CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. The Party-Motives of the Journey-Accidents of the Road-Fontainebleau-Impositions upon Travellers- Champagne-Alsace-Switzerland-Basil-The Dance of LETTER III. p. 41. Advantages of a Public Table-Pedestrian Ramble-Castle of LETTER IV. p. 66. Schweitz-Lake of the Four Cantons-Republic of Gerisau LETTER V. p. 100. Switzerland-Supposed Ascent-General View-Lakes-Val- parative. parative Observations-Constitutional Defects-Love of LETTER VI. p. 117. Italian Travelling-by Poft-by Voiture-by Procache-Voi- LETTER VII. p. 142. Florence-The Old Palace-Benevenuto Cellini-The Gallery b Lorenzo-Bible of the VII Century-Virgil of the V- The Tomb of Galileo-of Michael Angelo. Americus Vesputius-The Academia della Crusca-Institu- Sienna-Aqua Pendente-Viterbo-Rome. St. Peter's Church-The Outer Court-The Piazzas-The Mary Stuart-Gregory XIII—Note on the Alteration of The Palace of the Vatican-History-Situation-Description The Pantheon-History-Description-Reflections-The Pil- lars of Trajan and Antonine-The Roman Forum-The Triumphal Arches-The Imperial Palace-The Circus Maximus-The Bas-Reliefs of the Arch of Titus-The Co- liseum-Gladiators-The Triumphal Bridge-The Sublician -The Ponte Rotto-The Gate of St. Sebastian-The Baths |