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LETTER III. p. 41.

Advantages of a Public Table-Pedestrian Ramble-Castle of
Hapsburg-Bridge of Wettingen-Tomb at Hindelbanck—
Berne-State of Society-Criminals-Bears-View of the
Alps-Mount Jura-Neufchatel-Moutiers Travers—
Rousseau-Iland of St. Pierre-Benighted Walk-Lake
of Thun-Village of Unterseen-Lake of Brientz-Night
Voyage-Mountain Village-Valley of Hassli-Canton of
Schweitz-Lake of the Four Cantons-Model of Switzer-
land-Tell's Chapel-Lake of Zug-Zurich.

LETTER IV. p. 66.

Schweitz-Lake of the Four Cantons-Republic of Gerisau
-Tell's Chapel-Altdorf-William Tell-Ascent of St.
Gothard-Wasen-Schoellenen-The Devil's Bridge-Ge-
neral Suwarrow-Valley of Urseren-View of the Gri-
sons-Tavetch-Even-Song-Female Devotion-Hospice of
St. Gothard-Zig-Zag descent--Airolo-The Val Le-
vantina-Bellinzona-The Lago Maggiore-Borromean
Islands-Milan-The Cathedral-Te Deum.

LETTER V. p. 100.

Switzerland-Supposed Ascent-General View-Lakes-Val-
leys-Mountains-Crags-Sources of the Rhine, the Rhone,
and the Po-Origin of Swiss Freedom-Battle of Morgar-
ten-Alliance of Uri, Schweitz, and Underwalden-Acces-
sion of the Ten other Cantons-Revolution of 1798-Com-


parative Observations-Constitutional Defects-Love of
Country-Distinctions, Religious, Political, and Linguacu-
lar-Variations of Temperature-Sensations at unusual
Heights-Comparative Elevation of Mountains-Marine
Petrifactions-Productions of Switzerland-Public Grana-
ries-Surplus Population-Concluding Reflections.

LETTER VI. p. 117.

Italian Travelling-by Poft-by Voiture-by Procache-Voi-
ture preferred— Impofition of the Vettorino-Bridge of Lodi
-Rich Meadows-The Po-The Duchy of Parma-Cor-
reggio-Modena-Bologna-The Carrachi, Guido, Dome-
nichino-Charles V-Clement VII-Giovanni di Bologna
-Convent of St. Luke-Dominican Monk-The Apen-

LETTER VII. p. 142.

Florence-The Old Palace-Benevenuto Cellini-The Gallery
-Venus de Medicis-Julius II—The Academy of the Fine
Arts-The Museum of Natural Hiftory-Anatomical
Preparations-Obfervatory-Andrea del Sarto-The Palaz-
zo Pitti-Leo X-Raphael, Michael Angelo, Salvator Ro-
sa-Carregi de Medici-Pratolino-Vigil of San Giovan-
ni-The Madonna del Sacco-The Cathedral-Assassina-
tion of Julian de Medicis-The Baptistery-Lorenzo Ghi-
berti-The Mausoleum of the Medicis-The Library of San


Lorenzo-Bible of the VII Century-Virgil of the V-

The Tomb of Galileo-of Michael Angelo.

Americus Vesputius-The Academia della Crusca-Institu-
tions of Leopold-Wine-Cellars-Improvisatori-Dr. John-
son-Anecdote of a Tuscan Prince.

Sienna-Aqua Pendente-Viterbo-Rome.

St. Peter's Church-The Outer Court-The Piazzas-The
Fountains-The Obelisk-The Frontispiece-The Nave-
The High Altar-The Dome-The Choral Service-The
Inscriptions-The Chapels-The Superstructure-Nicholas
V. Leo X. Sixtus V-Bramante, Michael Angelo, Fontana

Mary Stuart-Gregory XIII—Note on the Alteration of
the Style-False Miracles-Image of St. Peter-The
Chapter The Choir-Conclusion.

The Palace of the Vatican-History-Situation-Description
-Principal Entrance-Great Stair-Case-Hall-Capella
Sistina-Michael Angelo Capella Paulina Lodges of Ra-
phael-Chambers of Julius II-The School of Athens-
The Corridor of the Belvidere-The Vatican Library-Hen-
ry VIIPs Defence of the VII Sacraments-Love Letters
to Anna Boleyn-Ceiling by Mengs-Museum Pium Cle-
mentinum-The Tomb of the Scipios-The Torso-The
Apollo Belvidere-The Groupe of Laocoon-Posiddipus and
Menander-Chamber of the Muses-Gallery of Vases-
Of Paintings.

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