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Arise, as in that elder time,
Warm, energetic, chaste, sublime!
Thy wonders, in that god-like age,
Fill thy recording Sister's page-
'Tis said, and I believe the tale,

Thy humblest reed could more prevail,

Had more of strength, diviner rage,

Than all which charms this laggard age.-Euterpe.


THE ninth day of Ab is a Hebrew fast in memory of God's declaration to Moses, that none of the murmuring Israelites should enter into the land of Canaan: "But as for you, your carcasses, they shall fall in this wilderness."-Numbers xiv. The modern Jews commemorate the destruction of the two temples upon this day.-See 7th and 10th July.

The city of Berytus is overthrown by an earthquake, A. D. 551. It gave birth to Sanchoniatho, the Phoenician historian, about the period of the Trojan war, in the time of Hercules.

The Armenians commenced their ÆRA on Tuesday, the ninth day of July, 552. The year, like the Noëtic, consists of twelve months of thirty days, with an insertion of five, or (in leap-year), six days, after the 5th of August, when their ecclesiastical year begins.-See 11th August. In their correspondence with Europeans, they usually adopt, as in Russia, the old Julian style, and the months.-See 1st January.

An eclipse of the sun foretold by Thales, B. C. 597.

John Achaius, Bishop of Glasgow, consecrated this day the Cathedral church, which he had enlarged and augmented, 1136. King David I. was present and assisted at the ceremony.

The anniversary of the memorable battle of Sempach, in the canton of Lucern, which established the Swiss independence, 1386.

Queen Elizabeth enters the park of Kenilworth, 1575.-See 11th. The Duke of Monmouth writes from Ringwood to the Queen Dowager, for her intercession, 1685: "I would not desire your Majesty to do it, if I were not from the bottom of my heart convinced how I have been deceived in to it, and how angry God Almighty is with me for it."

The encenia, or dedication of the incomparable Theatre at Oxford, endowed and founded (1664) by Archbishop Sheldon, 1669. The first act held in a secular building was kept there on the same day. Wren adopted his ground-plan from the theatre of Marcellus at Rome. Peter's day of his splendid entertainment at Vienna, N. S. 1698.

Like as the dearling of the Summer's pride.-Spenser.



Hark ! they whisper; angels say,
Sister spirit, come away.

What is this absorbs me quite,
Steals my senses, shuts my sight,
Drowns my spirits, draws my breath?
Tell me, my soul, can this be death?
The world recedes; it disappears!
Heaven opens on my eyes! my ears
With sounds seraphic ring:

Lend, lend your wings! I mount! I fly!




Demosthenes, B.C.382, Athens. Hadrian, A. D. 138. d. Baiæ. Id. John Calvin, A. D. 1509, Noy-Benedict VII. (Pope) 983.


on, in Picardy.

Benedict VIII. (Pope) 1024.

Arthur Annesley, Earl of Angle- Anthony (Abbot) 1073. Crypsey, 1614, Dublin.

Roger Cotes, 1682, Burbage,

tæ, near Kiof.

Thibault VI. (of Navarre), 1253. d. Pampeluna.

Sir William Blackstone, 1723, Joan (of England), 1437, d.

Cheapside, London.

A woman cried to him (Adrian) as he was passing by :

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Hear me, Casur ;" and he answered, "I have not leisure."The woman replied: "Then cease to reign." (Noli ergo imperare). Whereupon he stopped and heard her complaint.Being made Emperor, he said to one who had been his capital



Pyrgo House. (Canterbury.) J. Talbot, 2d E. of Shrewsbury,

1460.k. Northam.(Worksop.) Humph. Stafford, D. of Buck

ingham, 1460. k. Northampt. Henry II. (of France), 1559. Wm. 1st Prince of Orange, N.S.

1584, murdered, Delft. John Combe, 1614. Stratford. Lewis Moreri, 1680. d. Lyons. | Francis Eudes de Mezerai, 1683.

Don Pantaleon Sa, beh. 1684.

"Thou hast now es- Bishop (John) Fell, 1686.
Christ Church, Oxford.
John, Lord Lonsdale, 1700.
| Sir Charles Crispe, 1740.
Dr. Alexander Monro, 1767.
Orleans de la Motte, 1774.
Tho. West, 1779. d. Ulverston.
David Rittenhouse, 1796. d.

Obits of the Latin Church.
The seven Brothers, Martyrs,
and St. Felicitas (their mo-
ther) at Rome, 2d Century.
Sts. Rufina and Secunda, Vgs.
& Sisters, M. near Rome, 257.

O grave! where is thy victory?

O death! where is thy sting?---Adrian to his Soul.

See where the deer trot after one another,
Male, female, father, daughter, mother, son;
Brother and sister mingled all together;

No discontent they know, but in delightful

Wildness and freedom, pleasant springs, fresh herbage,
Calin harbours, lusty health and innocence,

Enjoy their portion : If they see a man,

They turn together all and gaze.

Once in a season too they taste of love.---Orphan.


BEROSUS, in his history (observes Athenæus) mentions a certain feast at Babylon, celebrated during the eleventh month, Lous, called Saceas, of five days. It was then customary for masters to obey their domestics, one of whom called Zo-ganes (zany) is led round the house clothed in a royal garment.

The conflagration of the second temple of the Jews in the evening of the ninth day of Lous (Ab) the second year of Vespasian, A. D. 70.— See 8th August.

The death of Hadrian, the successor of Trajan, after a reign of twentyone years, 138. He built the British wall, extending from Newcastle to Carlisle, and first adopted an imperial beard to conceal the warts upon his face. Antoninus Pius succeeded, and supplied the hypotenuse of an excellent triangle. Our temple of Apollo was razed in his time.

The burning of London Bridge, when three thousand persons, inhabiting that little borough, perished in the flames, 1212.

The Anniversary at Haerlem for two days, commemorating the INVENTION OF PRINTING with movable types, by Lawrence Janssen Coster, a native, 1440. It is celebrated also, by the printers, at Dort and Rotterdam. The emblems on his monument are a branch of beech, a winged A, a wreathed snake, and a lamp.

The battle of Northampton is lost to the king by treachery, 1460. Charles the Bold raises the siege of Beauvais, 1472. It is an Anniversary in memory of the heroine, Jeane Hachette, and her regiment. The interview between Wolsey and Charles V. at Gravelines, 1520. The Duke of Northumberland visits Lady Jane Grey at her residence in Sion House; the next day she entered the Tower in state, and was proclaimed by trumpet, and a laboured manifesto, Queen of England, 1553.—See 20th July.—Demise of the father of the Dutch Republic, 1584.

Only the beast of reason is its slave,

And in that folly drudges all the year.---Castalio.





For do but note a wild and wanton herd,

Or race of youthful and unhandled colts,

Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud;

If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound,

Or any air of musick touch their ears,

You shall perceive them make a mutual stand,

Their savage eyes turn'd to a modest gaze,

By the sweet power of music: Therefore, the poet

Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones, and floods.---Lorenzo.


Isocrates, B. C. 436, Athens.
Robert Bruce I. (of Scotland),
A. D. 1274, Lochmaben, in

Louis Morin, 1635, Mans.
J. B. d'Anville, 1697, Paris.
Joseph Jerome de Lalande,
1732, Bourg en Bresse.
Henry Edwards Davis, 1756,

The serpent is very long-lived, and has the quality not only of putting off its old age, and assuming a second youth, but it receives a greater increase of its fire. Sanchoniatho.

Obits of the Latin Church.
St. Pius I. (Pope), Martyr,
buried, 157.

St. James, Bishop of Nisibis,

St. Hidulphus (or Hildulph),

Archbishop of Triers, 707.
St. Drostan, Abbot of Dalcon-
gaile, c. 809.


Anthemius, (Emperor), 472.
murdered, Rome.

Queen Helen (of Russia), 978.
Eric the Good, (of Denmark),

1103. d. Cyprus.

Amauri (of Jerusalem), 1173.
Jack Cade, 1450. slain, near

Antonius Laxibra, 1522. died,
Alcala de Henarez.
Susanna Shakspeare, 1649.
Stratford upon Avon.
Sir William Williams, 1700.
Mary Manley, 1724. d. London.
Andrew Cantwell, 1764.
John James Flipart, 1782. died,

Charles Macklin, 1797. St.
Paul's, Covent Garden.
General Hamilton, 1804. killed
(in duel), New York.

And when it has fulfilled the

appointed measure of its exist

ence, it consumes itself: as Taautus has laid down in the books of the sacred mysteries.

Witty above her sex; but that's not all,
Wise to salvation was good Mistress Hall. ---Epitaph.

The chirping birds at first instructed man,

And taught them songs, before their art began:

And whilst soft evening gales blew o'er the plains,

And shook the sounding reeds, they taught the swains;
And thus the pipe was fram'd, and tuneful reed,

And whilst the tender flocks securely feed,

The harmless shepherds tun'd their pipes to love,
And Amaryllis sounds in every grove.-Lucretius.


THE Olympic year began with this day, the full moon or fortnight from the Metonic solstice.-See 27th June. It corresponds likewise with the heliacal year in use among the inhabitants of Middle Egypt, three thousand years ago, which Orpheus introduced into Greece. This year of three hundred and sixty-five days was termed the Sothic, from Sothis, the dog-star, at whose heliacal rising it was supposed to commence. The five epagomenai, or added days, were sacred to five deities, Osiris, Aroueris, Typhon, Isis, and Nephthe; and to every day in the calendar the title of some deity was affixed (anniversaries), as we learn from Theophilus, who reproaches Orpheus with his three hundred and sixty-five gods.

The Theban year of Upper primitive Egypt, which was also heliacal, consisted more accurately of three hundred and sixty-five days and six hours, according to Diodorus, being that which Cæsar adopted at Rome. The amount of days in a cycle of one hundred Theban years is 36,525, which agrees with the number of written volumes, or the diaries of Hermes, called collectively the almanacks. These Ephemerides differed in no one respect from our calendars, consisting (besides the holidays) of a detail about the phases of the sun and moon, and of the rising and setting of the stars for the year; also of the aspects and influences of the planets, and what was from them portended and there was also some physical advice subjoined. All which, saith Porphyry, en Almenichiacois pheretai, is contained in the almanacks of the Egyptians.

The Etesia, or northern periodical winds, begin to blow, and continue until the 18th of August, during forty days. Aristotle fixes them exactly; as blowing after the Summer solstice, and rising of the dog-star. They are of a mild and gentle nature, and propitious for the freighted merchant bounding to Levant, or the Exchange with its seven gates. The hedge-sparrow, curruca, the blackcap, atricapilla, and the titlark, alauda pratorum, now are silent—favent linguis.

Departing justice, when she fled mankind,

In these blest plains her footsteps left behind.---A Country Life.

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