Creature that moveth, which the Waters brought forth...winged Fowl after his kind : and GOD faw that it was good. 22 And GOD bleflcd them, faying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Waters in the Seas, and... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pages
...; there f* that Leviathan whom thou haft made to play theiein. in the open Firmament of Heaven. aj And GOD created great Whales, and every living Creature...winged Fowl after his kind : and GOD faw that it was good. xz And GOD bleflcd them, 17 Theft wat all upon thee: that thou mayft give them their Meat in... | |
| John Hildrop - 1742 - 198 pages
...rendered in theMargin) a Soul; and Fowls that mayfly above the Earth^ in the open Firmament of Heaven ; and God created great Whales, and every living Creature that moveth, 'which the Waters broughtforth abundantly after their kind, and every ivinged Fowl after /jis kind, and God Jaw that... | |
| John Milton - 1745 - 484 pages
...Creatures in the Sea, as Elepbants are on the dry Land: They are mentioned in particular, Gen. t. 2i. " And God created great Whales, and every living Creature...Waters brought forth abundantly after their Kind." (g) Dolpbins, from Delpbi ; Lat. from the Gr. becaule the People of Delpbi firft difcovered this Fi(h... | |
| John Milton, Nicolas François DUPRÉ DE SAINT-MAUR - 1745 - 506 pages
...fly above the Earth, with Wings in the open Firmament! Ami • - Goo GOD created great Whales, (f) and every living Creature that moveth, which the Waters...brought forth abundantly after their Kind, and every wing'd Fowl after his Kind: And GOD faw that it was good, and blefs'd them, faying, be fruitful, multiply,... | |
| John Hildrop - 1754 - 308 pages
...in the Margin) a Soul; and Fowls, that may jfty above the Earth, in the open Firmament of Heaven ; and God created great Whales, and every living Creature...abundantly after their Kind, and every winged Fowl after bis Kind? and God Jaw that it was good. The Bcafts and Reptiles, as produced out of the Earth, were... | |
| John Milton - 1754 - 482 pages
...Earth, with Wings in the open Firmament ! And Gop created great Whales (/), and every living Crea* ture that moveth, which the Waters brought forth abundantly...winged Fowl after his Kind : And GOD faw that it was good, and blefled them, faying, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the Seas, Lakes, and running Streams... | |
| Thomas Sharp - 1763 - 548 pages
...exprefs the moving of the other genus produced by the waters, Gen- i. 21. " Every living creature ntPDVl that moveth, " 'which the waters brought forth abundantly " after their kind" And Lev. xi. 46. Every living creature that moveth in the waters, Heb. D»233 fiBOTl; and every living... | |
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