under greater obligations to Paul than to Jesus! Exclude the Divinity and the atonement, and every thing that is said in the Bible about salvation by Christ, is a mere sound of words.Paul saved us in the same sense Jesus did, and suffered more to accomplish the work than Jesus did! Again, Supposing Jesus to have been the mere creature many imagine he was, it is no wonder the Jews were offended at the high pretensions he set up. They understood those pretensions to be blasphemy, often accused him of that crime, and supposed their law, Lev. xxiv. 16, required them to put him to death. And if he were only a man, who can prove that the Jews had not good reasons for attempting to kill him, because he made himself equal with God? Such are the shocking consequences of denying the Divinity of Christ. But, my brethren, we are not led away with these derogatory views of the Son of God. We believe he is that Rock on which the church is built, and by which it is supported, so that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." Then let us cleave to him with all our hearts; holding the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end. Believing Christ was what he professed to be, we respect the faith of the Apostles, and admire their conduct when they worshipped him, and preached him to the world as an Almighty Saviour, able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him; and when they wrought miracles in his name, calling on the people to believe in him, encouraging them to expect he would pardon their sins, send down the Holy Spirit to sanctify their natures, and save their souls. These views of Christ carried the Apostles among Jews and Heathen, by land and water, through prisons, blood and fire, among wild beasts, crosses and gibbets, to pluck human souls as brands from the fire. By these views, the faithful servants of God, from the Apostles down till now, have been animated and rendered successful in preaching Christ crucified to a dying world. Then, my brethren, let us go forward, in the name of our Almighty Master, and vindicate his injured honour; and, by the best of our ability, to the end of life, maintain his cause, by doing all in our power to be the means of saving the souls he purchased by his blood. Let us conclude, by adopting the words of the Holy Spirit, which St. Paul used in prayer to the THREE PERSONS of the ADORABLE TRINITY. "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all." AMEN. Biography. From the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine. BY THE REV. SAMUEL LEAR. MR. SAMUEL BEAVEN was born at Fullway, near Devizes, Wilts, Sept. 7th, 1795. His opening mind was well cultivated, and in him the advantages of a religious education were strikingly exemplified. Though he was not truly converted to God till the sixteenth year of his age, yet he feared the Lord from a child, and was thereby preserved from many youthful vices and follies. Taught by the advice and example of his excellent parents to revere the Sabbath, and to frequent the house of God, his heart, like LYDIA's, was gently opened under the ministry of the word; and a deep conviction of his guilt and depravity ensued. But by the power of temptation he was induced to defer the great work of seeking salvation to what he vainly supposed might prove more convenient season." While in this procrastinating temper, his fears were greatly alarmed by the voice of JEHOVAH, which he heard in the tremendous thunders of the year 1810. About this time, also, a sermon which he heard preached by the REV. G. WHEELER, Curate of Steeple-Ashton, Wilts, came "in demonstration of the SPIRIT and in power." His language now was, "Guilty I stand before thy face; On me I feel thy wrath abide; 66 a Some time after this, MR. WESLEY'S Sermons were providentially put into his hands, which he read with great attention and profit. From them he learned the way of faith in CHRIST more perfectly; and was soon afterwards made a partaker of that peace which results only from the knowledge of salvation by the remission of sins. Having now received the "SPIRIT of adoption," he was enabled to "rejoice in the LORD," and for a considerable time enjoyed almost uninterrupted tranquility of mind. In the same year, (1811,) after mature deliberation, he joined the Methodist Society in the Melksham Circuit; - was subsequently appointed to the offices of Class-Leader and Steward; and was very active, conscientious, and useful. Mr. B. now more than ever evinced a pious anxiety to be conformed in all things to the "good, and acceptable, and perfect will of GOD." To this end, he read the Scriptures daily, and searched them with indefatigable attention and much prayer. Nor did he "hold the truth in unrighteousness." With him it was a laudable maxim, to which he strove in all things to adhere, unhesitatingly to follow the divine will whereever he saw it, leaving all consequences with the LORD. To evilspeaking, whispering, and detraction, he was a determined enemy. Possessing a large share of the "charity" which "believeth" and "hopeth all things," he was slow to credit evil of any, and he "spake evil of no man." In the circle of his friends, MR. BEAVEN'S conscientious punctuality and steady perseverance in every thing which he undertook from a conviction of duty, were proverbial; and by those who walked with him to the House of GOD, met with him in Class, and acted with him in teaching and managing Sunday-Schools, they will long be remembered with great respect. In the judgment of some, it is true, he laid too much stress upon what they called "little things," especially with reference to his mode of treating himself. In dress he was singularly plain, and he lived in the daily practice of a most rigid self-denial. But those who had the best opportunities of judging, knew that in this he was guided by the best of motives. In April, 1816, MR. BEAVEN began to keep a Diary; and at that period the subject of Christian Holiness engaged his principal attention. Believing Entire Sanctification to be a privilege attainable in this life, and anxious to love the LORD JESUS CHRIST with all his heart, and mind, and soul, and strength, he cried mightily to Gon to cleanse him "from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit." On this subject he wrote thus to a pious friend in Wiltshire, in a letter dated "May 15th, 1816 : "On Sunday, April 28th, having an hour to spend alone, I determined to go to God, and lay my case before him, earnestly desiring then to receive the grace I so much needed. After praying and meditating for some time, these words were powerfully applied to my mind, 'How much more will your heavenly Father give the HOLY SPIRIT to them that ask him.' I besought him, for the sake of JESUS CHRIST, so to fill my heart with love to him, and to all my fellow-creatures, that I might not feel any passion, temper, disposition, or affection, inconsistent therewith. And ever since that time, I have, by the help of God, trusted in him; and received what I asked. Pray for me that my faith fail not; for in my God is all my help." The following Extract from his Diary will show that Mr. B. was enabled to stand fast in this glorious liberty : "Sept. 21st, 1819.-I have been led to consider whether I am really free from all "the carnal mind;"-whether I am so entirely purified, as to be filled with the love of GOD: And I have satisfactory evidence, that God hath answered my prayer to that extent. For a long time past, I have not found any thing in my heart, contrary to perfect love to God and man." Before he entered into this high state of grace, his mind had sometimes been staggered by the seeming impossibility of complying with the exhortation addressed by ST. PAUL to the Thessalonians : "Rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and in every thing give thanks." But now, being "filled with the SPIRIT," his doubts with reference to its practicability were all removed. About this period, MR. B. felt a strong conviction that it was his duty to employ himself in some more extensive sphere of usefulness; and having long been drawn out in strong desire for the salvation of the heathen, it now came into his heart, (and he believed that the inclination was from God,) while reflecting upon their moral degradation and wretchedness for want of the knowledge of the Gospel, to leave his native country, and devote himself to the work of the LORD in some part of the pagan world.In making up his mind, however, upon matters of importance, MR. BEAVEN always used great caution. In this instance he sincerely sought, by much prayer and fasting, by searching the Scriptures, and by consultation with Christian friends, to discover the path of duty; and the result was, a full conviction that he was called to serve the cause of CHRIST in a foreign clime. South Africa was the interesting scene of labour to which he bent his attention; and the circulation of the Holy Scriptures among the various tribes of that country, in their own tongues, was the particular object to which he determined to devote himself. Many judicious friends, with whom MR. B. conversed upon the subject, considered him to be eminently qualified for such a work. His capacity was considerable; and his education respectable. He had also shown an aptness in acquiring languages, which, together with his habits of industry, self-denial, and perseverance, appeared to point him out as fit to encounter the difficulties of the task which he contemplated. The execution of his project was, however, a matter involved in great difficulty. Though not devoted to the Ministry, he would gladly have gone out under the direction of the Wesleyan Missionary Society; but, on laying his case before the General Committee, he was informed that, upon his plan, they could not receive him as one of their labourers. Yet the object of furnishing a large portion of the human race, in South Africa, with the word of God in their own language, as the means of knowing Him whom to know is eternal life, appeared to him so desirable, that the zeal of it had " eaten him up;" and his happiness in this world seemed to depend, in a great measure, upon his doing what he could towards its accomplishment. In the mean time, he calmly waited in expectation that Providence would open his way. At length all difficulties were removed, by the pecuniary generosity of his Father; and, on the 7th of October, 1821, he embarked for the Cape of Good Hope, where he landed in safety on the 28th of December following. 1 His righteous soul was daily "vexed with the filthy conversation" of some with whom he had to associate during the passage; yet, he was enabled to conduct himself with so much propriety, as a man of God, as soon to conciliate the esteem of the Captain and passengers. On the second Sunday after their embarkation, he succeeded, with some difficulty, in having divine service performed on board; and, by the request of the Captain, read the prayers himself. After this, he was chosen, by common consent, to be their Chaplain for the voyage. This gave him influence with all on board, and furnished him with opportunities of endeavouring to benefit their souls, which he was anxious prudently to improve. And it may be hoped, that the bread which he thus cast upon the waters will be seen after many days. In his Diary, Mr. B. writes thus: "October 19. - Most of those with whom I have to associate are quite wicked, taking God's name in vain. Horrid oaths and bitter curses are their common expressions; but, amidst all, I hold faith and a good conscience. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.' 6 "Dec. 25th.-I do not know that there is one pious person on board besides myself. And have I stood my ground amidst so much opposition? Am I uninfected amidst so much contagion? Thanks to my heavenly FATHER! 'His mighty name hath been My safeguard and my tower; Hath sav'd me from the world and sin, And all the Accuser's power:' Thanks be unto God, he hath kept me by his mighty power hitherto, and he hath also purified and strengthened my faith." MR. BEAVEN'S first plan, in reference to his labours in South Africa, was, to have proceeded almost immediately into the interior, in order to join MR. B. SHAW, at the Khamies-Berg Mission, and to give him as much help in the instruction of the natives as he could, consistently with his leading objects, the study of the native languages, and the translation of the Scriptures. But, on his arrival at the Cape, he learned from MR. SHAW that KhamiesBerg would not be the best place for the prosecution of those objects. He then hesitated whether he should turn his attention to Caffraria, or to the Boschuana Land; but, in a few days, Divine Providence appeared to open his way to the latter country. JOHN MELVILLE, Esq. a member of DR. PHILIP's Church, at Cape Town, informed him, that in about three months he was going to reside at Griqua-Town, as a Government-Agent; and had no objection to engage him as a Tutor in his family, and to take him to Griqua-Town on his way to the Boschuanas. After consulting MR. SHAW and MR. HODGSON on the subject, MR. B. thankfully accepted MR. MELVILLE'S offer. The following Ex |