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of these wise ones. We do not plead for mistakes and errors of any sort, for weakness in judgment, or inconsistence in practice. But as these things are inseparable from the present state of human nature, they necessarily increase and strengthen the prepossession of scorners against the truth, and are so far a mean of hiding it from their eyes.

Yet here again the fault is wholly in themselves; for they seek and desire such occasions of stumbling, and would be disappointed and grieved, if they could not meet with them. But those who are babes in their own eyes, humble, sincere, and teachable, are brought safe through by a simple, dependant spirit, and are made wiser every day, by their observation of what passes around them."

The Attributes of God Displayed.

From the London Methodist Magasine.


To the Editor.

MANY years ago a fact came to my knowledge, which I have intended preserving by sending an account of it to your Magazine, but do not recollect that I have yet sent it. You will pardon if what I now write be a repetition.

About thirty years ago, MR. FLOYD, who had been educated in the medical and surgical line, and was then an Itinerant Preacher, was stationed in Bristol. Breakfasting one morning at Miss Chapman's, he related to us the following story of a pious young man in the North of Ireland, which happened whilst MR. FLOYD was in those parts. The young man was afflicted with epileptic fits, and found no relief from the means used. One night he dreamt that a person bade him go to a bridge, about a mile from his dwelling, gather some herbs which he would find growing at the side, pound them, and take a table-spoonful of the juice fasting for nine or ten mornings, and it would remove his fits. This dream was repeated more than once, and made such an impression on his mind, that he believed it to be sent of God. Therefore, he arose and went, found the herbs, used them as he was directed, and was cured. The herb was that which we call Pellitory of the Wall, and grows abundantly in dry places in and near old walls. MR. FLOYD added, that he had mentioned this to a friend at Bristol whose daughter was afflicted with violent fits, of an hysteric kind, and she had been benefitted by the use of the herb. At that time I had, in part, the care of a young person who had epi

leptic fits, and I immediately tried the remedy, which was happily successful; nor did the fits return. If you think, Sir, this account worth preserving, and that it is not already known, you may depend on its authenticity, as far as I have related it.

I am, Sir,

Respectfully and gratefully your's,

Montpelier-Row, Blackheath, Oct. 15, 1808.

Dear Sir,


Ε. Μ. Β.

THE following remarkable interposition of Divine Providence, is recorded in The History of Dr. Poole's Travels through France and Holland, in the year 1741. I send it for insertion in your Magazine, if you think it worthy a place therein.

Jersey, Dec. 2. 1808.

W. T.

Ir happened some time since, that a person was accused of a capital crime, which being sworn to by two witnesses, he was condemned and ordered for execution. After this, one of the Judges found an unusual uneasiness in his mind, which was perceived by his wife when he came to dinner; upon upon which she asked him what troubled him; he, at first, endeavoured to pass it off, and wave the answer, especially as they had company with them at table. But his uneasiness, still increasing, more visibly appeared in his countenance, notwithstanding his endeavours to conceal it. Upon which, his wife put the same question to him again, and earnestly desired him to signify what was the cause of his concern. He then told her that though his mind was troubled, yet he could not account for it; but that they had ordered a man for execution in the afternoon, which gave him much uneasiness, and yet he could not tell why. Upon which he was asked what evidence they had against the man whereby to condemn him. He answered that there were two witnesses that swore to the fact against him, that they saw him commit it at such an hour of the night by moonlight. His wife, after a little reflection, replied that she apprehended he was not troubled without some reason, for if she was not much mistaken, there was no moon-light that night; and if so, said she, then you have condemned a man to death without cause. They immediately had recourse to the Almanack, when it was accordingly found, that there was no moon-light that night. The gentleman hastened with all speed to stop the execution, by calling together the Bench of Judges, and informing them that they had condemned an innocent man to death by false witnesses. The Judges being satisfied of this, discharged the poor man, and apprehending his two accusers, ordered them for execution in his stead. Thus was the innocent saved by the interposition of Divine Providence, whilst his enemies were brought to suffer the punishment designed for him.




From the Western Recorder.


He who now addresses you, has been for three years past, the Agent of the Colonization Society on the Western Coast of Africa. A great part of that time, he has resided on the coast; and he is intimately acquainted with all the concerns of the Colony of Free Blacks which is planted there. Many important facts, relative to that interesting country, have come to his knowledge, and he takes this method of communicating some of them to you.

The American Colonization Society, has suffered much from misrepresentation. Its concerns have been understood by few; and the vast capabilities and resources of the Continent of Africa, are fully known, and appreciated by none.

We see her sable sons torn from their native country, degraded and depressed; without capacity, or without opportunity to call it forth; and we are ready to conclude, that stupidity is an inherent quality with them. With their degraded condition, we naturally associate every thing which in any way relates to them-even their country is believed, by most people, to be as barren as their mental faculties are; and to finish out the picture, some have filled the air in Africa, with pestilence, with the hissing of serpents, the growling of panthers, and the roaring of Lions; and death has been represented as standing with his poisoned arrows, ready to transfix the vitals of him, who shall audaciously presume to make footsteps on his ancient domain.

Such is the deep impression which this picture of the imagination has wrought on many, that it is said, that even some of our wicked and hardy Tars " commence reading the Bible as soon as they receive orders from the Department, to repair to the Coast of Africa."

The unfortunate result of the first expedition of colonists which sailed for Africa, was such, and it has made such a deep impression upon the public feeling, that little attention has since been paid to any accounts from that country which were not calculated to corroborate early impressions; but, when the nature of those disasters come to be duly considered, it will be seen that the misfortunes resulted entirely from local causes, and that they are not at all chargeable to the general climate of Africa.



The colonists arrived on the coast, a short time before the commencement of the rainy season; they were not accompanied by a physician, or any other person sufficiently qualified by education to select a healthy situation. They were allured by a designing native, as well as by the British at Sierra Leone, who were unreasonably jealous, into the very unhealthiest part of the coast. They located themselves for a time, on the island of Sherbro, a low sunken place, surrounded by mangroves-unfanned by the breezes of the Ocean and nearly covered with water. They were without houses sufficient to defend them from the rain, and the water they used for culinary purposes was constantly issuing through the mud and mangrove roots. Under such circumstances, what else could have been expected, but the scenes which did actually occur? All the white Agents and twenty two of the coloured people died in a few days.

On a second expedition, the Oswego sailed also at an unfavourable season of the year, and arrived two weeks after the rains had commenced-The emigrants were without houses to cover themwithout suitable food for the sick; and destitute of such medicines as were necessary to the successful treatment of their disease. Being myself the only physician, and arriving there in this unfavourable season of the year; and with the disadvantages above mentioned-oppressed and borne down with a weight of care and anxiety, I was soon taken ill, and the sick among the emigrants were left without medical aid. Under these circumstances, twelve died in six months, making thirty-four deaths out of these two expeditions containing one-hundred and forty people.

There have since gone four expeditions containing in all more than three hundred: and yet, but five children and four adults have died. These emigrants went out at a proper season to the fine, healthy situation where the colony is now located.

Now who can see in these circumstances any thing to damp the ardour of benevolence in prosecuting this great enterprize?-an enterprize, which, if promptly carried into effect, is calculated to preserve the political institutions of our country from that shock which must otherwise soon shake them to their centre-an enterprize too, which is calculated to introduce civilization and the Gospel, to one hundred and fifty millions of perishing heathens in Africa.

Such is the character of the human mind, that passions and prejudices are perpetually liable to mislead the judgment. We see the African in this country to be every way a degraded being; and we have hence imagined a similar state of barrenness to exist even in the soil of that country which has nourished him. But I will give a few examples of the productiveness of that soil. When I arrived in Africa, I found the colonists occupying a plantation, within two miles of Freetown, in the British settlement. It consisted of five hundred acres, regularly laid out into sections, formed

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by walks of from fifteen to twenty feet in width, bordered with Lime, Lemon, and Orange trees, interspersed with Pine-apples, Bananas, and Plantains, and with the beautiful Tamarind and Locust trees. The whole plantation, which had formerly been devoted to the cultivation of Arrow Root, had been neglected by our people and suffered that season, to grow up to grass, which springs spontaneously like the crab grass of America, in the fall of the year. The grass which had sprung up in this plantation, was of a species called Guinea Grass, and it presented a beautiful verdant growth from three to twelve feet high over the whole five hundred acres.

Think what must have been my impressions, on viewing this beautiful prospect, with a mind previously stored with the common place ideas of the barrenness of Africa. Those who are acquainted with the value of that grass for pasture, may form some idea of the capability of the country for grazing. The Banana grows there, in the greatest perfection, and is a very good substitute for bread. HUMBOLDT says, that the same quantity of land which will raise wheat sufficient to make bread for two persons, will raise Bananas sufficient to sustain fifty persons; and I believe his statement to be correct. This vegetable produces fruit in perfection all the year round; and the labour which is necessary for its production, after the root is put into the ground, is only to throw a little litter round its roots, and after the fruit is gathered, to cut down the succulent stalk, which is done at one stroke with a stalk knife. Each stalk will produce from twenty to fifty pounds of bread. Two hours labour is sufficient to produce bread enough for a family of eight or ten persons, for one year. Hogs are easily raised: they readily thrive when kept up, though if suffered to run at large, many of them get poisoned and die. Goats are produced in great plenty, and may be purchased of the natives, for from three to four pounds of tobacco, which is worth here, from twelve to sixteen cents. A cow may be purchased for, from eighteen to thirty pounds of tobacco, the prime cost of which is, from seventy-two cents, to one dollar and twenty cents. Rice may be purchased in any quantity for twelve cents a hundred weight. It is now cultivated with an iron instrument, about two and a half inches wide, by three inches long, having a handle eighteen inches in length. How much less would be the cost of this article, if cultivated with a plough? It can be produced in the greatest abundance, and at as cheap a rate, as oats can in America. Sugar Cane abounds in Africa, and labourers may be obtained to cultivate it, to any amount, from one man to ten millions of men, for twenty-four cents per month each, and fed, only with one quart of Rice per day, which now costs but one fourth of a cent.

The Coloured people of this country, can be sent to the land of their fathers, for less money than they can be sent to Hayti, or

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