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When the loud cry of trampled Hindostan
Arose to Heav'n in her appeal to man,

His was the thunder, his the avenging rod,

The wrath-the delegated voice of God!

Which shook the nations through his lips, and blaz'd,

Till vanquish'd senates trembled as they prais'd.—Byron.

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Non. Cæsar Chesneau du Marsais, Romulus, A. U. C. 38. B. C.


1676, Marseilles.

715. missed near Rome.

William Benson Earle, 1740, Eugenius III. (Pope), A. D.

1153. d. Tivoli.

The Emperor Nicholas, 1796.] Edward I. (of England), 1307.

With us the soldier is brave, the lawyer learned; we proceed no farther. With the Romans, the gownman was brave, and the soldier learned.-Bruyere.

Obits of the Latin Church. St. Pantænus of Sicily, Father of the Church (before), 216. St. Felix, Bishop of Nants, 584. St. Edelburga, Virgin, 7th Century.

St. Hedda, Bishop of the West Saxons, d. 705.

d. Burgh on Sand. (Abbey.) J. Huss, 1415. burn. Constance. J. Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury,

O. S. 1453. k. Castillon, near Bourdeaux. (Whitchurch.) John Talbot, Viscount Lisle, 1453. killed, Castillon. Sigismund Augustus II. (of Poland), 1572. d. Knyssin. James Barozzio Vignola, 1573. Rotunda (Pantheon), Rome. Dr. John Eachard, 1697. Catherine Hall, Cambridge. Conrad Schurtzfleisch, 1708. Bishop (Henry) Compton, 1713. Fulham Churchyard. Jere. Markland, 1776. Dorking. Dr. Thomas Blacklock, 1791.

d. Edinburgh.

Wm. Curtis, 1799. d. Chelsea. St. Willibald, Bishop of Aich- Cor. de Paauw, 1799. d. Zanten.

stadt, 790.

St. Benedict XI. Pope, died,


Richard BrinsleySheridan, 1816.

d. Saville Row. (Westminster Abbey.)

Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematic subtiles; natural philosophy deep; moral, grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend; nay, there is no impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies.


The elders from the gate have ceased,
The young men from their music;
The crown is fallen from our head,
Woe! woe! that we have sinn'd.
"Tis therefore that our hearts are faint,
Therefore our eyes are dim

For Sion's mountain desolate,

The foxes walk on it.-Jeremiah.


THE disappearance of Romulus on the Nones' during the Quirinalia, in a chariot of fire, patriis equis, as the king was reviewing his people, B. C. 715. There seems no other way of explaining this fable, than that he was the victim of some two or three of the elements. The festival of the servant-maids, at Rome, commemorates the birth of King Servius.

The city of Jerusalem, with the temple, walls, and palaces, is razed to the ground; the inhabitants are carried into captivity, and the entire Israelitish monarchy terminates (after it had stood four hundred and sixtyeight years, from the accession of David), in the eleventh year of the unhappy Zedekiah, on the seventh day of the Hebrew month, Ab, B.C. 587. -See 11 Kings xxv. 8. It is still commemorated as a day of lamentation. The battle of Charonea on the Cephisus (the birth-place of Plutarch), celebrated for the defeat of the Athenians and Thebans, by Philip, the seventh of Metagitnion, corresponding with the 2d of August, B. C. 338. Isocrates died not many days after of a noble disease. Archidamus, the Spartan, was overthrown and slain with all his army, the same day and year, in Lucania. This day of the Athenian month is also memorable for the joint victory of Antipater and Craterus, near the walls of Cranon, in Thessaly, B. C. 322.

The relics of Thomas à Becket are enshrined, 1220.-See 29th December. The French evacuate Leith, under articles of treaty, 1560. The death of Sigismund, and extinction of the Jaghellon race, 1572. The national anthem, "GOD SAVE THE KING," written by Ben Jonson, and composed by Dr. Bull, is first vocalized in Merchant Taylors' Hall, by the choir of the Royal Chapel, the King being present, 1607. The usurpation of Tomaso Aniello, the fisherman of Naples, 1647. Admiral Sir John Harman destroys the entire French fleet, at Martinico, thirty-three sail, leaving them to rot on the strand, 1667.

The three estates of the realm offer public thanksgiving at the Cathedral of St. Paul for the restoration of a glorious peace, 1814.

How solitary doth she sit, the many-peopled City!
The Queen among the provinces, how is she tributary!


Who, born for the universe, narrow'd his mind,
And to party gave up what was meant for mankind;
Though equal to all things, for all things unfit;
Too nice for a statesman, too proud for a wit;

For a patriot too cool; for a drudge disobedient;

And too fond of the right to pursue the expedient.

In short, 't was his forte, unemploy'd, or in place, sir,

To eat mutton cold, and cut blocks with a razor.---Goldsmith.

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VIII. John de la Fontaine, 1621, Cha-Cleombrotus (of Sparta), B. C.



teau Thierry.

371. killed, Leuctra.

Henry Stuart, Duke of Glou-Princess Joan (Maid of Kent), cester, 1640, Oatlands.

If a man's wits be wandering let him study the mathematicks; for in demonstrations, if his wit be called away never so little, he must begin again. Bacon.

Obits of the Latin Church.
St. Procopius, Martyr at Ca-
sarea, in Palestine, 303.
Sts. Kilian, Bishop, Colman,
and Totnan, Martyrs in Ire-
land, 688.

St. Withburge, of Dereham,
Virgin, 743.

A. D. 1385. Stamford.
Gregory XV. (Pope), 1623.
Dr. Robert South, 1716. West-
minster Abbey.
John Peter Niceron, 1738. d.


Torbern Bergmann, 1784. d.
Medwi, near Upsal.
Edmund Burke, 1797. Beacons-

field, Buckinghamshire. Bishop (Thomas) Middleton, 1822. d. Calcutta.

No man can have religion, without mixing some prospect of advantage with it; nor can we heartily serve and adore a

St. Grimbald, Abbot of Win-Being, of whose justice and

chester, d. 903.

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kindness, we have not a good opinion.-Epictetus.

So that, by making it our business to regulate our desires and our aversions, and direct them to worthy and proper objects; we do at the same time, most ef Epictetus. fectually secure our piety.

And in the far-resounding verse
The manly Victor's praise rehearse,
And tune the hymn to awful Jove;

Who, midst the sapphire-plains above,

Bids the bright-gleaming lightning fly,

And darts the thunder through the trembling sky:

While placent Luna pours her argent light

Full-orb'd, and cheers with rays the gloomy shades of night.


Pindar's Olympia.

BEFORE the time of Solon, the Athenian year consisted of twelve months of thirty days, or three complete decades, beginning with this day; supposed by observation to be the solstice.-See 27th June.

A Roman day of prank, led by Vitula, a mad deity and a merry. The Isle of Thia, one of the scattered cluster called the Sporades, rose brightly from the sea (enatus) upon this day, A. D. 17.

Henry II. performs severe penance before the shrine of Thomas à Becket, in the cathedral of Canterbury, 1174. It might, perhaps, be useful for those who falsify the acts of the dead to know whether unembodied souls are vagrant and capable of reminiscence and sensation?

A curious statute enacts, that those who dwell at the stews, in Southwark, shall not be impannelled, nor keep any Inn, except there, 1433. The Indian expedition of Emanuel, King of Portugal, consisting of three vessels, commanded by Vasco de Gama, sails this day from the Tagus, 1497. They doubled the Cape on the 20th November. "Vast objects now presented themselves. The human mind, roused and interested by the prospect, engaged with ardour in pursuit of them, and exerted its active powers in a new direction."

King Charles I. deputes an agent to attend the sale at Venice of the paintings, called Bartolomeo della Stane's collection, with instruction to purchase for the use of himself and three gentlemen in equal shares, 1634. The memorable siege of Gibraltar defended by Elliott, 1779.

In the Olympic games there were six exercises: the foot-race, wrestling, the cestus, the chariot-race, darting, and throwing the discus. At this institution, Hercules erected six altars: the first was dedicated to Jupiter and Neptune, the second to Juno and Minerva, the third to Mercury and Apollo, the fourth to Bacchus and the Graces, the fifth to Diana and Alpheus, and the sixth to Saturn and Rhea. The Mount Olympus, their mansion, overlooked the stadium.-See 11th July.

There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet.





Whether on Ida's shady brow,

Or in the chambers of the east,
The chambers of the sun, that now
From ancient melody have ceas'd;
Whether in heaven ye wander fair,

Or the green corners of the earth,
Or the blue regions of the air,

Where the melodious winds have birth;

Fair Nine! how have ye left the ancient love?-The Muses.

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Lord Aston, 1584, Anastasius I. (Emperor), A. D.

Thomas Butler, Earl of Ossory,
1634, Kilkenny Castle.
Alexis Piron, 1689, Dijon.
Charles Stephen Pesselier, 1712,

Gaspard de Beaurieu, 1728, St.

Paul, in Artois.

Ann Radcliffe, 1764, London.

They are reckoned amongst hidden things; nor is that to be wondered at, seeing the nature and power of the air is unknown, whom the winds do serve and flatter, as Eolus doth Juno in the poets.-The Winds.

Obits of the Latin Church.
St. Ephrem, of Edessa, Doctor
of the Church, c. 378.
St. Everildis, Virgin in England,
d. 7th Century.
Sts. The Martyrs of Gorcum, d.


Archbishop (Stephen) Langton, 1228.d.Slindon.(Canterbury.) Leopold II. (of Austria), 1386. killed, Sempach.

Cardinal Anthony Duprat, 1535.
d. Nantouillet.

David Bouchard, 1598. killed,
Lisle, in Perigord.
John Oldmixon, 1742. died,

Philip V. (of Spain), 1746. St.

General Braddock, 1755. killed,
Du Quesne, N. A.
William Strahan, 1785.

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All the world is our Pan's quire.-Marvel.

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