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" The usual lazy and short way by chastisement, and the rod, which is the only instrument of government that tutors generally know, or ever think of, is the most unfit of any to be used in education... "
The Educational Writings of John Locke - Page 36
de John Locke - 1922 - 272 pages
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The Ladies Library: ... Written by a Lady. Published by Sir ..., Volume 2

1772 - 326 pages
...•.•, i •• The ufual lazy and mort way by chalHfement and the. rod, which is the only inftrument of government that tutors generally know or ever think of, is the moft 1 unfit of any to be ufed in education ; becaufe it tends fo both thofe mifchiefs, which, as we...
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Philosophical beauties selected from the works of John Locke

John Locke - 1802 - 308 pages to reconcile these seeming contradictions, has, in my opinion, got the true secret of education. The usual lazy and short way by chastisement, and...of, is the most unfit of any to be used in education 5 because it tends to both those mischiefs ; which, as we have shewn, are the Scylia and the Charybdis,...
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Elements of tuition, Partie 3

Andrew Bell - 1815 - 486 pages
...fear,' 168 Mr. Locke after stating his reasons, why * the usual lazy and short way by chastisements, and the rod, which is the only instrument of the most unfit of any to be used in education,' concludes, ' beating them (boys) and all other acts of slavish and corporal punishments, are not the...
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The Monthly Gazette of Health, Volume 5

1821 - 456 pages
...castigatione, si assiduus studiorum exactor adstiterit." And Locke to the same purpose observes, " The usual, lazy, and short way, by chastisement and...instrument of government that tutors generally know or even think of, is the most unfit of any to be used in education." Such are the writers that have the...
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The Works of John Locke, Volume 9

John Locke - 1823 - 496 pages
...reconcile these seeming contradictious, has, in my opinion, got the true secret of education. § 47. The usual lazy and short way by chastisement, and the rod, which is the only ea l"s' instrument of government that tutors generally know, or ever think of, is the most unfit of...
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A Manual of the System of Instruction Pursued at the Infant School, Meadow ...

David George Goyder - 1825 - 178 pages
...necessary information. "The usual lazy and short way by chastisement and the rod, (says Mr. Locke) " which is the only instrument of government that the most UNFIT of any to be used in education." To restrain the vicious, however, it is absolutely necessary that some sort of punishment should be...
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The New Jerusalem magazine and theological inspector

1826 - 398 pages
...for every information. " The usual lazy and short way by chastisement and the rod" (says Mr. Locke) " which is the only instrument of government that the most unfit of any to be used in education." We disagree in toto with the Author's adoption of " Stocks and Handcuffs" and we were not a little...
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Philosophical Beauties Selected from the Works of Jean Locke...containing ...

John Locke - 1844 - 272 pages to reconcile these seeming contradictions, has, in my opinion, got the true secret of education. The usual lazy and short way by chastisement, and...tutors generally know, or ever think of, is the most unht of any to be used in education ; because it tends to both those mischiefs ; which, as we have...
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Extracts from the Reports of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools: Intended ...

Inspectorate of Schools (England and Wales) - 1852 - 348 pages
...the remarks of Locke, whose views on this matter seem to be entitled to a careful consideration r— "The usual lazy and short way by chastisement the most unfit of any to be used in education, becanse it tends to both those mischiefs which, as we have shown, are the Scylla and Charybdis, which,...
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Language as a Means of Mental Culture and International ..., Volume 1

Claude Marcel - 1853 - 458 pages
...inure him to perverseness. " The usual lazy and short way by chastisement and the rod," says Locke, " which is the only instrument of government that the most unfit of any to be used in education. This sort of correction naturally breeds an aversion to that which it is the tutor's business to create...
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