ments and even gifts of the masters, and infected with the fatal poison of depraved doctrines. It is further stated, that the directors of the Schools are, generally speaking, Methodists, who introduce Bibles, translated into English by the Bible Society,' and abounding in errors, with the sole view of seducing the youth, and entirely eradicating from their minds the truths of the orthodox faith. "Under these circumstances, your Lordship already perceives with what solicitude and attention pastors are bound to watch and carefully protect their flock from the 'snares of wolves, who came in the clothing of sheep. If the pastors sleep, the enemy will quickly creep in by stealth, and sow the tares; soon will the tares be seen growing among the wheat and choke it. "Every possible exertion must, therefore, be made to keep the youth away from these destructive schools; and to warn parents against suffering their children, on any account whatever, to be led into error. But for the purpose of escaping the 'snares' of the adversaries, no plan seems more appropriate than that of establishing Schools, wherein salutary instructions may be imparted to paupers and illiterate country persons. "In the name, then of the bowels (of the mercy) of our Lord Jesus Christ, we exhort and beseech your Lordship to guard your flock with diligence, and all due discretion, from those who are in the habit of thrusting themselves insidiously into the fold of Christ, in order thereby to lead the unwary sheep astray: and mindful of the forewarning of PETER the Apostle, given in these words, viz. 'There shall also be lying masters among you, who shall bring in sects of perdition,' (2 Pet. ii. 8,) do you labour with all your might to keep the orthodox youth from being corrupted by them, an object which will, I hope, be easily effected by the establishing of Catholic Schools throughout your diocese. And confidently trusting, that in a matter of such vast importance, your Lordship will, with unbounded zeal, endeavour to prevent the wheat from being choked by the tares, I pray the all-good and omnipotent God to guard and preserve you safe many years. Your Lordship's most obedient humble servant, "F. CARDINAL FONTANA, Prefect. "C. M. PEDICINI, Secretary." ANECDOTE. A godly minister of the gospel occasionally visiting a gay person, was introduced to a room near to that wherein she dressed. After waiting some hours the lady came in, and found him in tears. She inquired the reason of his weeping. He replied, "Madam, I weep on reflecting that you can spend so many hours before your glass, and in adorning your person, while I spend so few hours before my God, and in adorning my soul." The rebuke struck her conscience. She lived and died a monument of grace. Religious and Missionary Intelligence. REVIVAL IN ELIZABETH-TOWN, NEW-JERSEY. To the Editors of the Methodist Magazine. DEAR BRETHREN, Elizabeth-Town, February 15, 1824. Ir you think the following narrative of the state of religion in the Methodist Episcopal Church in this place, would subserve the interests of the Redeemer's Kingdom in any degree, it is at your disposal. SAMUEL S. KENNARD. At the Conference last May I receiv- On the return of health we did not ed my appointment to this place; and from a recollection of past occurrencies in the Society, I came with extreme reluctance. The Society was small; the Classes by no means in a good state;and it could not with propriety be said, that a prayer meeting existed among us. The attention of the Society was immediately called, and in a pointed exhortation, the importance and necessity of an immediate revival of religion was insisted on. It produced the desired effect, and in all the classes a covenant was entered into, to pray for an out pouring of the Holy Spirit. Immediately the word preached was heard with deep and earnest regard, and some were una ble to resist the divine influence with which it was attended; and not unfrequently would two or three be set at liberty in one meeting. This visitation had presented us an increase of about twenty, and was progressing in a pleasing manner until all our meetings were interrupted by the commencement of sickness which prevailed to a great extent. perceive the deep seriousness which had formerly characterized our meetings. We again resorted to the covenant, and about the close of the old year, it was evident days of prosperity were at no great distance; and with the commencement of the new year, again the awakening influence of the Holy Spirit was felt in many hearts. In a class meeting about the middle of January, the power of the Lord was mightily manifested, and souls converted. Since that time about thirty have professed to be new creatures, nearly all of whom have been admitted on trial, and the work is rapidly and orderly progressing. Our increase since the last Conference to this date, is about fifty, forty-five of whom have been admitted as probationers. I do not know that I ever have seen convictions more pungent, conversions clearer, or order more strictly preserved. May the Lord at this time restore the kingdom to his spiritual Israel. STATE OF RELIGION ON THE MISSISSIPPI DISTRICT. Extract of a letter from the Rev. WILLIAM WINANS, Presiding Elder of the Missis sippi District. "THERE has seldom occurred any in- meetings we have flattered ourselves of stance of a revival of such a marked character in this country as to be deemed worthy of public record. The progress of religion has been noiseless, gradual, and in some instances imperceptible. Prejudices of a very stubborn character have been slowly undermined and weakened, and religious impressions have insinuated themselves into the minds of the people like the evening dew, though they have been productive of much spiritual fruit. Latterly, however, the showers of grace have been more sudden and powerful, particularly at some of our camp-meetings. At some of these a plentiful effusion of the Holy Spirit, as from twenty to fifty, and even seventy, have professed to receive justification by faith in Christ, at these peculiarly favoured seasons, and even a greater number have attached themselves to our church. In the service of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, which we have administered generally on these occasions, we have witnessed distinguished displays of the grace of God in awakening sinners. Hundreds who had continued unmoved through all the other exercises, I have seen melted to tenderness while behold REVIVAL IN TRENTON, NEW-JERSEY. ing this solemn ordinance administered. The doctrine of holiness, or of the necessity of perfect love, which we have lately insisted upon as the privilege of God's people more than formerly, has tended, we believe, to revive the work of God. This, together with a more strict enforcement of discipline, we hope, will greatly advance the cause of pure religion among us. "In consequence, however, of a vari DEAR BRETHREN, To the Editors of the Methodist Magazine. When I communicated to you an account of the revival of the work of God, on West-Jersey District, I did not know what were the prospects in Trenton station, consequently it was not mentioned. Since then I attended a quarterly meeting there, and found that the Lord had been carrying on a grad WESLEYAN METHODIST MISSIONS. SOUTHERN AFRICA.-IT must be matter of joy to every friend of humanity, to learn that the gospel tidings are received by the inhabitants of this portion of the globe. In addition to other stations on this extensive continent, accounts of which we have occasionally given, another has been lately commenced under very favourable circumstances, in South Africa, which embraces a very extensive and populous part of the country. From the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, we select the following extracts of a letter, dated July 1, 1823, from Messrs. HODGSON and BROADBENT, of the Boschuana Mission. It will give you pleasure, while it is to us a cause of much rejoicing, that the Lord has enabled us to form a Missionary Station, which, after three months' experience, promises to be a permanent one; and with a Chief and people, by whom we were received with open arms, and whose conduct uniformly denotes a desire for our continued residence among them. The Maquasse Mountains, in the neighbourhood of which we reside, and which give the name to this Boschuana town, are situated, we believe, about three de grees east of the junction of the Craddock, and one day's journey north of the Great or Yellow River. Our houses stand near a small fountain; and the cattle, we are informed, will always bave a supply of water from two small rivers near us, and abundance of grass from an extensive plain, by which the mountains are surrounded. The air is most salubrious, and the soil evidently capable of improvement by cultivation. In respect to situation, we are where we wish. SIB ety of causes, which we hope will have but a temporary existence, the work has somewhat declined. Temporal calamities, embarrassments in pecuniary affairs, seem to irritate the minds of the people, instead of leading them to adore the Hand which smites them. But I humbly trust that these things will subside, or ultimately subserve the interests of religion." Long-Branch, Feb. 13, 1824. ual, but gracious work, for more than two months. Some have been converted, and many seem to be under awakenings. God's people are built up, and there appears to be an increasing attention to the word. More than a score have been added to the society on trial. I am yours in haste, JACOB MOORE. BUNEL, the name of the chief with whom we are, is the person mentioned by Mr. CAMPBELL, (see his Travels, vol. ii. p. 357,) whose former residence was Kwattaba, or, as Mr. C. names it, Yattaba, from which he retired upon the approach of a Commando out of Caffraria. At present, he and his people are here in temporary houses; but we have the most solemn assurances that their permanent ones will be built here, as soon as the country is relieved from the confusion in which it yet remains, from the terror excited by the operations of their enemies. SIBBUNEL is of considerable consequence among the different tribes around us, and, from the attentions shown by the small parties who have occasionally visited him, apparently respected. Though a heathen, he is shrewd and sensible; rules his people with authority; possesses abundance of cattle; and shows friendship for us, and confidence in us, on all occasions. We cannot give a correct estimate of the 1 1 people attached to him, as they are scattered at the different cattle-posts; but on one occasion we found his village to consist of five hundred houses. The population around us is, as far as we have seen and heard, considerable; several villages may be visited on horseback; and all, from whom inquiries have been made, state the population, east of us, to be immense. We are, thank God, in the Boschuana country, amongst those whose language is spoken by many tribes, and where a door is opened to a large field of usefulness for missionary exertion, among a people, who will, when the Gospel prevails amongst them, greatly excite the interests of the religious world. The people are absolute heathens; for though some of them admit the existence of both a good and a bad being, superior to themselves, yet they candidly confess that they know nothing relative to the soul, or a future state of existence: but the Gospel has not the rubbish of idolatry to remove before its foundation can be laid, for we have not seen the smallest vestige of religious worship amongst them. It must not, however, be expected, for some time, that the Gospel can be made known to them; for although Brother B. can converse upon common subjects, we have not one interpreter who can be employed in explaining the Gospel to them; and indeed we fear the language is yet to form, as far as it respects the introduction of terms to convey to their minds, the simplest spiritual truths. Our interpreter is only a boy, of about fourteen years of age, sadly depraved in his disposition, and manifesting much aversion to any subject connected with religion. He was, however the best, and indeed the only one we could obtain. We have built two comfortable houses, and are far advanced with two smaller ones, for our people; and though we are too late in the season to attempt sowing corn, we hope in a few months to benefit by the productions of a garden. In accomplishing our object, we have met with many difficulties; we have been exposed to a few dangers; dangers; and we have felt most strongly the necessity of patient, persevering, and resolute spirit; especially as we approached spirit; especially as we approached the no Europeans had been before us, and we were attended by mere hirelings uninterested in our object, and whose cowardly spirit was often difficult to manage. Nothing of importance, occurred to us till we reached the Great River, over which we were floated by men kindly sent to our a aid by Mr. Sass, the Missionary at Campbell, where, as well as at Griqua, we were received with the greatest affection. After leaving Campbell, all our people, dissatisfied without cause, and accrediting the idle rumours spread by the Corannas, who wished to detain us amongst them on account of our guns, &c., resolved to return, and actually left us a whole night. At the next village the same insubordinate spirit appeared; and even till we had our oxen yoked, and ready to travel, we had much reason to fear that we must drive our own wagons, or desist from our purpose. The Lord, however, at the time of our extremity, interfered, and enabled us to influence one of the men, which led to success with a second; and as we could, under these circumstances, command the interpreter and sheep-watcher, who attempted to conceal themselves, we gladly left a third, who had been the chief promoter of the disaffection that appeared. Soon after this the interpreter fled, influenced to do so by some wicked Corannas, who were envious at the preference we gave to the Boschuanas; and we were obliged to retrace our steps in order to recover him. After getting back the interpreter, and journeying eastward a few days, we narrowly escaped the main body of the Caffrees, being met by a small party of observation, as we supposed, by which circumstance we were cautioned to alter our course. Meeting with two Boschuanas, whom we engaged as guides, we determined upon another attempt; aud proceeding in a north-west direction, we travelled on the banks of the River No, until the night of the 31st of January, when all our oxen and cows were stolen by some natives residing in the bushes not far from us. Our people went in search of the cattle; but, from cowardice and mismanagement, they were unsuccessful. A second effort was made, but when we arrived at the werf, to which the oxen had been traced, the robbers fled, leaving the skins, ins, &c. two of the oxen which they had slaughtered, and the rest of the cattle were dispersed. It appeared afterwards that the natives had fled, fearing an attack from us, and had suffered the oxen to roam at large. Our situation was indeed trying; with a murmuring people, without the means of removing our wagons, our food daily lessening, and not knowing the extent of the danger to which we were exposed from the Commando. A communication was however opened with SIBBUNEL on the 9th of February; of and on the 17th we were visited by him, station would consent to live there, and with twelve of his attendants, bringing a cow for slaughter, thus kindly anticipating our want of food, and an ox, as food for himself and people during his stay with us. On the following day, while we were arranging to send our men to Campbell for the oxen we had left there, those which we had lost appeared in sight, driven by three of SIBBUNEL'S Own peo act as interpreter, the Gospel might at once be preached to this people. At present, we believe the Corannas are without the Gospel, as the London Society have withdrawn their last Missionary in Mr. Sass: and, indeed, we are under a pledge to one of the Coranna Captains, who anxiously desired our residence with him, to mention his case to you: a promise which was extorted ple, who were stationed at a cattle-post, from us when his anxiety led him to and who had found them all wandering at large, except six, which had probably been devoured by lions. On this occasion we were overpowered with gratitude to our heavenly Father, who had so wonderfully interposed in our behalf, and given sufficient proof of his approbation of our efforts by restoring our oxen; thus preventing the inconvenience of sending our men a tedious journey, and enabling us to join the Chief with whom we wished to be, at the same juncture of time. drive off our cattle to the place he intended residing at; and when, finding us determined to seek the Boschuanas, he followed our wagon as if determined to abide by us, and stated, that "He had long had a desire for the Word, and that if we would not remain with him, he would sigh his life out." Whatever motives may have given rise to this man's conduct, it sufficiently indicates that no difficulty then existed in remaining with him. In apportioning out the various presents sent for the general use of the Missions, perhaps we shall be favoured with a few axes, adzes, picks, hammers, files, garden-rakes, hoes, light blacksmith's tools, and other useful kinds of cutlery; and should this mission be extended, a small printing-press would be of incalculable use, to provide us with elementary books for any school which may be established; particularly as being so far from Cape-Town, it is impossible, and would, if practicable, be very undesirable, frequently to visit it. The latter hint is suggested from the great advantage which will arise from the introduction of letters amongst the natives as soon as possible. Be assured that it is our wish to meet your approbation, while serving the Lord in the great and good cause in which we are It is premature to solicit assistance by additional Brethren for this Mission; but as we may not have an opportunity of writing again for many months, we shall not be accused of being too sanguine in putting in our claim to be kept in mind in this respect, particularly as a Missionary, when properly settled, can be supported at as little expense here as in any part where we are likely to have stations in Africa. We are only one day's journey from a party of Corannas, (and in a line with Caffraria,) where a desirable station might be formed, and where a Missionary will always have a people, amongst whom to itinerate: for, though the Corannas are a most unsettled tribe, this situation will, we think, always attract a population; and if one of the pious men from the Khamiesberg engaged. MR. SHAW has long been employed as a Missionary in Africa, and has witnessed, in the midst of his labours and privations, some success among the natives. The following are extracts of recent letters received by the Mission Committee from him, in which he states the commencement of the Caffre Mission. "WITH the view of arranging with the Caffre Chiefs, and of selecting a situation for our first Missionary station in Caffreland, I took a journey into that country, the latter end of July, and returned in the beginning of this month. Of the particulars of my journey you shall hear shortly, by means of my detailed journal for that period, and which I will transcribe as soon as I can obtain a lit tle leisure; but I am anxious to send this, that you may be acquainted with the general result. Through the good "Graham's Town, Aug. 28, 1823. hand of God upon me, not only my life was preserved while travelling on horseback among barbarous and savage men, and wild beasts; but my health also, notwithstanding my generally sleeping on the ground, in the open air, and experiencing very heavy rains during the journey. These, however, are small mercies, compared with the more important particular of having, through the blessing of God, succeeded in my object far beyond my most sanguine expectations." |