Our plan of printing and circulating religious books, is admirably calculated to aid the minister in his work. Let it be known that you do not do this on account of the profits of sale. A just suspicion of this motive will destroy your dignity and usefulness. You do this from the same motive that you preach the gospel, namely, to save souls. Take the Magazine and read the Missionary Intelligence to the congregation, and then recommend it to them; and make yourself acquainted with the contents of our books, that you may recommend them from a knowledge of their merits; and thus teach them the necessity and utility of a continual acquisition of Christian knowledge. This is so far from being incompatible with your character as a minister of Christ, that I cannot see how you can discharge your duty in striving to do all the good you can, by neglecting this work. Adieu. January 25. 1824. * Religious and Missionary Intelligence. E. REVIVAL AND PROGRESS OF RELIGION ON WEST-JERSEY DISTRICT. To the Editors of the Methodist Magazine. DEAR BRETHREN, THE following sketches will give you some idea of our prospects, and the state of Religion on our district, and if you think they will please and edify the friends of Zion you may insert them. JACOB MOORE. THE Lord is with us. He is gracious- were large-and on such occasions it is ly reviving and carrying on his work in not common that order is preserved many parts of our district. Last Sum- inviolate-but such unanimity of sentimer our first camp-meeting commenc- ment, design, and operation prevailed, ed, according to appointment, on the both among preacher and managers; 18th of July, at Great Egg Harbour, and such decision, perseverance, gen. for Gloucester circuit. The place was tleness, and prudence were exercised in pleasant, and the weather agreeable; and their efforts to preserve the tranquility during the whole course of the meeting of the meeting, that there was scarcely the Lord wrought wonderfully in the an instance of disorder. A solemn awakening, conversion, and sanctifica- awe, generally rested upon the people. tion of the people. Since then the And on the Sabbath it is supposed that work has continued to progress rapidly ten thousand sat under the word. They at all the principal appointments on were almost still as night, and appeared Egg-Harbour; upwards of two hundred to listen as for eternity. In the interhave been added to the Societies; and vals the work went on and increased, on one occasion, at Wrangleborough, until the mourners were prostrate in Brother BURROWS baptised forty-five every direction, like men slain in battle. adults, and on another, at a neighbour- At the close of the meeting forty came ing chapel, eighteen, besides children. forward and gave in their names to be Our second camp-meeting was held received into the society, as members in Upper Penn's Neck, the first week in on trial. August. At this meeting, also, the Lord Thre fruits of this meeting have not poured out the Spirit of his grace.- been so great as was expected; yet The administration of the word was there is a good work in many parts of greatly blessed; and the awakening, Salem circuit; and at this time the prosconverting, and sanctifying influences pects are very flattering. of the Holy Ghost were felt by many. Wednesday, the 13th of August, was The encampment and congregations set apart, and kept, as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, for a revival of the work of God on the district generally, and in all the circuits and stations severally. The people assembled in all their places of worship once, twice, and three times during the day, for the special purpose of offering their united supplications to God; and in many places it was a solemn and profitable day. There was a large camp-meeting held at Cross-Wicks, the first week in September, in which the Trenton, Burling ton, and New-Mills circuits united. It was a profitable season, and we hope many were brought to experience the saving knowledge of the truth. The week following a camp-meeting was held at Tuckerton, for New-Mills circuit. At that time I was sick and unable to attend it; but was afterwards informed that it was a time of great grace. Since then upwards of one hundred have been added to the societies on that end of the circuit: and on one occasion Brother DAILY baptised forty-three adults, and some children at Tuckerton. There is a good work on Freehold. At our last quarterly meeting for that circuit ten were received on trial, and perhaps not less than a hundred have been added since conference. On Cumberland circuit there has been some work; and about forty have been added to the societies since conference. There has been a gradual, but gracious work in Bridgetown, principally among the young men. Between forty and fifty have been received into the societies since conference, and many more are under awakenings. The accounts from Burlington circuit are flattering. The flame is kindling in the different villages and neighbourhoods; awakenings are numerous and conversions frequent. I have been recently informed that scores crowd to the altar, present themselves before God, and implore mercy: and that almost whole nights are spent in labouring with those who are seeking salvation. It is lately announced that the Lord is reviving his work in the village of New-Mills. This seems to be a time of pretty general excitement in this section of the country; and we hope the Lord will increase it, and make his name glorious among the people. The preachers on this district, have found it difficult, if not impossible, to discharge their duty as it relates to instructing the children, according to the extent of their wishes. They therefore, after having duly considered the matter, have judged it proper, to carry into effect a system of instruction, in some degree, by proxy. After having classed the children according to their circumstances, and places of abode, they have appointed catechists and instructors to the different classes, and the children are doing well. The excitement which it produces, in both parents and children, augurs, not only favourable, but glorious consequences. We find that we are deficient in catechetical books -our small Catechisms and Instructions are most excellent as far as they gobut they are so small, that they furnish the children with only a few weeks employment. If we could obtain larger ones, suited to the different ages of the children, it would, no doubt, greatly facilitate their progress in Religious knowledge. During the last tour, the quarterly meetings have been attended with extraordinary manifestations of divine mercy. I will here instance the last one, which was held at Broad-Neck, for Salem circuit, as a specimen. On Saturday we had preaching at 11 o'clock, prayer meeting in the afternoon-in the evening preaching again, and prayer meeting. Several mourners came to the altar, and after spending some time in prayer, they were invited to go to Brother COLEMAN'S, where they continued in prayer all night. About the breaking of the day the Lord manifested himself as sudden, and more powerful than a shock of electricity. God's people were filled with transport, and some who had wept and made supplication all night, obtained power over the Angel and became prevailing Israels. In the lovefeast the last, I was down on the lower part of house appeared to be filled with the melt- the peninsula, and the Lord was carrying power of God; and it was a solemn ing on a gracious work there. A letter refreshing time in the public congrega- from my sister dated December 29th. tion. After preaching in the evening informs me that it is progressing glorithe brethren continued in prayer until ously. P. S. About the first of November 12 o'clock, and several professed to Squaminson, Jan. 17, 1824. find peace. : REVIVAL OF RELIGION ON SUSQUEHANNAH DISTRICT. DEAR BRETHREN, "At the camp-meeting held on this cir cuit, commencing 13th September, the Lord was pleased to revive his work afresh; and although the weather in many respects was disagreeable, yet we enjoyed a most gracious and affecting season. Not less than fifty souls were made the subjects of converting grace. Our friends from Sterling township, turned home strong in faith, giving glory to God. goodly number, strangers to religion when they went with them to the meeting, returned with songs of praise to the Saviour of sinners. The People of God entered immediately into the spirit of reformation, and instances A re ONE means of promoting the cause of Christ is the diffusion of religious information. It is due, therefore, to the church and to posterity, to record the gracious dealings of God to the children of men. This duty I cheerfully perform; believing that you and the numerous readers of your Magazine, will rejoice to learn that the Lord is building up Zion on Susquehannah District. Although circumstances necessarily connected with my appointment, produced ent, pro in my mind many anxious fears, yet I think I never engaged in duty ty with more confidence in God, or greater expectations of seeing good. Two camp-meet- of conversion occurred at almost every ings held in September, were rendered meeting. The work spread from family a peculiar blessing to many souls. The to family, and parents and children were order and harmony which prevailed, seen to mingle their tears of penitence, and the good effects evidently produced in the conversion of sinners, reconciled the feelings of many to meetings of this kind, who before had strong prejudices against them. The work so graciously commenced did not cease with the dis less persion of the multitudes, but spread into different towns, and continues still to increase, especially on CANAAN CIRCUIT. A communication from Rev. E. BIBENS states, that the work commenced more than a year ago, with several young men who attended a camp-meeting on Wyoming Circuit; probably with few desires for and unite their fervent prayers at a throne of grace. In the south part of the settlement, there is scarcely a a fa family but has been visited by the refreshing influence of the Holy Spirit. religion, but who returned rejoicing he surprised to hear from the lips of his in the knowledge of sins forgiven."From this," says Br. B., "the work of religion began to revive and spread round the circuit, especially in Mount Pleasant township, where the Lord has done wonders in saving souls from sin. The grace of God was manifested not only in changing the more moral members of community, but in causing the stout hearts of many careless ones to bow submission to the cross of Christ. "Prayer meetings were attended in different parts of the town, and serious multitudes crowded the places of worship to witness the marvellous works of God; and many became its happy subjects. Those who had long loved the Saviour took to themselves new "Some of every age, from the child ten years old, to the father of sixty-five or seventy, have witnessed the power of divine grace in changing their hearts. The amiable daughter of Mr. B. came forward with others, to unite her sighs of penitence with the prayers of God's people. Her father, who witnessed this moving scene, drew near to his daughter to listen to what she said. How was weeping child a petition in behalf of himself! 'Lord have mercy on my unconverted father', was her language.This alarmed him, and it was not long before he could pray for himself; nor did he rest till he obtained a knowledge of salvation. Not less than seventy have been changed in heart and life in this revival; and glory to God, the work still progresses, and we most ardently pray that it may spread throughout our land and country." TIOGA CIRCUIT is reaping a rich harvest of souls. A most gracious work commenced at a camp-meeting held on the circuit in September. As it was the first meeting of the kind ever held in that part of the country, many were drawn to the place merely to satisfy strength, and ventured forward to the altar of grace, supporting in the arms of their curiosity, or confirm the prejudiardent prayer, the souls of mourning ces they had conceived against such penitents. In this revival between forty means of grace. But they were disapand fifty gave evidence of a divine pointed; they were pleased; they were change, and were added to the church benefitted. Souls were awakened, conof God. verted, and returned rejoicing in the Lord. The flame thus kindled retained WYOMING CIRCUIT is in a prosperous its ardour, and extended into different parts of the circuit, especially on Tioga river. Here the work gained new strength at our second quarterly meeting, and since that a letter from one of the preachers informs me, that the revival still progresses. After speaking of the camp-meeting above alluded to, he says, "from this meeting many went home rejoicing in the Lord; old professors were quickened, and brought to feel the need of full redemption in the blood of Christ. The work of God soon broke out in various places, and the cry of penitence was succeeded by the song of joy.The north-west part of the circuit has been the most highly favoured; especially for seven or eight miles on Tioga river, including the village of Lawrenceville, where the work has become very great and glorious. A cloud of witnesses has been raised up where a short time since but few individuals feared the Lord. The subjects are principally young persons; and it is pleasing to observe, that in their conviction and conversion they give the clearest evidence of a genuine work of grace.About fifty souls have already been united to the church as the fruits of this revival, and the work for a few weeks past has been much on the increase." state. A work of grace has lately commenced in Pittston, and a number have been brought to rejoice in the knowledge of areconciled God. At our last quarterly-meeting on that circuit the preachers informed me that the prospect was generally good; the attention of the people much awakened, and many in different places, inquiring what they must do to be saved. The fields, indeed, appear already white for the harvest. On a late visit to BAINBRIDGE CIRCUIT, I found much to encourage the friends of Zion in that region. Revivals have commenced in some places, and several have given evidence of a change of heart. Be assured, my dear brethren, that amidst many labours and some trials, I have much to encourage me. I cannot forbear mentioning that the preachers are generally quite disposed to conform to the primitive fashion of holding classmeetings and lovefeasts; and it is hardly necessary for me to tell you that the good effects are visible. May God prosper our Zion, and spread the glorious news of salvation to the ends of the earth. Yours in the bonds of the gospel, Owego, Jan. 17, 1824. REVIVAL IN WILMINGTON, DELAWARE STATE. DEAR BRETHREN, Wilmington, Del. Jan. 5, 1824. PRESUMING that religious intelligence is always acceptable to the readers of your miscellany, I send the following, for insertion on its pages, if you think proper. DURING the last Summer and Autumn, we frequently experienced indications of an approaching revival of religion among us; but nothing extraordinary occurred until Sabbath evening November 23d, when, after the usual exercises of the evening (preaching and prayer meeting) were concluded and the people about to retire, their attention was unexpectedly arrested by the cries of two or three persons, apparently in deep spiritual distress; but as the most promising appearances had frequently passed away without producing any lasting good effect, our expectations were not highly raised. The blessed work, however soon began to assume an interesting aspect, Yours affectionately, JOHN POTTS. and induced the hope (though not without anxious doubt and trembling solicitude) that the Lord was indeed about to revive his work. Our hopes have been already realized in the addition of forty-five to our society in this place; almost all of whom have been enabled to rejoice in God their Saviour The gracious change wrought on these, has generally been effected in public, and attended with evidences of the power and grace of God, sufficient to put infidelity itself to the blush. A number are still inquiring what they shall do to be saved; and some who have been truly converted to God in our meetings are prevented from joining our church by the opposition of un godly relatives. But what I consider one of the most important results of what may now with propriety be termed a "revival," is its salutary influence on the hearts of the members of our society who have individually (almost with out exception) derived spiritual benefit from this season of grace; the weak are strengthened, the wavering confirmed, the feeble minded are comforted, and faith and love and holy joy are increased in the hearts of those who have long and earnestly prayed for the prosperity of Zion. Our congregations are large and deeply attentive. A sense of the awful presence of Jehovah seems to rest on every heart and banish dissipation from every mind. Thus far we have witnessed nothing that would indicate a declension of the work; and we trust that the Lord is about to do still greater things for us. MISSION AT ST. AUGUSTINE. Extract of a Letter from Mr. GLENN, dated St. Augustine, Dec. 29, 1823. "It will no doubt be gratifying to hear of the success, however small, of the mission in this place. I came here under many discouraging circumstances, partly owing to my youth and consequent inexperience, and partly from the moral state of the people among whom I was appointed to labour. A feeling sense of my responsibility, made me tremble for the fate of the mission, as I knew that a failure of success, however unavoidable on my part, would, by many at least, be attributed to some fault of my own. But, trusting in the God of mercies, I went forward, hoping and praying for the aid and direction of the Holy Ghost. "On my arrival, and announcing my errand among them, many flocked to hear the word; and contrary to my expectations, I found some truly serious, though there was only a solitary woman belonging to our church. I preached as often as circumstances would permit, and soon commenced weekly prayermeetings. By the blessing of God, I soon saw the fruit of these meetings in the tears of penitent sinners, and the general solemnity which apparently rested on our assemblies. "Our small number gradually increased until the 21st of this month, when a more general attention was excited by the arrival of my presiding elder, Bro. TURNER, on his second visit to this place. The Lovefeast which was held at this time, was made a peculiar blessing to many. At the close of this refreshing meeting, the ordinance of baptism was administered to ten adult believers; and in the evening we gave the Lord's supper to forty-eight communicants, fortytwo of whom are members of classes among us. "From the whole, the prospects are good and pleasing; and we indulge the hope of witnessing an extension of the Redeemer's kingdom in these parts. We have access to many of the coloured population, and the prospect of doing them good, is quite flattering. Considering all circumstances, I cannot but give "glory to God" for what he has done and is now doing in St. Augustine. Yes, we hope yet to see the Floridaswhich, not long since were completely barred against the intrusion of a protestant minister, but which law is happily removed by the cession of those provinces to the United States-blooming like the "Rose of Sharon," and producing, under the culturing hand of the Redeemer, fruit which shall redound to the glory of God." Extract of a Letter from Rev. WM. CAPERS, dated Milledgeville, Geo. Jan. 23, 1824. "Our mission at Asbury realises much of God's gracious blessing in the awakening and conversion of the children. All the missions undertaken by our conference, are very prosperous. Our next missionary report, will I think be an interesting one. "The missionary system of our church both with respect to the original stalk, and all its branches has in me a warm admirer, and hearty friend. I believe that it exactly corresponds with the genius of the church; and is admirably calculated to fulfil upon out-posts and exterior places, the same blessed work, which the itinerancy so excellently well performs at home. Our missionary society should never desire to institute a separate authority. It should not, and I trust never will presume, that such an authority might better promote its interests, or secure its objects than the well appointed, well conducted administration of the itinerancy." |