discharge of every duty incumbent upon us, let us impress the character of earnestness on all our exertions, give to them the influence of a decided piety, and in our prayers place them with a holy confidence under the succeeding and effectual blessing of God. The general absence of all strifes and divisions throughout our now widelyextended Connexion, is another circurnstance on which we congratulate you; and for a blessing so intimately connected with your religious prosperity, and with our ministerial usefulness, we offer our thanks to Him, who is the "God of peace and consolation" This blessing we have long enjoyed, and we rejoice in the prospect of its permanence; though attempts, arising out of offences, peculiar views, and other motives, may occasionally be made to divert the attention of the unwary from the great ends of our common vocation, and to sow discord among brethren. required, has not been aimed at. The object has at no time been to make a sect; but to extend the Christianity of the Scriptures throughout the land;not to give currency to a mere system of opinions, but to bring men every where under the effectual influence of the "truth which is according to Godliness," and, in the degree to which God should give his blessing to these efforts, to fold the gathered flock from danger, and to supply to it wholesome and sufficient pasture. These, beloved Brethren, are the principles which explain your history as a religious Society; principles which lead us to God alone, who has made us " a people who were not a people," and which constantly remind us of the purposes for which we were thus gathered in his name, and that our only business on earth is to show forth the praises of Him "who hath called us out of darkness into marvellous light." Review then the UNITY of the whole work, thus settled and established by the grace of Him who first gave it birth. Your ministers and you are not in any sense different parties; nor can they be, so long as both walk by "the same rule" as that committed to us from the beginning. There are between us and you no rival interests, no conflicting rights;so interwoven and identified are we in all things. From yourselves your ministers have risen, and are continually What we are, as a religious body, we have become, both in doctrine and in discipline, by the leadings of the Providence of God. But for the special visitation of the Holy Spirit, that great work of which we are all the subjects, and which bears upon it marks so unequivocal of an eminent work of God, could not have existed. In that form of discipline and government which it has assumed, it was adapted to no pre-conceived plan of man. Our venerable rising:-they, while among you as priFounder kept one end only in view, - vate members, are made partakers of the diffusion of scriptural Christianity the same grace; and their higher call, throughout the land, and the preserva- and fitness for their office, are in all cases tion of all who had believed, through submitted, before they are received even grace, in the simplicity of the Gospel. This guiding principle he steadily followed; and to that he surrendered, cautiously but faithfully, whatever, in his preconceived opinions, he discovered to be contrary to the indications of Him whose the work was, and to whom he had yielded himself up implicitly as his servant and instrument. In the further growth of the Societies, the same guidance of providential circumstances, the same " signs of the times," led to that full provision for the direction of the Societies, and for their being supplied with all the ordinances of the Christian Church, and to that more perfect pastoral care, which the number of the members, and the vastness of the congregations, (collected not out of the spoils of other churches but out of " the world" which "lieth in wickedness,") imperatively required. Less than this the demands of piety and conscience would not allow; more than those interests on trial into our ministry, to your godly judgment:-under your sanction their work is officially committed to them hy their Fathers and Brethren; and to you they must, year by year, "commend themselves" as "able ministers of the New Testament," as well as to the Conference for their "holy conversation in the world," and their faithful oversight of you in the Lord. The objects for which your pious contributions are offered, whether for the support of the ministry at home, the assistance of the poorer circuits, and the formation of new ones, the relief of the Trustees of burdened Chapels, the public Schools of the Connexion, -the Foreign Missions, or the Auxilliary Fund for Superannuated Preachers and for Widows,are all known and specified; the receipts and expenditure are published in detail; and, the last only excepted, all our funds are managed by respectable and enlightened men from yourselves, acting in con junction with us. Our accociation in one religious body is wholly voluntary, and has no bond whatever but the spiritual benefit which it is felt to supply, and that mutual confidence which is the result of it; so that reasonings taken from the constitution of churches which have the power to enforce their laws and regulations, are wholly inapplicable to us. The Preachers, assembled in their Annual Conference, are thus, from their identity of interest with you, and their mutual sympathy with the whole body, your natural, and only entire representatives, in all those affairs to which the Conference directs its cares; -united with the whole Connexion, as that in which they have resolved to live and die; and yet, because of their itinerancy, never so connected with any individual society as to become the organs of those changes and innovations, which in particular places might be often advocated; sufficiently dependant to be one with their people; but sufficiently distinct, in order and office, to be the effectual guardians of that which has been committed to their trust, as those who must give the final account of their stewardship not to man but to God. Thus God has led us; and the seal of the whole is that effectual working of his grace in every part, " by which all the body, by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God." The great practical ends of our union, the only ends worthy of a Christian Society, are all answered; no one can be injured without appeal; no evil can introduce itself among us, but we have the means of purifying ourselves from it; all encouragement and help are given by our blessed institutions for the advancement of piety in individuals, and of religious knowledge and influence in the country at large; and thus "God has set before us an open door, which no man can shut," unless we ourselves prove unfaithful to our vocation. Our work is before us. We have nothing to do with sectarian objects and feelings. We have no controversy with others. We war not upon other churches; we desire no mere proselytes. We give access to all who wish to be helped on in their way to heaven; and we go forth into the wilderness " to seek and to save that which was lost " We see then our calling: nor can we too frequently be reminded, that personal and vital piety is not a circumstance in Methodism, but constitutes its very essence; that all we possess, which re spects the order, the administrations, and the regulations of a Christian Society, is vain without it; and that our mutual safeguard, happiness, and usefulness in the world, as well as our salvation, rest on this, and on this alone. To the cultivation of practical and experimental religion, then, let our renewed efforts be directed. Let no man trust in his professions, nor in his attachment to outward privileges, nor in his zeal, nor in his opinions. "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, and all things are become new." The genuine work of God in the heart is the same, in every period; and through the same way of repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, must all pass into the liberty of a sonship attested to the heart by the Spirit of God. By the same faith we stand, and by it only can we live, and grow up into Christ, in all heavenly affections, deadness to the world, and entire conformity to the spirit and example of our Lord. Without this we are dead and fruitless branches, which, if a relaxed discipline should suffer them to remain, must be "taken away" by the pruning-knife of the great Husbandman. Let us be glad then in the great things which the Lord hath done for us; but let us "rejoice with trembling." "Let us fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of us should seem to come short of it;" and give "all diligence," that, at the coming of our Lord, we may "be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless." To this end, we exhort you, Brethren, to the constant use of all the means of grace, as God's appointed ways of increasing your faith and love, your strength to do, and your patience to suffer, all his will concerning you. Neither let your attendance be irregular; nor late as to the hour; nor remiss as to the spirit, which would frustrate your edification, and induce that careless habit of mind which would lay you open to temptation, and give advantage to your ever-watchful enemy. Let the Sabbath of the Lord especially be to you honourable, and a day of delights. Consider well how "good it is to draw near to God;" and by the due observance of the hours appointed for his worship, and by a reverential abstraction of mind, put in your claim for the full benefit of these hallowed services. Nor less earnestly would we guard you, dear Brethren, against the danger of losing the benefit of the ordinances of the House of God, els in that country. In every place they were welcomed with fraternal affection by our American Brethren, and have received the cordial expression of the satisfaction and gratitude of the Conference, for the manner in which they have fulfilled the mission confided to them. We have been refreshed by their reports of the great and growing extent of the American Societies, and of those successful efforts in which they are now engaged for the conversion of the Indians of that Continent. The number of Members in the American Societies, when last taken, was three hundred and twelve thousand five hundred and forty, and the number of Preachers one thousand two hundred and fourteen. This vast work has arisen from God's blessing upon the labours of two Preachers sent out by our venerable Founder from this country, in the year 1769, and may well lead us to exclaim, "What hath God wrought!" Behold in this, Brethren, another motive for a strict adherence to our first principles, and a steady regard to those spiritual objects, to which we have been eminently called. The success given to the preaching of those doctrines of experimental godliness which we have received, wherever administered, at home and abroad,-among merely nominal Christians, Pagan Negroes, degraded Hottentots, the civilized Pagans of India, or the wild and wandering Indians of America, is surely a most powerful reason which can be urged why we should retain them in their purity, and be increasingly anxious to publish them to all mankind. The world is before us; and,. in every part of the vast field in which we and our Brethren are labouring, "God is with us." by a hurried withdrawing from them, after the benediction has been pronounced, and by mingling in converse which, even if innocent in itself, has no tendency to fix in the mind and heart the truths which have been heard, or to strengthen their impression. Let these sacred engagements be considered as your great business, especially on the Lord's day; to which every thing else is secondary and subservient, and from which nothing shalt divert you. So shall you worship God without distraction; you shall bring forth much fruit; and your fruit shall remain. To your attendance and demeanour at the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, in all places where it is administered, these our affectionate advices are specially applicable. In that blessed ordinance we are peculiarly called to devout and abstracted meditation; and should avoid the practice of departing from it as soon as the elements have been received, lest we lose the benefit of a calm and silent waiting upon God, through the sacrifice of his Son, and disturb also the tranquility of others. Connected with the full religious occupation and edification of the Sabbath, there is another subject to which we wish to direct your attention. The practice which has too generally prevailed of paying the wages of labourers and workmen late on the Saturday evening, even where, through strong conscientious principle, it does not lead to a direct breach of the Sabbath by buying and selling, intrudes upon the orderly hours both of the labouring classes, and of those who sell to them the necessaries of life; leads to late rising on the Lord's day morning; and often interferes with the attendance of parts of families on the forenoon service. In some parts of the kingdom, many masters have in their own establishments removed this evil, by paying their workmen early on the Saturday, or on the day preceding. We commend this practice to all masters in our Societies, as an example which they are bound to hold out to others; and as an instance of becoming regard to the religious interests of those who are dependent upon them, and of their anxiety to secure to the poor the full benefits of the Christian Sabbath, both as a day of rest and a day of worship. We rejoice to announce to you, that our beloved Brethren MESSRS. REECE and HANNAH, have been preserved, by the good hand of their God upon them, in their voyages to and from the United States of America, and during their trav The increased demands of the work of God in various parts of this kingdom, -the necessity for affording a larger supply of pastoral instruction and care to several Circuits in which the Societies have of late been considerably augmented, and especially the new openings which present themselves into many dark and vicious districts, in the vicinity of our established Stations, have led us to appoint this year thirty-four additional Preachers for the Home-Department. In our extended field of Missionary operations abroad, the calls for additional labourers are also numerous and urgent. And as you have often united with us in praying the Lord of the Harvest, that he would send forth his labourers, so, now that he has answered our mutual prayers in this behalf, and given such labourers to our desires, unite with us 1 also in earnest supplications to God, solves, and with sentiments of renewed that he would send down upon them all anxiety, to save ourselves and you how the gifts and graces of his Holy Spirit, hear us. Unite with us in every effort; to qualify them for their great work, suffer us to rejoice over you as a chosen and make them able and most success generation, a holy nation, a peculiar ful Ministers of the New Testament. people; and may "the God of peace, "Brethren, pray for us," "that utterance who brought again from the dead our may be given unto us, that we may Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the open our mouth boldly to make known sheep, through the blood of the everthe mystery of the Gospel," and "that lasting covenant, make you perfect in the word of the Lord may be glorified, every good work to do his will, working even as it is with you." "And now, Brethren, we commend you to God, and to the word of his grace." God is our witness that we feel for you an increasing affection, and that we "seek not yours, but you." We depart to our respective stations among you, animated by renewed re * Poetry. in you that which is well pleasing in his Leeds, August 10th, 1824. From the Boston Evening Gazetle. The following lines were written by a lady of Massachusetts-and reflect no little credit both on her head and her heart. THE SACRIFICE. The morning's sun rose bright and clear The simple morning feast was spread, Joy o'er her face its lustre shed, For near her sat her only child. The charms that pleas'd a monarch's eye, Was written in his heavenly face. While Nature whisper'd in his heart: "O! must this son to whom was given The promise of a blessed land, A savage exile doom'd to roam?--- Shall he be backward to fulfil The known and certain will of God? Arise my son! the cruet fill, And store the scrip with due supplies; For we must seek Moriah's hill, And offer there a sacrifice!" The mother rais'd a speaking eye, And all a mother's soul was there"She fear'd the desert drear and dry! She fear'd the savage lurking there!" Alıraham beheld, and made reply: "On Him, from whom our blessings flow, My sister we with faith rely; 'Tis he commands and we must go!" The duteous sou in haste obey'd, The scrip was fill'd, the mules prepar'd; The menials then at distance wait- No passion swayed the father's mind, At length the hour appointed came; God did himself provide a Lamb! CONTENTS OF VOL. VII. An Essay on Atonement, Memoir of the late Rev. David Simpson, M. A. Memoir of the Rev. Louis R. Fechtig, 130 Memoirs of Mr Lancaster B Dusinbery, and Harriet his wife, DIVINITY. Sermon on Job vii. 17, by the Rev R. Watson, 3, 41 Sermon on John i 1, 2, Sermon on the Spirituality and Truth of Divine Worship, 81, 121 - 201, 241, 281 281, 321 Specimen of Bishop Duppa's Preaching, 361, 401 Christ the Light of the World, BIOGRAPHY. 14, 47, 90 441 161 Memoir of the Rev. John Hagerty, Memoir of the late Rev. Edward B. Lloyd, Memoir of Mrs. Rebecra Peters, 251 Memoir of Mrs. Sally Randal, 450 267 Rev. John Wesley's Ordination to the Office of the Christian Ministry, 455 458 General Conference, Extracts from Reports, 276, 277 Indian Magnanimity, Quadrennial Report of the Missionary Society |