Religious and Missionary Intelligence. In the preceding Number we gave some extracts from the last Minutes of the Wesleyan Methodists, stating the Number of Church members under the care of that Conference; and from the September Number of their Magazine, we were enabled to give our readers an abridged account of the Wesleyan Methodist Conferences of England and Ireland, as well as of the meeting of Methodist ministers in the Principality of Wales. We rejoice in thus being able to exhibit to the patrons of our Magazine, the progress of the work of God among our brethren of the Old World, who are prosecuting, with increased ardour and vigour, their vast plans for evangelizing the world, and of bringing all men to "the obedience of Christ!" Though the Methodists are "one every where-one in their doctrines, discipline, and" general "usages," yet for the purpose of effecting the great object of their united zeal and energies with greater facility, they are under the necessity of establishing, in some measure, separate and independent Conferences, each having the privilege of regulating its own internal concerns. Thus, the Irish preachers hold their annual Conferences in Ireland, being assisted, however, in their deliberations with a President appointed by the British Conference, who is generally the last acting President of their own Conference; and their affectionate attachment for each other is kept up and moistened with the annual interchange of delegates, and the exchange of mutual addresses. The following addresses passed from each to other at their last sittings: THE ADDRESS OF THE IRISH CONFERENCE TO THE BRITISH CONFERENCE. Very Dear Fathers and Brethren, As in the annual assurance of your affectionate attachment and brotherly love, we recognize our unity with Him who is the Head over all, so we feel an unspeakable gratitude to our common Lord and Saviour, in whom we have one hope and ground of rejoicing, and by whose Spirit we feel that we are built up together with you, one temple and habitation of God. We joy in God our Saviour, that it hath pleased Him in our time to excite a more catholic feeling amongst professing Christians than in former years; but that we should be more than ever identified with the Parent Society is, to us, a cheering ground of hope that we shall be yet more and more established in truth and love, even as you are. It excited our warmest gratitude to God on your behalf, when we read of your prosperity, of the glory which rests on your hill of the Zion of God,of your spiritual consolations, of the abundant success of the Word of the Lord, and of your increasing means of efficient and extensive usefulness, both at home and abroad; and, though at a distance, seeing the land afar off, we would fain indulge the hope, that yet we may see the goings forth of the divine presence, until our land become, as yours, the garden of the Lord. The difference of circumstances between your country and ours is too apparent not to be seen and felt. In your country, the means of active industry are generally afforded to your immense population:-ourlandis wasted by idleness, and a want of the means of employment. You have a population predisposed by education and opinion to favour the Gospel, the reverse of this feeling is fatally produced in Ireland by prejudice and superstition. You have a capital to call forth your national energies:-while the violent and untaught energies of our land are liable to the domination and misdirection of those who may be disposed to excite our jealousies or discontents. That Methodism, in Ireland, should feel the unfavourable influence of these circumstances is natural; and hence our poverty has induced a desire for emigration, and our ranks are annually reduced; while the means of comfortable existence are withheld from many by want of trade. Yet when we consider that all the dispensations of God's providence, even those permitted to by the use of those plans, as far as they chasten our land, are under the control are practicable, the ends proposed will of Him who is the Saviour of all men, soon be accomplished. It is true we we are still encouraged to look forward are still painfully embarrassed; but our for an amelioration of our national condition, for the important benefits of useful and religious education, and for the more successful ministrations of the Gospel of the Son of God. We cannot give you too warmly our hearty approval of your benevolent designs of good towards our benighted "God will provide," whose are all the riches in the heavens and in the earth. Could any motive be wanted to enliven our grateful attachment to you, dear Fathers and Brethren, have we not had it in your continued liberality to us from year to year? But let it suffice that we feel we are the younger country, in the furtherance of Mission- children of one common family; and ary labours, and of a useful and religi- that while we are not prodigal, you will ous education. The intelligent and not despise or neglect our necessities. active exertions of your agent, the Rev. In farther imitation of your wiselyVALENTINE WARD, have not only excited adopted plans, we have yielded to the our admiration of your wise and gene- generous invitation of our beloved Sorous plans, but of your choice of the cieties in Cork and Belfast, in which person to whom you have committed places we intend in future, as well as the trust. To his exertions, and the in this beloved City, to hold our Conmutual counsel of our venerable Presi- ferences. Next year, according to the Resolution of the Conference, we trust under God's blessing, to meet in the city of Cork. The visit of our beloved and venerated President, MR. MOORE, has been most grateful to us. His spirit and wisdom have been for comfort and counsel to us. The labours and advices of our beloved and excellent Brethren, MESSRS, NEWTON, TAYLOR, and WARD, who have dent and his Colleagues, we are much indebted in this good work; and we hope that, without the imputation of a too sanguine feeling, we may say,-These are the beginnings of better days in Ireland. Though at our last Conference we had to deplore a serious diminution of our numbers, occasioned by emigration and other causes, yet we are thankful for our present state; for though we have had nearly equal losses in this year, God kept back nothing from us that could edihas added to us many souls; and our fy, and strengthen, and refresh us, both increase, upon the whole, encourages in public and private, oblige us to bear our hope of future prosperity. them on our hearts, before the Lord, with feelings which we cannot describe. It is with lowly gratitude we venture to say, that, during several years past, our beloved Societies never were more united in christian affection, more constant in religious ordinances, more fervent in prayer for the prosperity of the Lord's work, or more truly and deeply devoted to God, than at this moment. For the purpose of furthering this enlargement of good to us and our people, we are resolved to "take heed to ourselves, and to our doctrine;" to preach the word "in season and out of season;" to preach "Christ in you the hope of glory;" and to walk accordingly. In imitation of your system of Finance, we have recommended to our beloved people the excellent plans which have been adopted by you for providing the necessary means of supporting the work of God among us; and we have every reason to hope, that, We send as our Representatives, Brothers CHARLES MAYNE and JOHN STUART, men approved in all things, -men of our choice and affection. Surely we can say with a glad heart, - "Hitherto the Lord hath helped us. In Him we have had strength and righteousness. We are thy servants, O Lord, and Thou wilt save us." In all our assemblies we have had you in our hearts, and have not ceased to pray for you, that the God of Israel, even the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, may be in the midst of you. Unto God, Fathers and Brethren, we commend you; and may He preserve your bodies and souls unto everlasting life, through Jesus Christ. Signed, on behalf and by order of the Conference, THE ANSWER OF THE BRITISH CONFERENCE TO THE ADDRESS FROM THE IRISH CONFERENCE. Very Dear Brethren, We welcome the return of another opportunity of publicly testifying our cordial esteem for you as joint partakers with us of the faith once delivered to the saints. We have, with pleasure, 472 Answer of the British Conference to the Irish Conference. received your Annual Address from the ness is already dispersing; the rays of hands of the excellent Brethren, whom you have sent to us as your Representatives, the REV. CHARLES MAYNE, and the REV. JOHN STUART; men whose praise is in the churches, and who have our entire confidence and affection. Werejoice in your continued christian unity, steadfastness, and zeal, and in your attachment to the doctrines and discipline inculcated and enforced by the great Founder of Methodism. We congratulate you on a diminution of divine light and truth are gilding the tops of your mountains, are spreading along your fertile valleys; and the night night of error and of moral death shall vanish before the illuminations of the Sun of Righteousness. It affords us great satisfaction to learn that the state of Ireland is more tranquil and prosperous than formerly, and that trade, commerce, and agriculture, are all improving. The effect of this improvement will be felt in your financial affairs. your pecuniary difficulties, and a small The adoption of our excellent plan, by increase of your numbers. Your active the distribution of disposable moneys at exertions in the formation and support your financial District-Meetings, will of Schools for the religious education greatly lessen your pecuniary difficulties, of youth, and the laborious efforts of and save you from future embarrassyour Missionaries for the diffusion of ments. divine knowledge in the darker parts of By the statement contained in your your interesting country, have our Address, and enforced by your highly warmest approbation. Under trials of esteemed Representatives, we have been no common magnitude you have nobly induced to continue the same exprespersevered; nothing intimidated by the sions of our fraternal regard and affecnumber, or the power, or the theaten- tion which you have so gratefully acings, of your adversaries. Your suffer- knowledged in the past year. Your corings have excited our deepest sympa- dial reception, and high approbation, of thies, and your patient and magnani- the services of our late venerable Presimous endurance of them has claimed dent, the REV. HENRY MOORE, and his exour admiration. You have been pre- cellent associates, have been very agreecipitated into a sea of afflictions, as able to us. Your approval of the manner unexpected by us as undeserved by you; in which cur-faithful and beloved Broyet you have not sunk in the mighty ther, the REV. V. WARD, has fulfilled deep; an unseen hand has sustained the mission confided to him, in visitiug you; the waves have not gone over the stations of your Missionaries, and your head; and by the grace of God, you have recovered your footsteps, to be placed in circumstances more stable and advantageous. advising with them respecting the establishment of Schools, and the enlargement of the Irish Missions, has also been gratifying to us. The reports which he has furnished are equally valuable to us. for the information which they contain, and honourable to you for the zeal and Let but an ardent zeal for the truth, the whole truth as it is in Jesus, continue to distinguish you; be of one heart and of one mind in the service readiness which you have manifested in of our common Saviour; and then carrying into full effect these plans, rely with confidence upon all the aid which have been formed for the moral which our firmest attachment, our earnest prayers, and our cheerful liberality, can render you in your necessi ties. benefit of the uninstructed part of your population. It is with equal satisfaction that we have unanimously agreed to appoint our Dear Brethren, much, very much re honoured and beloved President, the mains to be done for Ireland; but take REV. ROBERT NEWTON, to preside at courage, and go forward in the great your next Conference, to be held in the work on which you have entered, until city of Cork, and, as his companion, our highly esteemed Brother, the REV RICH ignorance, superstition, bigotry, cruelty, and every vice, shall be banished from ARD WADDY. The REV. THOMAS H. your shores, and the mass of your popu- BEWLEY is appointed to act as the Agent lation shall be regenerated by the Spirit of our Missionary Committee for the of life from God. Fear not; the Lord Irish Schools. We have also agreed himself shall appear in your behalf; his to send one of our Missionary Secre goings forth will be seen in your sanctuaries. The Spirit will be poured from on high, and the barren wilderness will become a fruitful field. The holy arm of God will be displayed in the salvation of your countrymen. The moral dark taries to visit the Mission Stations at some convenient time of the year; and the Rev. V. WARD is directed to repeat his visit to them in the month of May or June, 1825. The ministrations and friendly advices of these messengers of Unity, concord, and brotherly kind ness, abound more and more among us. The preachers are, generally, of one mind and one judgment all over the world; one in doctrine, in discipline, in affection, in effort to spread the knowledge of the truth, and in resolution VOL. VII. 60 THE ANNUAL ADDRESS OF THE CONFERENCE TO THE METHODIST SOCIETIES IN GREAT BRITAIN. the churches, you will know how to appreciate. The present year has been filled with mercies to us, both temporal and spiritual. We have had peace in all our borders; the poor have had bread to eat; the industrious labourer and mechanic have had sufficient employment; and tranquility and contentment generally prevail. In our Societies and Circuits, both at home and abroad, the calls for Ministers are increasingly urgent; and genuine Christianity, by the instrumentality, in no inconsiderable degree, of the Methodist Ministry, is spreading through the earth. Our Missionary efforts have annually risen in magnitude and in interest, extending to every quarter of the globe, and attended by the evident benediction of Heaven. The increase of Members on our Missionary Stations, during the past year, is one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine, and the increase in Great Britain is seven thousand five hundred and forty-one, making eight thousand six hundred and seventy additional Members, who, we hope, will be the crown of our rejoicing in the day of the Lord. The word of God falls not powerless, but is effectual to the conversion of sinners, and the edifying of the body of Christ. Earnest supplications for the influence of the Holy Spirit have, in various places, been attended by gracious revivals of the work of God in our Societies. As our aged Preachers go to their reward, others are raised up to fill their places. We have this year a large sup ply of young men, well recommended for their intelligence and piety, who have offered themselves for the Christian Ministry. And it may be esteemed not among the least interesting features in the present era of Methodism, that so many of the Preachers' Sons have of late been called of God, and of his people, to minister in holy things. A considerable number of the sons of our venerable Fathers in the Gospel, who have been educated in our own schools, and trained up from their infancy in the good and the right way, already occupy distinguished places in our Churches, and are polished instruments for the Master's use. to be entirely devoted to God, in all in ward and outward holiness. Peace and good-will also generally prevail among our people, with an increase both of knowledge and of piety, and an active and cheerful co-operation with us in the grand design of universally establishing the kingdom of God. We behold the dawn of the latter-day glory opening more and more to the view of our faith, and the Isles of the Sea wait to receive the law of our Redeemer. We contemplate with the liveliest emotions the active exertions of benevolent and pious men, of various other denominations, in sending Bibles and Missionaries to nations still sitting in darkness, and in the shadow of death, and rejoice in the eminent success attendant on their endeavours. More especially do we feel grateful to Almighty God for the triumphant progress of the Gospel through the ministry of our Brethren in America. These heralds of salvation are spreading themselves through every part of that vast continent, from the Bay of Fundi to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the shores of the Atlantic to the Western wilderness. Our esteemed Brethren, the REV. RICHARD REECE, and the Rav. JOHN HANNAH, were unanimously elected by our last Conference to visit that country, and to attend the General Conference of the American Preachers, in order to obtain more distinct and accurate information about every thing connected with Methodism, and to draw more closely together the bonds of Christian union and love between the Societies of both Connexions-By this visit we have obtained more enlarged information concerning the nature and extent of the great work of God, and the manner of carrying it on in America; and rejoice in being assured, that the doctrines of Justification by Faith, of Entire Sanctification, and of the Witness of the Spirit, are plainly, faithfully, and successfully taught, and followed by the same gracious effects as in this country. We trust also, that by this mission an accurate and impressive view of Wesleyan-Methodism, as it exists in England, in reference to its doctrines, discipline, and general economy, has been given to the Preachers and people on the other side of the Atlantic; and that God will be glorified by an increased unity of faith, of spirit, and of practice. amongst the European and American Societies. And now, Brethren, we feel that we stand on firm ground, the immutable word of God. Jehovah is our Rock and our Defence. He hath helped us from the beginning, and, if we follow his footsteps, he will go before us to the end. We see his work extending and encircling the globe, and we ascribe to him the glory. Unite with ours your fervent prayers to the Father of Lights, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, that Zion may speedily be come the joy of the whole earth, and that all nations may know the Lord. We wish you, dear Brethren, all peace and joy through believing, and pray that you may be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. Signed, by order and on behalf of the Conference. JABEZ BUNTING, Secretary. Leeds, August 9th, 1824. Dearly Beloved Brethren, demands our most ardent gratitude. It is the pledge and visible sign that God is with us, and continues to give testimony to the word of his grace. But, O Brethren, were every heart throughout our Societies fully embued with divine charity, and animated with that zeal which OUR Eighty-first Annual Conference, by the blessing of Him "whose we are and whom we serve," has been brought to a happy conclusion. God has preserved us in one heart and judgment, in every thing which affects the great work in which we are engaged; is "the pure flame of love," how much and or public assemblies have been crowned by powerful manifestations of his presence. The immense concourse of our friends who have attended them, from various parts of this neighbourhood, has been to us an impressive circumstance. It reminds us, "how mightily the word of the Lord has prevailed" in these populous districts; and we doubt not but that the prayers, which on these occasions have ascended from tens of thousands of faithful hearts, in behalf of the whole Connexion, are recorded in heaven, and will be answered in the effusions of divine grace upon all our Societies, throughout the year. We give unfeigned thanks to God, that from the reports of the state of the Societies generally, which have been made to us, we have reason to conclude, that they are walking " in the fear of God, and in the comforts of the Holy Ghost;" growing in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. In this we rejoice, and will rejoice. Ye are our glory and joy; nor have we greater joy than that ye "stand fast in the Lord." The end of all our cares and labours is, that you may be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus, and that, in the "day of his appearing," they who sow and they who reap may be glorified together. The clear increase of members in the Societies at home and abroad, is eight thousand six hundred and seventy eight, So great a number of souls turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, among whom are many who were once heathens and idolaters, souls for whom, in many cases, " no man cared," but the agents sent out by your liberality, is a success which more eminently and effectually should we be "the lights of the world," and "the salt of the earth!" Let us remember that all the needful institutions for edifying each other in the faith, and for conveying the light and influence of religion to others, are in full operation among us; that we have no points of doctrine to settle; that our wholesome and godly discipline has been transmitted to us from the earliest periods of the work, and has remained to this day substantially the same, bearing with it the authentication of long experience; and that thus nothing remains for us, but to "waik by the same rule" and to "mind the same thing." With these advantages, with all the means of preservation and extension, placed in our hands by the special grace of our Divine Master, nothing can be necessary but our renewed devotedness to God, and the harmonious co-operation of all, in the order in which God has placed us in his Church, to enlarge the borders of the kingdom of our Lord, and to spread, in every place, the savour of his knowledge. Let us then, beloved Brethren, gird up the loins of our mind, and enter more fully into the work assigned to us by him who has called us to " glory and virtue." Let us look upon our fellow-men around us, who are yet living "without God. and without hope," with sympathies more tender, and with prayers more fervent; let us all feel that it is possible, in the exercise of a stronger faith in God, to be more useful to the souls of others; and by an exemplary holiness, by regular and conscientious attendance on all the means of grace, by unity and brotherly love, by a zealous |