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" Reading, and writing, and learning, I allow to be necessary, but yet not the chief business. I imagine you would think him a very foolish fellow, that should not value a virtuous, or a wise man, infinitely before a great scholar. "
The Educational Writings of John Locke - Page 115
de John Locke - 1922 - 272 pages
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Some Thoughts Concerning Education

John Locke - 1693 - 290 pages
...Bufinefs. I imagine you would thirtk him a very foohfh Fellow, that fhould not value a Vertuous of a Wife Man, infinitely before a great Scholar: Not but that I think Learning a great help to both in well difpos'd Minds; but yet it muft be be ccihffefs'd alfb,' that in others Aot ' difpos'd, it helps...
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Some thoughts concerning education [by J. Locke.]. By J. Locke

John Locke - 1712 - 330 pages
...Bufinefs. I imagine you would think him a very foolifh Fellow, that fhould not value a Vertuous, or a Wife Man, infinitely before a great Scholar. Not but that I think Learning a great help to both in well difpos'd Minds; but yet it muft be confefs'd alfb, that in others not Co diPpos'd, it helps them...
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Some Thoughts Concerning Education: By John Locke, Esq

John Locke - 1779 - 336 pages
...foolifh fellow, that mould not value a virtuous, or a wife man, infinitely before a great fcholar. Not but that I think learning a great help to both in well difpofed minds; but yet it muft be conftfied alfo, that in others not fo difpofed, it helps them...
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The works of John Locke. To which is added the life of the author ..., Volume 9

John Locke - 1812 - 492 pages
...yet he makes worse than they " are, by his ill reading?" Not so, not so fast, I beseech you. Reading, and writing, and learning, I allow to be necessary, but yet not the chief business. I iinagine you would think him a very foolish fellow, that should not value a virtuous, or a wise man,...
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The Works of John Locke, Volume 9

John Locke - 1823 - 496 pages
...yet he makes worse than they are, by his ill reading ?" Not so, not so fast, I beseech you. Reading, and writing, and learning, I allow to be necessary,...but that I think learning a great help to both, in well disposed minds ; but yet it must be confessed also, that in others not so disposed, it helps them...
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Infant-baptism: The Means of National Reformation According to the Doctrine ...

Henry Budd - 1827 - 542 pages
...Locke, in "Some thoughts concerning education," expresses himself strongly on this subject. " Reading, and Writing and Learning, I allow to be necessary,...but that I think Learning a great help to both in well disposed minds ; but yet it must be confessed also, that in others not so disposed, it helps them...
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Infant-baptism: The Means of National Reformation According to the Doctrine ...

Henry Budd - 1841 - 820 pages
...Locke, in " Some thoughts concerning education," expresses himself strongly on this subject. " Reading, and Writing, and Learning, I allow to be necessary,...well-disposed minds ; but yet it must be confessed also, tbat in others not so disposed, it helps them only to be the more foolish, or worse men. I say this,...
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The educational spirit of the present movement, a lecture

J. Mitchell - 1853 - 304 pages
...Locke, in his Essay on Education, " I imagine " you would think him a very foolish fellow that did not " value a virtuous or a wise man infinitely before a great " scholar." " Tis virtue, direct virtue, which is the hard " and valuable part to be aimed at in Education." No...
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The American Journal of Education, Volume 14

Henry Barnard - 1864 - 874 pages
...yet he makes worse than they are, by his ill rending? " Not so, not so fast, I beseech you. Reading, and writing, and learning, I allow to be necessary....but that I think learning a great help to both, in well disposed minds ; but yet it must be confessed also, that in others not so disposed, it helps them...
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The American Journal of Education, Volume 14

Henry Barnard - 1864 - 840 pages
...yet he makes worse than they are, by his ill reading?" Not so, not so fast, I beseech you. Reading, and writing, and learning, I allow to be necessary, but yet not the chief I imagine you would think him a very foolish fellow, that should not raluc a virtuous, or a wise man,...
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