WANTED to PURCHASE, Wentworth's NOTICE.-E. J. FRANCIS & CO., Printing (sixteenth century), by Paul Wentworth; and A Pithie Exhortation, by Peter Wentworth.-JOHN FRANCIS, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, W.C. Wine Office Court, E. C., and Took's Court, E.C.. are prepared to submit ESTIMATES and enter into CONTRACTS for LETTER-PRESS PRINTING and LITHOGRAPHY. KEATS (JOHN).—WANTED to PURCHASE. THE QUARTERLY REVIEW 13, MOUNT STREET, GROSVENOR SQUARE, W. ADVERTISEMENTS for insertion in the FORTHCOMING NUMBER of the above Periodical must be forwarded to the Publisher by the 7th, and BILLS by the 9th, JULY. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. BOOKBUYERS.-A LIST of SECOND-HAND MISS GLYN has the honour to announce that she TBOOKS, in fine condition, in English History. The logy, and give a Series of READINGS from SHAKSPEARE: On Tuesday Evening, July 10, from ANTONY and CLEOPATRA. On Friday Morning, July 13, from MACBETH. On Tuesday Evening, July 17, from HAMLET. On Friday Morning, July 20, from MERCHANT of VENICE. On Friday Morning, July 27, from MEASURE for MEASURE. The Evening Readings to commence at Half-past Eight o'clock preeisely; Carriages may be ordered at Ten. The Morning Readings to commence at Half-past Three o'clock precisely; Carriages may be ordered at Five. Subscription for the Seven Readings, Two Guineas (the Tickets shall be transferable); Single Admission, 108. 6d. Miss GLYN hopes that the Audience will be seated a quarter of an hour before the commencement of each Reading. Tickets to be obtained from Miss GLYN, at her Residence, 13, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, W. General Literature; also a few Greek and Latin Classics.W. HEATH, 497, Oxford Street, London. CATALOGUE (No. 29, July) of AUTOGRAPHS and HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS on Sale by F. NAYLOR, 4, Millman Street, Bedford Row, London, sent on application. W. HARPER'S CATALOGUE of BOOKS, Theological and Miscellaneous, will be forwarded post free on application.-32, Tabernacle Walk (near Finsbury Square), London, E.C. Library of a Gentleman, deceased, removed from Scotland, Theological Library of the late Dr. COTTON MATHER, of Finchley, and other Collections. MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 115, Chancery Lane, W. C. (Fleet Street end), on WEDNESDAY, July 11, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, comprising Banuatyne Club Publications-Richardson's Persian Dictionary-Warton's Dryden-Todd's Milton Weber's Beaumont and Fletcher Count Grammont's Memoirs-Jonson's and Steevens's Shakspeare, numerous Portraits inserted-Old Poetry, Faceti, &c; also the THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY of the late Dr. COTTON MATHER, of Finchley, by order of the Executors, including Calvini Opera, 7 vols-Golii LexiconFabricii Thesaurus, 14 vols.-Alford's Greek Testament, 5 vols., and New Testament, 4 vols.-Macklin's Bible, 7 vols.-Westwood's Facsimiles of Anglo-Saxon MSS., &c. To be viewed, and Catalogues had. FURNISH Your HOUSE OF APARTMENTS THROUGHOUT on MOEDER'S HIRE SYSTEM. The original, best, and most liberal. Cash prices; no extra charge for time given. Large useful Stock to select from. Illustrated Price Catalogue, with Terms, post free.-248, 249, 250, and 251, Tottenham Court Road. Established 1862. |