Thou fell'st mature; and in the loamy clod Didst burst thine egg, as theirs the fabled Twins, Now stars; two lobes, protruding, pois'd exact; A leaf succeeded, and another leaf, And all the elements thy puny growth Fostering, thou becam'st king of the woods.-The Oak. Acts. THE day of Mary Magdalen, one of the witnesses of the Resurrection. Roderick, the last of the Goths, is overthrown by Tarik, at Xeres, upon the Guadelete, two leagues from Cadiz, A. D. 711.-See 26th July. The famous victory at Falkirk, 1298. Wallace escaped; but his sun of glory had now set for ever. He spent the remainder of his life a fugitive in his native forests. Guy, Earl of Warwick, "the black dog of Arden," then a young adventurer for fame, signalized his prowess in the ranks of Edward upon this great day. The battle of Shrewsbury, as memorable as the preceding, was decided, Sunday, 1403. Hotspur, the Northumbrian, was brained by an English cloth-yard; and his rival in execution, the Douglas, fell an honourable prisoner into the hands of the victor. Their numbers were matched, the mutual slaughter was immense, and but for a disparity in prudence, the usurping dynasty upon the English throne would probably have been reversed. A book of the Merchant of Venice, or otherwise called the Jew of Venice, is entered at Stationers' Hall, by James Roberts, a printer, 1598. The extinction of the French house of Valois in the person of Henry III. 1589, and the accession of Henry of Navarre, the Great, who also fell by the hand of a disciple of Languet, the French Junius. Sir George Rooke captures GIBRALTAR, a corruption of Gebel al Tarik, the mountain of Tarik, where the Saracens landed, 1704. The treaty for the Scottish Union is signed, 1706.-See 1st May. The great day at SALAMANCA, 1812. Marshal Marmont was wounded and signally vanquished and pursuing his career Lord Wellington, the 15th of August, planted his victorious standard on the walls of Madrid. The Carthaginians punctually set upon this day the mark of calamity. It is the part of a wise commander to read books, not so much as men; nor men so much as nations: he that can discern the inclinations, conditions, and passions of a kingdom, gains his prince a great advantage both in peace and war. Enchiridion. Day. X. The hand that traced on tablets wanton flames, Ulric Obrecht, 1646, Strasburg. St. Bridget of Sweden, 1373. Cal. Godfrey Olearius the younger, 23. died, Rome. Lady Elizabeth Russell, 1584. Bisham. John Day, 1584. d. London. George Edwards, 1773. died, Viscount Alexander de Beau harnois, guillotined, 1794. John Francis Vauvilliers, the younger, 1800. d. Petersburg. Arthur Wolfe, Lord Kilwarden, 1803. assassinated, Dublin. Elizabeth Hamilton, 1816. d. Harrowgate. Euripides would say of persons that were beautiful, and yet in some years, In fairest bodies not only the spring is pleasant, but also the autumn. Apophthegms. Some things must be done unjustly, that many things may be done justly.-Jason. First came great Neptune, with his three-fork'd mace, His dewy locks did drop with brine apace, Under his diadem imperial: And by his side his queen with coronal, Fair Amphitrite, most divinely fair, Whose ivory shoulders weren cover'd all, As with a robe with her own silver hair.---Espousals of Thames. Acts. THE Neptunalia, a Roman day of Neptune Hippias, the king of waters. Cardinal Campeggio dissolves the court at Blackfriars until he received additional instructions from his spiritual master; whose avocation of the cause to Rome arrived three days after, 1529. The treaty between Charles V. and the Reformers is concluded at Nuremberg; and ratified solemnly at the diet of Ratisbon, on the 3rd day of August, 1531. The matrimonial bans between "Mary, Queen of Scots, and Lord Darnley" are published in the Church of St. Giles, Edinburgh, 1565. After dinner the young lord was created by her majesty Duke of Albany. The first British Newspaper was established by the sagacity of Queen Elizabeth, and named "THE ENGLISH MURCURIE," of which the earliest existing, and fiftieth number, dated this day, 1588, printed in a Roman letter, is preserved (with others) among our National rareties. -See 1st January. The Spaniards land at Penzance, and fire the town, 1595. · Queen Elizabeth receives the Polish Ambassador in the presence chamber, and made in reply, her famous extemporal lecture in Latin,' her valiant peers plac'd around, whom she agreeably astonished, 1597. Caspar Aselli discovers the lacteals by dissecting a dog, 1602. The monastery of St. Blase in the Black Forest with its valuable library is destroyed by fire, 1768.-The sun enters the sign Leo. Pope disposes of his "St. Cecilia" to Lintot for fifteen pounds, 1713. The black-bird and the white-throat now cease their fiddles. And as for you, although I perceive you have read many books to fortify your arguments, yet I am apt to believe you have not lighted upon the chapter that prescribeth the form to be used between kings and princes. Elizabeth's Speech. Day. And after him the famous rivers came, Which do the earth enrich and beautify; The fertile Nile, which creatures new doth frame; Long Rhodanus, whose source springs from the sky; Fair Ister, flowing from the mountains high; Divine Scamander, purpled yet with blood Of Greeks and Trojans, which therein did die; Pactolus, glistering with his golden flood, And Tigris fierce, whose streams of none may be withstood. IX. Cal. 24. Roger Dodsworth, 1585, New-Caliph Abubeker, A. D. 634. ton Grange, Yorkshire. Charles Talbot, Duke of Shrewsbury, 1660. Obits of the Latin Church. St. Declan, 1st Bishop of Ard more, in Ireland, 5th Century. d. Medina. Bishop Ralph de Baldock, 1313. d. Stepney. (St. Paul's.) Henry Fitz-Roy, Duke of Rich mond, 1536. d. St. James's. Don Carlos (of Spain), 1568. strangled in prison. Stephen Tabouret des Accords, 1595. d. Dijon. General Andrew de Villars, 1595. murdered, Dourlens. Helena Bacon, 1646. Barnham, Suffolk. St. Lewine of Britain, Virgin Alphonso de Vignoles, 1744. d. Sts. Wulfhad and Ruffin, Bro- Sts. Romanus and David, Berlin. George Vertue, 1756. Westminster Abbey. John Dyer, 1758. Coningsby. Dr. Nathaniel Lardner, 1768. d. Hawkhurst. A father has twelve children, St. Kinga (or Cunegundes) of each of whom has thirty white Poland, Virgin, d. 1292. 1610. If you are great, be condescending; for it is better to be loved than to be feared. Chilo. • What iron courage ever could endure, To work such outrage on so fair a creature? To spoil so goodly workmanship of nature, The maker self resembling in her feature?-Britomart. Acts. THE Tlepolemia were games celebrated at Rhodes, upon the twentyfourth day of Gorpiæus, in memory of Tlepolemus, a son of Hercules, who was killed by Sarpedon, at the Trojan war. Both men and boys contended, and the prizes were crowns of poplar. King Philip shuts up the Olynthians within their walls, B. C. 348. William the Lion is surprised, at tilt, before Alnwick Castle, and made a prisoner, N. S. 1174.-The Bruce, after ravaging the Western marches through the vale of Furness, in Lancashire, during twenty-four days, returns home with his waggons filled with plunder, 1322. The battle of Harlaw, between the Gaelic and Lowland Scottish factions, led by the Earl of Mar and Donald of the Isles, 1411. This battle was, in its consequences, of the highest importance, since it decided the superiority of the more civilized regions of Scotland, over those inhabited by the Celtic tribes, who remained almost as savage as their forefathers, the Dulriads. Another mark of the advance of civilization, observes Sir Walter Scott, was the erection of the University of St. Andrew's, which was founded and endowed about that time, under the auspices of Henry Wardlaw, Archbishop of St. Andrew's, and a cardinal. Queen Mary, a prisoner in Lochleven Castle, subscribes the instruments by which she resigned the Scottish crown in favour of her son, and appointed a regent (Murray) during his minority, 1567. "She came to the window (writes Beton on the 17th) sundry times in so miserable a state, her hairs hanging about her lugs, and her breast, yea, the most part of all her body, from the waist up, bare and discovered, that no man could look upon her but she moved him to pity and compassion. For my own part, I was satisfied to hear of it, and might not suffer to see it.” King James and his visitor, Christian IV., are entertained by Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, at Theobalds, 1606. The battle of Steenkirk, 1692. Broadswords are forbidden to be worn in Edinburgh, 1722. Nelson attacks Santa Cruz, at Teneriffe, and lost his arm, 1797. And moping here did Hypochondria sit; And some her frantic deem'd, and some her deem'd a wit. Castle of Indolence. |