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Livres Livres
" The great work of a governor is to fashion the carriage and form the mind ; to settle in his pupil good habits, and the principles of virtue and wisdom ; to give him, by little and little, a view of mankind ; and work him into a love and imitation of... "
The Educational Writings of John Locke - Page 76
de John Locke - 1922 - 272 pages
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The Parents' Friend; Or Extracts from the Principal Works on ..., Volume 2

1803 - 456 pages
...of virtue and wisdom; to give him by little and little a view of mankind, and work him into a love of what is excellent and praiseworthy; and in the...studies which he sets him upon are but as it were the exercise of his faculties, and to give him some little taste of what his own industry must perfect....
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The Monthly Anthology, and Boston Review, Volumes 8 à 9

Samuel Cooper Thacher, David Phineas Adams, William Emerson - 1810 - 874 pages
...principles of virtue and wisdom ; to give him, by little and hull-, a view of mankind ; and work him into a love and imitation of what is excellent and...studies which he sets him upon are but, as it were, the exercise of his faculties, and employment of his time, to keep him from sauntering and idleness, to...
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The Classical Journal, Volume 6

1819 - 498 pages
...principles of virtue and wisdom; to give him, by little and little, a view of mankind ; and work him into a love and imitation of what is excellent and...praise-worthy ; and, in the prosecution of it, to give him vigor, activity, and industry. The studies which he sets him upon are but, as it W7f , Ihe exercise...
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The works of John Locke. To which is added the life of the author ..., Volume 9

John Locke - 1812 - 492 pages
...virtue and wisdom ; to give him, by little and little, a view of mankind; and work him into a \ove and imitation of what is excellent and praiseworthy...exercises of his faculties, and employment of his time, tp keep him from sauntering and idleness, to teach him application, and accustom him to take pains,...
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The Classical Journal, Volume 6

1812 - 494 pages
...imitation of what is excellent and praise-worthy; and, in the prosecution of it, to give him vigor, activity, and industry. The studies which he sets him upon are but, as it were, the exercise of his faculties, and employment of his time, to keep'liim from sauntering and idleness, to...
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The Works of John Locke, Volume 9

John Locke - 1823 - 488 pages
...principles of virtue and wisdom; to give him, by little and little, a view of mankind ; and . work him into a love and imitation of what is excellent and praiseworthy ; and, in the prosecution of it, to gjve him vigour, activity, and industry. The studies which he sets him upon are but, as it were, the]...
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Memoir of Edward Copleston, Bishop of Llandaff: With Selections from His ...

Edward Copleston, William James Copleston - 1851 - 374 pages
...principles of virtue and wisdom ; to give him, by little and little, a view of mankind ; and work him into a love and imitation of what is excellent and...studies which he sets him upon are but, as it were, the exercise of his faculties, and employment of his time, to keep him from sauntering and idleness, to...
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The American Journal of Education, Volume 13

Henry Barnard - 1863 - 902 pages
...imitation of what ¡3 excellent and praiseworthy ; and in tho prosecution of it, to give him vigor, activity and industry. The studies which he sets him...Faculties, and employment of his time, to keep him from saunte: ng and idleness, to teach him application, and accustorn him to take pains, and to give him...
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The American Journal of Education, Volume 13

Henry Barnard - 1863 - 904 pages
...principles of virtue and wisdom ; to give him by little and little, a view of mankind ; and work him into a love and imitation of what is excellent and...praiseworthy ; and in the prosecution of it, to give him vigor, activity and industry. The studies which he sets him upon, are bat as it were the exercises...
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The American Journal of Education, Volume 13

Henry Barnard - 1863 - 898 pages
...principles of virtue and wisdom ; to give him by little and little, a view of mankind ; and work him into a love and imitation of what is excellent and...praiseworthy ; and in the prosecution of it, to give him vigor, activity and industry. The studies which he sets him upon, are but as it were the exercises...
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