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Arise, O Petrarch, from th' Elysian bowers,
With never-fading myrtles twin'd,

And fragrant with ambrosial flowers,

Where to thy Laura thou again art join'd;
Arise, and hither bring the silver lyre,

Tun'd by thy skilful hand,

To the soft notes of elegant desire,

With which o'er many a land

Was spread the fame of thy disastrous love.-Lyttelton.

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XIII. Francis Petrarch, 1304, O. S. Robert the Wise (of France),



Arezzo in Tuscany.
Eusebius Renaudot, 1646, Paris.
James Harris, 1709, Salisbury.
Auguste de Marmont, Duke of
Ragusa, 1774, Chatillon, upon

1031. d. Melun.

Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, 1164.

Thomas Randolph, Earl of Mo

ray, 1332. d. Musselburgh. Claude Queen of France, 1524.

Mahmoud II. (Sultan), 1785.] Bishop (John) Prideaux, 1650.

Obits of the Latin Church.

St. Joseph Barsabas, the Dis-

Sts. Justa and Rufina, Martyrs

at Seville, 304.

St. Margaret, Virgin, Martyr at
Antioch in Pisidia (last gene-
ral persecution), 4th Century.
(See English Church Calen-

d. Bredon.

Adrian Delamet, 1691. d. Sorbonne, Paris.

Bishop (Edward) Chandler,

1750. Durham.
John Christopher Pepusch,

1752. d. Chartreuse.
Peter Van Bleeck, 1764. (Quo?)
D'Entrecasteaux, 1793. Ocean.
Eleanor, Marchioness de Fon-

seca, 1799. hanged, Naples. Professor (John) Playfair, 1819. d. Edinburgh.

St. Aurelius, Archbishop of Car- | William Brown, 1825. d. Fitzthage, 423.

St. Ulmar (or Wulmar), Abbot
of Samer near Boulogne, 710.
St. Ceslas, of Poland, 1242.
St. Jerom Emiliani, of St. Ma-
yeuls, 1537.

roy Square.

To be applauded for witty when you know that you have been dull, are the wages of buffoonery and death. Elia.

Gravity is the very essence of imposture.-Shaftesbury.

Fools, who, repining at their wretched state,
And loathing anxious life, suborn their fate :
With late repentance now they would retrieve
The bodies they forsook, and wish to live;

Their pains and poverty desire to bear,

To view the light of heav'n, and breathe the vital air.-Virgil.


THE great Canicular cycle of the Egyptians, consisting of 1460 years, began with the sun in Cancer, and fifteen days after the summer solstice, B. C. 1322. Its first revolution was just completed with the reign of Adrian, the 10th day of July, A. D. 138: its second, when Shakspeare flourished,' 1598. The famous expedition of the Argonauts, and the foundation of the Pythian games, by the Amphictyonic council, are events which chronologists have placed sixty years afterwards.

The customary games in memory of Cæsar's victories were exhibited by Octavius, upon this day, dedicated to Venus Mater, when he produced the hero's golden spectatorial chair, B. C. 44. This anniversary is interesting, from the fact of a comet having appeared near the Great Bear, which was visible for seven days. Cæsar received his star from the circumstance; an ensign, adopted by Titus from the rites of Apis.

The troops of Gainas, at Constantinople, are massacred, A. D. 400. The miracle-play of "St. George" is performed at Bassingborne, 1511. Charles V. publishes his imperial ban against the Protestant confederates, 1546. Lady Jane Grey's nine days' usurpation terminates, 1553. The Spanish Armada forms her crescent, pointing some miles asunder' against the opposing coasts, and is driven by a south-western breeze gently, but proudly, up the Channel, to the awakening as fables tell of old Bellerus,' seated on St. Michael's chair.

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All the Protestants in the Valteline are massacred, 1620.

Dr. Burnet, that arch-villain,' saith Fountainhall, attends the Ryehouse conspirators, Captains Walcot, Rouse, and Hone, at their execution, 'but was checked for penning their speeches,' 1683.

Voltaire converted the purpose of an English suicide, 1724. King Joseph enters Madrid, 1808. Wellington forms a junction with Cuesta, and pursues Victor along the valley of the Tagus, 1809. The Lammas Scottish law-term of twenty days now commences. The Macedonian Lous (Hecatombæon) began, on the authority of Galen, with the solstice, now terminating, and is a standard for the other months. Review the past, saith Hesiod, and pay the servants' wages.

But Fate forbids, the Stygian floods oppose,

And, with nine circling streams, the captive souls inclose.---Virgil.


How durst thou risk the soul-distracting view;
As from her naked limbs, of glowing white,
Harmonious swell'd by Nature's finest hand,
In folds loose-floating fell the fainter lawn;
And fair expos'd she stood, shrunk from herself,
With fancy blushing, at the doubtful breeze
Alarm'd, and starting like the fearful fawn?
Then to the flood she rush'd; the parted flood
Its lovely guest with closing waves receiv'd.-Musidora.

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XII. John Potenger, 1647, Win- Darius III. (of Persia), B. C. Cal. chester.


330. murdered, Bactria.

Matthew Prior, 1664, Win- George Hastings, Earl of Huntborne, Dorsetshire.

In his person, though he were the worst of men, I contend for the safety and security of the best; and God forbid, my lords, that the civil rights of the subject should be measured by any other power but the fixed law of the land. Chatham.

Obits of the Latin Church.
St. Praxedes, of Rome, Virgin,

2nd Century.
St. Zoticus, Bishop of Comana,
Martyr, c. 204.
St. Barhadbesciabas, of Arbela,
Martyr, 354.

ingdon, A. D. 1544. Lord William Russell, 1683. beheaded, Lincoln's Inn Fields. James Butler, Duke of Ormond,

1688. died, Kingston Hall. (Westminster Abbey.) Peter Airault, 1601. d. Angers. Daniel Sennertus, 1637. died,


Peter Barral, 1772. d. Paris.
R. Burns, 1796. d. Dumfries.
Peter Thelluson, 1797. died,

Abp. (Charles) Sutton, 1828.

These three uncouth words, nullus liber homo, have a meaning which interests us all they deserve to be remembered—they

deserve to be inculcated in our

St. Victor, of Marseilles, Mar- minds-they are worth all the tyr, 4th Century.

classicks.-Let us not, then, de

St. Arbogastus, Bishop of Stras- generate from the glorious ex-
burg, 678.
ample of our ancestors.


I am not pleading the cause of an individual, but of every freeholder.---Chatham.

First Eurus to the rising morn is sent,
The regions of the balmy continent;
Westward, the wonton Zephyr wings his flight;
Pleas'd with the remnants of departing light:
Fierce Boreas, with his offspring, issues forth
T' invade the frozen waggon of the north;
While frowning Auster seeks the southern sphere;
And rots, with endless rain, th' unwholesome year.
Ovid's Creation.


THE Nativity of the World, an Egyptian observation from Solinus. King Philip raises the siege of Byzantium, new moon, B. C. 339. The extinction of the Persian empire, with the death of Darius Codomannus (after having subsisted for two hundred and twenty-eight years, from its establishment by Cyrus), B. C. 330.—See 26th August. About this day in the following year Alexander commenced his sixth campaign, and passed the Bactrian Orus, founds Alexandria on the Tanais, and engages the Scythians. He closed this year's expedition at Bactra.

A memorable earthquake, which shook the greatest part of the Roman world, and deluged the lower shores of the Mediterranean, in the second year of Valentinian and Valens, A. D. 365. The city of Alexandria annually commemorated the fatal day in which fifty thousand persons had lost their lives in that inundation. Gibbon dates the period of the fall of the Roman Empire from the reign of Valens, when, as Voltaire sings, "Scythia breathed over it the living cloud of war."

Thomas Cavendish sails from Plymouth upon his American expedition, with three vessels, carrying one hundred and twenty-three persons, and victualled for two years, 1586.-See 3d January.

Malmesbury is taken by the forces of the royalists, 1643.

The treaty of Breda, between the English, French, and Dutch, is signed, 1667. Antigua and Montserrat were to be restored to the British. The French and Irish raise the siege of Londonderry, upon the approach of Colonel Kirk, 1689. It was saved by the loyal George Walker.

The peace of Passarowitz is concluded between Austria and the Porte, 1718. The famous Battle of the Pyramids in Egypt, 1798. Cairo surrendered to the King of Fire (as the Mamalukes termed the Corsican), and the whole of Lower Egypt submitted to his arms. He described the Nile as covered with turbans. The cabinets of Paris redeem his shame. Man has much more to fear from the passions of his fellow-creatures, than from the convulsions of the elements. Gibbon.





The rural pipe and merry lay

No more shall cheer the happy day :
No social scenes of gay delight
Beguile the dreary winter night:
No strains but those of sorrow flow,

And nought be heard but sounds of woe,

While the pale phantoms of the slain

Glide nightly o'er the silent plain.-Tears of Scotland.


Thomas Hall, 1610, Worcester.
Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of
Shaftesbury, 1621, Winborne.
Peter Lyounet, 1707, Maes-

Hugues Bernard Maret, Duke

of Bassano, 1763, Dijon.] Homer was tail and comely and walked very erect for one of his age, and his eyes were the most quick and piercing ever beheld. Aristotle stooped much, and made use of a staff; his visage was meagre, his hair lank and thin, and his voice



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Obits of the Latin Church.
St. Mary Magdalen. (See Eng-
lish Church Calendar.)
St. Joseph, of Palestine, (called

Count Joseph), c. 356.
St. Vandrille (or Wandregisilus),
Abbot of Fontenelles, d. 666.
St. Meneve, Abbot in Auvergne,

St. Dabuis (or Davius), of Ire-


Sir John Stewart, 1298. killed,

Sir John Grahame, 1298. killed,

Sir Henry Percy, (Hotspur),
1403. slain, Battle-field.
Charles VII. (of France), 1461.
d. Mehun upon Yevre.
Bishop (Richard) Cox, 1581.
Henry III. (of France), 1589.

assassinated, Paris.

Jacques Clement, slain, 1589.
Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon,

1596. d. Somerset House.

G. Vanden Eeckhout, 1674.
Clement X. (Pope) 1676.

Claude Boyer, 1698. d. Paris.
Chancellor (Peter) King, 1734.

Dr. John Dalton, 1763. Wor


Francis Lord Gardenstone, 1793.
John Benjamin de la Borde,

guillotined, 1794.
Marie Francis Xavier Bichat,
1802. d. Paris.

Dr. George Shaw, 1813. d. British Museum.

Joseph Piazzi, 1826. Palermo.

There were no Stoicks there, for they were still climbing the steep hill of virI learned from Homer that he was, in fact, a Babylonian.


Lucian's Happy Island.

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