Alphonso VI., Sept. 12. Alphonso IX. of Castile, 482. Alphonzo X. the Wise, 355, 842; April 4.
Alphonso XI., 254; March 27. Alphonso V. of Arragon, June 22. Alphonsus Turibius, St., March 23. Alpini, Prospero, Nov. 23, Feb. 5. Alsop, Vincent, May 8. Alsop, Anthony, June 10. Althea, mistress of Lovelace, 532. Alting, James, Sept. 27. Alting, Menson, Aug. 2. Alto, St., Sept. 5.
Alton, General Richard, Dec. 12. Alton, General d', Aug. 24. Altona, on the Elbe, burnt, 25. Alva, Lord, June 20, May 13. Alvanley, Lord, March 19. Alvares, Francis, 231. Alvares de Luna, June 4. Alvarez de Paz, Jan. 17. Alvarez, Emanuel, June 4, Dec. 30. Amadeus, see Victor.
Amala Sontha, Queen, April 30. Amand, St., June 18. Amandus, St., Feb. 6. Amator, St., May 1. Amatus, St. Abbot, Sept. 13. Amatus, St. Bishop, Sept. 13. Amauri of Jerusalem, July 11. Amazons, river of, found, 306. Ambarvalia, festivals, 225. Amboise, Admiral d', Nov. 8. Amboyna, capture of, 777. Ambrose, St., Dec. 7, April 4. Ambrose of Portico, Oct. 21. Ambrosia, festivals, 815. Amé, see St. Amatus. Ameipsias, dramatist, 849. Amelia, Princess, Aug. 7, Nov. 2. AMERICA, Continent of, discovered, 333, 524, 679.
America, United States of, 47, 85, 175, 245, 271, (455), 599, 613, 625, 783, 789, 835. America, southern states of, 715. American isles, universal grant of the, 503.
Amerigo Vespucci, 317, 333.
Amerapoora, Birman capital, 487. Ames, Wm., Nov. 11. Ames, Joseph, Oct. 7. Ames, Fisher, April 9, July 4. Amherst, Lord, 91. Amhurst, Nicholas, April 27. Amidas, Captain, 385. Amiens, treaties signed at, 193,470. Ammirati, Scipio, Jan. 30. Ammon, St., Oct. 4. Amontons, Wm., Aug. 31, Oct. 11. Amort, Eusebius, Nov. 25. Amory, Dr. Thomas, June 24. Amos, the prophet, 823, 833. Amour, Wm. de St., Sept. 13. Amphilochius, St., Nov. 23. Amphipolis, battle of, 67, 801. Amphis, the dramatist, 849. Amphitrite, the nymph, 519. Amri, the Saracen, 831. Amsterdam, capture of, 625. Amurath II., Feb. 11. Amurath III., 399; Jan. 18. Amyntas, Admiral, 587. Amyot, James, Oct. 30, Feb. 6. Amyraut, Moses, Feb. 8. Anacletus, St. Pope, July 13. Ananias, High Priest, 477. Anastasia, the elder, St., Dec. 25. Anastasia, St. of Rome, April 15. Anastasia, St. of Aquileia, Dec. 25. Anastasius I. Pope, April 27,
Anastasius I. Emperor, 103, 780; July 9.
Anastasius, St. Patriarch, Jan. 18. Anastasius, St. Patriarch, April 21, Dec. 21.
Anastasius, St. the younger, April
Anastasius, St. the Sinaïte, Apr. 21. Anastasius, St. of Assyria, Jan. 22. Anaxagoras, festivals in memory of, 217, 675.
| Anaxandrides, dramatist, 849. Anaxilas, dramatist, 849. Anaxippus, dramatist, 849. Anchieta, Joseph, June 9. Anchises, Jan. 31.
Anchor, badge of St. Clement, 767.
Ancient Britons, society of, 141. Ancillon, David, March 17, Sept. 3. Ancillon, Charles, July 29, 5. Ancourt, Florent d', Dec. 6. Andeolus, St., May 1. Anderson, Sir Edmund, Aug. 1. Anderson, Adam, Jan. 10. Andocides, the orator, 113. André, Major, 532; Oct. 2. Andreas, James, Jan. 7. Andree, Yves-Mary, Feb. 26. Andreini, Isabella, June 10. ANDREW, Saint, Nov. 30. Andrew, St. Order of, 254, 783. Andrew, St. University of, 499. Andrew, St. of Asia, May 15. Andrew, St. of Const. Oct. 17. Andrew, St. of Fiesoli, Aug. 22. Andrew Corsini, St., Feb. 4. Andrew Avellino, St., Nov. 10. Andrew Palæologus, 603. Andrews, Bernard, 811. Andrews, Bishop, Sept. 25. Andrews, Eusebius, Aug. 22. Andrews, James, Aug. 6. Andrews, Henry, Jan. 26. Andronicus, St., Oct. 11.
Andronicus II. Emperor, Feb. 13. Andrucci, see Quadrio. Angel-guardians, feast of, 659. Angelis, Dominico de, Aug. 9. Angelo, Michael, March 6, Feb. 17. Angelucci, 555. Angelus, St., May 5. Angers, massacre at, 615. Angerstein, John, Jan. 29. Angilbert, St., Feb. 18. Anglesey, anniversary there, 143. Anglesey, Arthur, Earl of, 263; July 10, April 6. Angling, season for, 283. Anello, see Massaniello.
Angora, battle of, 509.
Anian, St., Nov. 17.
Anian, Bishop, Feb. 5.
Anianus, St., April 25. Anicetus, St., April 17. Anjou, René, Duke of, 251. Anjou, Duke of, 9, 479, 667. Ankerstrom, John, 171; April 27.
Anna Comnena, Dec. 1. Anna Perenna, 169.
Anna, Duchess of Weimar, Oct. 24. Annand, Dr., June 13.
Anne, Saint (St. Anna), July 26. Anne of Germany, Queen, 51; June 7.
Anne Beauchamp, Queen, 459. Anne Boleyn, Queen, see Boleyn. Anne of Cleves, Queen, 19, 541; July 15.
Anne of Denmark, Queen, 280, 325, 583; March 1.
Anne, Queen of England, 17, 255, 509, 525, 711, 783; Feb. 6, Aug. 1.
Anne, Duchess of York, May 31. Anne of Cyprus, Nov. 11. Anne of Hungary, Jan. 27. Anne of St. Bartholomew's, June 7. Annebaut, Admiral d', Nov. 2. Annesley, see Anglesey. Anno, St., Dec. 4.
Anno Domini, see Christian Era. ANNUNCIATION of the Virgin Mary, March 25.
Anquetil, Louis, Jan. 21, Sept. 6. Ansbert, St., Feb. 9. Anscharius, St., Feb. 3. Anselm, St. Bishop, March 18. Anselm, St. Archbishop, 685; April 21.
Anson, Admiral, 285, 397, 411, 627; April 23, June 6. Anstey, Christ. Oct. 31, Aug. 3. Anstis, John, March 4, Sept. 28. Anstrudis, St., Oct. 17. Anteros, 208.
Anterus, Pope, Jan. 3. Anthelm, St., June 26.
Anthemius, Emperor, July 11.
Anthesteria, Athenian festivals, 29.
Anthimus, St., April 27.
Anthony, St. of Egypt, Jan. 17.
Anthony Cauleas, St., Feb. 12. Anthony, Francis, April 16, May
Anthony, John, April 28.
Anthony, Abbot at Cryptæ, July 10. Anthony of Palermo, Jan. 6.
Anthony of Navarre, Nov. 17. Anthony of Portugal, May 2. Antidotus, dramatist, 849. Antigonus, King of Judæa, 165. Antigua, isle of, restored, 493; plot, 677; population, 845. Antimachus, the poet, 269. Antioch, the capital, 21, 117, 125, 183, 333, 371, 391, 567, 697.
Antiochus, historian, 801.
Apollinaris Sidonius, St., Aug. 23. APOLLO, 21, 221, 269, 277, 293, 317, 357, 381, 415, 441, 447, 463, 467, 475, 595, 663, 671, 777, 779.
Apollo, colossal statues, 317, 857. Apollo, temple of, 415, 467. Apollo, St., Jan. 25. Apollodorus Geloüis, 849. Apollonia, St., Feb. 9.
Antiochus Epiphanes, 771; Dec. Apollonius, the apologist, St.,
Antiochus Sidetes, 87. Antipas, St., April 11. Antipater of Macedon, 219, 461, 643, 659. Antiphanes, dramatist of Smyrna, 625, 849. Antiphon, dramatist, 851. Antiquaries, society of, 255. Antonides, John, April 3, Sept. 18. Antoninus Pius, Titus, 257, 467; Sept. 18, March 7. Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius, 833; April 26, March 17. Antoninus the less, St., May 2, 10. Antonius Primus, 45, 727. Antony, Marc, 165, 229, 237, 522, 585, 595, 709, 775, 801, 831, 841; Aug. 1.
Antony, St. of Padua, June 13. Antony, St. of Vilna, April 14. Antony and Cleopatra,' the play of Shakspeare, 335. Antwerp, exchange at, 379; truce of, 225.
Anville, John Baptist d', July 11, Jan. 28. Anysia, St., Dec. 30.
Apaturia, Athenian festivals, 649, 221.
APPARITION of St. Michael, May 8. Aper, St., Sept. 15. Aphareus, dramatist, 851. Aphraates, St., April 7. Apian, St., April 2.
Apis, Egyptian feast of, 399, 491. Apollinarian games, 453. Apollinaris, St. Bishop, July 23. Apollinaris, St. of Hierapolis, Jan.8.
Apollonius, St. of Egypt, March 8. Apollophanes, dramatist, 849. Apostle of the Jews, see St. Peter. Apostle of the Gentiles, see St. Paul. Appia, St., Nov. 22. Appius Claudius, 441. Apples of Paradise, 673. Apprentices, disorders of, 639. Apuleius, St., Oct. 7. Apulia, earthquake there, 515. Aquileia, battle of, 603. Aquino, St. Thomas, 293. ARABIAN ERA, 635; July 16. Aranjuez, Spanish junta at, 641. Araros, dramatist, 849. Arateia, Grecian festivals, 17. Aratus, 17, 111, 549.
Aratus, the Cilician poet, 357. ARBELA, battle of, 577, 631, 659. Arbogastus, St., July 21. Arbuthnot, Alexander, Oct. 20. Arbuthnot, Dr., 201; Feb. 27. Arcadius, St., Jan. 12. Arcadius, Emperor, 555; May 1. Arcesilaus, the dramatist, 849. Archangel, fair at, 555. Archangel, bay of, discovered, 306. Archedicus, the dramatist, 849. Archemorus, of Thrace, 547. Archidamus II. of Sparta, 529. Archidamus III. of Sparta, 149. Archidamus, the general, Aug. 2. Archimedes, the geometrician, 817. Archinimus, St., March 29. Archippus, the dramatist, 849. Arcola, battle at, 755.
Arcturus, the star, 569, 725. | Ardates, King of Chaldea, 739.
Arden, Sir John, June 4. Arden, Edward, 767; Dec. 20. Arden, see Alvanley.
Ardens, miracle des, 773.
Ardesoif, John, Esquire, April 4.
Armilustrium, Roman, 693. Arminius, James, Oct. 19. Armogastes, St., March 29. Armstrong, Sir Thomas, June 20. Armstrong, Archy, April 1. Armstrong, Dr., Sept. 7. Armstrong, John, June 21.
Argaum, battle there, 637, 821; Arnaud, Francis, Dec. 2.
Argellati, Philip, Jan. 25. Argental, Charles, Count d', Jan. 6. Argenville, Antoine d', Nov. 30. Arginusæ, battle at the isles, 625. Argonauts, expedition of the, 491. Argos, custom at, 455; 623, 801,
Argyll, Archibald, 4th Earl of, 793. Argyll, Marquess of, May 27. Argyll, Archibald, 7th Earl of, 661. Argyll, Earl of, June 30. Argyll, Duke of, Oct. 10, 4. Ariamenes, Admiral, Sept. 30. Arianism, fall of, 27, 773; 475. ARIES, the sign; March 20, 21. Ariosti, Attilio, composer, 473. Ariosto, 143, 377; June 6, Sept. 8. Arisi, Francis, Jan. 25. Aristarchus, dramatist, 851. Aristeas, dramatist, 851. Aristides, the Just, 113, 687. Aristobulus Janneus, King, 651. Aristomenes, dramatist, 849. Aristophanes, 67, 113, 801, 849. Aristophon, dramatist, 849. Aristoteles, 9, 83, 469, 619, 845, 849; Oct. 2.
ARK, filling of the, 715; resting, 217; opening, 509; uncovering, 633; descent from, 753, 823. Ark of the Covenant, capture of,
Arkwright, Sir Richard, Aug. 3. Arlaud, James, May 25. Arlington, Earl of, July 28. Armada, Invincible, 330, 489, 491, 507, 511, 513.
Armagnac, Bernard, Count of, 391. Armenia, Apostle of, 650. ARMENIAN ERA, 465, 547. 'Armenio,' opera of, 823.
Arnauld, Antony, Feb. 6, Aug. 9. Arnauld, Henry, June 8. Arne, Dr. Thomas Augustine, 357, 647; March 5. Arnold, Dr., Oct. 22. Arnoul, St. Martyr, July 18. Arnoul, St. of Nantz, July 18. Arnoul, St. of Soissons, Aug. 15. Arnoul, Bishop, Aug. 31. Arnulphus, see St. Arnoul. Aroueris, Egyptian god, 469, 577. Arran, Earl of, 611. Arrephoria, Athenian shows, 357. Arrian, the historian, 631. Arrowsmith, Aaron, April 23. Arsenius, St., July 19. Arses, King of Persia, 753. Arsinoë, Queen of Egypt, 803. Artabanes, of Persia, 821. Artaveldt, July 17.
Artaxerxes Longimanus, King of Persia, 791.
Artaxerxes Mnemon, 763, 791. Artedi, Peter, Sept. 27.
Artemisia II. Queen of Caria, 855. Artemisium, sea engagement at, 539, 691.
Artemius, St., Oct. 20.
ARTHUR THE GREAT, King of Britain, May 30.
Arthur Plantagenet, Duke of Brit
tany, 524, 537; March 31, April 3.
Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales,
659, 749; Sept. 20, April 2. Artigni, Anthony d', May 6. Artois, Count d', 503, 515, 527, 533, 539, 551, 557; Oct. 9. Arundel, Archbishop, Feb. 20. Arundel, Philip, Earl of, Oct. 19. Arundel, Thomas, Earl of, Sept. 14.
Arzema, Queen of Persia, 399.
'As You Like It,' comedy of, 533. Asaph, St. Bishop of Llan-Elwy, May 1.
Ascalon, battle of, 549.
ASCENSION DAY, 219; May 14. Ascham, Roger, Dec. 23. Ascham, Anthony, June 6. Aselli, Caspar, 497.
ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18. Ash, Dr., April 29. Ashby, Admiral, July 12. Ashley, Robert, Oct. 1.
Ashmole, Elias, 59; May 23, 18. Ashmolean Museum, 321. Ashton, Sir Thomas, 221. Ashton, Dr. Thomas, March 1. Ashwell, George, Nov. 8, Feb. 8. Asiatic Society, founded, 37. Asicus, St., April 27. Asinaria, Syracusan festivals, 507. Askew, Anne, 283, 483; July 16. Askew, Dr., Feb. 27. Aspasia, the Milesian, 675. Assaye, battle of, 637. Asselin, Giles, Oct. 11. Assize of Jerusalem, 727. ASSUMPTION of the Virgin Mary, August 15.
Assyria, monarchy of, 417. Astarte, of Phoenicia, 521. Asterius, St. of Palestine, March 3. Asterius, St. of Cilicia, Aug. 23. Asterius, St. Bishop, Oct. 30. Astle, Thomas, Dec. 1. Astley, the English champion, 67. Astley, Sir John, 569. Astley, Philip, Oct. 20. Aston, Sir Walter, July 9, Aug. 13. Aston, Sir Thomas, March 24. Aston, Sir Arthur, Sept. 11. Astruc, John, March 19, May 15. Astydamas, dramatists, 851. Asylum, the wood, 153. Athanaric, Jan. 25.
Athlone, capture of, 448. Atkins, Dr., Oct. 28. Atkyns, Richard, Sept. 14. Atkyns, Sir Robert, Oct. 29. Attalus, St., June 2. Atterbury, Dr., May 2, Dec. 7. Atterbury, Bishop, 349, 404, 573; March 6, Feb. 15.
Atticus, Titus Pomponius (æt.77), March 31.
Attie, Arthur, 307.
Attila, King of the Huns, 579. Attracta, St., Feb. 9.
Aubert, St., Dec. 13. Aubrey, John, Nov. 3. Aubriot, Hugo, 254. Auchmuty, General, 79; Aug. 11. Auckland, Lord, May 28. Aucour, John d', Sept. 13. Audifax, St., Jan. 19. Audley, Lord (Aldithley), Apr. 1. Audley, Lord (Touchet), 417; June 26.
Audley, Lord, of Walden, 323; April 30.
Audley, Bishop, Aug. 23. Audoen, see St. Ouen. Audomarus, see St. Omer. Audry, see St. Etheldreda. Augeas, dramatist, 849.
Augereau, General Marie Francis, Nov. 11, June 12.
Augsburg, patroness of, 534; con- fession, 397; religious peace, 641. Augulus, St., Feb. 7.
Augusta, Princess of Wales, 263. Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick, July 31, March 23. Augustalian games, 679. Augustine, St., 603, 633; Nov. 13, May 26.
Augustine, St. Aurelius, Aug. 28. AUGUSTUS CÆSAR, 8, 33, 51, 83, 103, 125, 151, 153, 177, 213, 221, 237, 239, 254, 269, 305, 311, 491, 522, 527, (550,) 575,
Athanasius, St. Patriarch, May 2. Athelstan, King, 687; Oct. 17.
583, 595, 609, 709, 735, 747,
Athenæus, quoted, 467, 675.
Athens, census of, 67; capture, 643. | Augustus, see St. Augulus.
775, 779, 839, 841, 842; Sept. 23; Aug. 19.
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