Notices to Correspondents. ON all communications should be written the name an! address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. namely, "Edgar Allan Poe," by Mr. Noble. This is admirable, because it is just, true, generous, and thoughtfully written.-The Nineteenth Century is especially remarkable for Mr. Froude's second part of the "Life and Times of Thomas Becket": a truly valuable contribution. Shakspearian readers will find their account in various ways, after opening Macmillan, in studying Mr. Fleay's paper, "The Text of Romeo and Juliet." Dr. Holland's Ancient Organization of the University of Oxford" will also be found of great interest.-Temple Bar has a charm of its own, which brings old times freshly back again, in a hitherto unpub-"Elphinston's Martial is just come to hand; it is truly lished fireside fancy of Leigh Hunt's, called "Men are but Children of a larger Growth." The author's name will draw such of his old admirers as are left to this bright bit of fanciful work. In the Cornhill there is a world of pleasant, wise, and doubtful things, in "Laus Philistiæ.' OLD SUBURB.-There was a school of great reputation on the site of Baron Grant's house at Kensington, in the last century. The master was the worthy but eccentric James Elphinston, who may be called the leader of the "Fonetik Falanx" and the worst translator of Martial that ever existed. Beattie, writing to Forbes, says: a unique. The specimens formerly published did very well to laugh at; but a whole quarto of nonsense and gibberish is too much. It is strange that a man not wholly illiterate should have lived so long in England without learning the language." Elphinston was a ScotsHe taught English to many French pupils of noble birth, and died in 1800. The house was otherwise an historical house. Charles II.'s Duchess of Portsmouth man. Here is a sample, about which there is nothing doubtful:-" Great artists are more generous in praising than others, but also more savage in retaliating. Pope on Atticus, Johnson on Chesterfield, Bentley on Boyle, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, are terrible instances of literary vengeance. There is the temptation of power, and the splendid success which attends its exertion; and probably the great ones are far more patient than the little ones suppose." To the above list might be added Tennyson on Bulwer.-The Foreign Church Chronicle and Review (Vol. I. No. 2, W. Wells Gardner) is a new quarterly intended to supply the void left among Anglican periodicals by the extinction of the Colonial Church Chronicle. It gives information which it would be difficult to find elsewhere on the state of the churches of the Anglican communion in America and the British Colonies, and also of the Old Catholic churches in Germany and Switzerland. MESSRS. SAMPSON Low & Co. have published The Customs, Superstitions, and Legends of the County of Somerset, by Mr. C. H. Poole. A pleasant and useful contribution to folk-lore. It does not profess to be complete, but Abulfeda justifies the collector: "What cannot be totally known ought not to be totally neglected; for the knowledge of a part is better than the ignorance of the whole." Meetings and Greetings is the title of the last of the many compilations edited by Mr. Tegg. It illustrates the salutations, obeisances, and courtesies of nations, and contains discursive notices of other subjects. The following may be noted as something not widely known: "Semper eadem, i.e. 'always the same,' was first used as the motto of the arms of England, Dec. 15, 1702." The season was not apt for such use. As applied to Ireland, we have heard an Irish gentleman translate semper eadem as meaning "worse and worse.' " DR. INGLEBY, through Trübner & Co., has reprinted part i. of some of his occasional papers, under the title of Shakespeare, the Man and the Book. The chapter on The Authorship of the Works attributed to Shakespeare" should be read in connexion with Mr. Fleny's article in Macmillan, to which reference is made above. Gentlemen indulging in the Baconian theory are respectfully warned that Dr. Ingleby uses that strong arm of his to wield the scourge with perfect vigour and apparent justice. CAXTON AND SHAKSPEARE (see Athenæum for June 23, p. 799). Ecclesiasticus, chap. xxix., is against borrow ing and lending to a friend, and says much the same as Shakspeare or Caxton. Verse 6 states the lender may think himself well off if he gets any of his money back: "If not, he hath deprived him of his money, and he hath gotten him an enemy without cause." W. J. BIRCH. is said to have been the first inhabitant. the General Index to First Series of "N. & Q.," and E. C. (Queen's Gate.) See, under "Inscriptions," under "Sun Dials," the General Indexes to the Second, Third, and especially that to the Fourth Series. THE REV. WILLIAM H. SEWELL, M.A. (Yaxley Vicarage, Suffolk), asks W. H. C. ("Curious Burial Custom," vol. vii. p. 392, for his name and address. X. L.-There is a popular and there is a proper but unused pronunciation of these names. G. SCHRUMPF.-We can only decide after seeing the has been noticed more than once in " N. & Q." and German versions of this national anthem. ARTHUR SCHOMBERG asks for the titles of any books or pamphlets published in defence of the Jacobites between 1688-1747. "HABENT SUA FATA LIBELLI" is requested to send his name and address. A proof shall be forwarded. M. D.-The title of Montfort became extinct in 1851. NOTICE. Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor of Notes and Queries '"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, 20, Wellington Street, Strand. London, W.C. We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print; aud to this rule we can make no exception. and without which none is genuine. Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Worcester; CROSSE & BLACKWELL, London; and Export Oilmen generally. Retail by dealers in Sauces throughout the world." BROWN & POLSON'S CORN FLOUR HAS TWENTY YEARS' WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, AND IS EQUAL TO THE FINEST ARROWROOT. RUPTURES.-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effec tive invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in its effects, is here avoided; a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER. fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) forwarded by post on the circumference of the body, two inches below the hips, being sent to the Manufacturer, MR. JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 168., 218., 268. 6d., and 318. 6d. Postage free. Double Truss, 318. 6d., 42., and 52s. 6d. Postage free. An Umbilical Truss, 428 and 528. 6d. Postage free. Post-Office Orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post-Office, Piccadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, &c., for VARICOSE VEINS, and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS, SPRAINS, &c. They are porous, light in texture, and inexpensive, and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking. Prices, 48. 6d., 73. 6d., 108., and 168. each. Postage free. JOHN WHITE, MANUFACTURER, 228, PICCADILLY, London. Но OLLOWAY'S PILLS are strongly recommended to all persons who are much reduced in power and condition, whose stomachs are weak, and whose nerves are shattered. The bene ficial effects of these Pills will be perceptible after a few days' trial, though a more extended course may be required to re-establish perfect health. Holloway's medicine acts on the organs of digestion, and induces complete regularity in the stomach, liver, pancreas, and kidneys. This treatment is both safe and certain in result, and is thoroughly consistent with observation, experience, and common I sense. The purification of the blood, the removal of all noxious matter from the secretions, and the excitement of gentle action in the bowels, are the sources of the curative powers of Holloway's Pills. JOHN GOSNELL & CO.'S CHERRY TOOTH PASTE Is greatly superior to any Tooth Powder, gives the Teeth a Pearl-like Whiteness, protects the Enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing Fragrance to the Breath. Price 18. 6d. per Pot. JOHN GOSNELL & CO.'S TOILET AND NURSERY POWDER, Celebrated for its Purity. JOHN GOSNELL & CO.'S PATENT TRICHOSARON, Or newly-invented HAIR-BRUSII, the peculiar Mechanical Construction of which accomplishes the two operations, SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PERFUMERS; AND AT ANGEL PASSAGE, 93, UPPER THAMES STREET, LONDON, E.C. NEW WORKS, READY OR PREPARING. Captain FRED. BURNABY'S NEW WORK, giving an Account of his Ride of Two Thousand Five Hundred Miles in Asia Minor, is in the press. NEW IRELAND, by ALEX. M. SULLIVAN, M.P., is the title of a most important Work on Ireland and the Irish, also in preparation. PREPARING FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION. . In 1 vol. demy 8vo. cloth, about 148. The KHEDIVE'S EGYPT; or, the Old House of Bondage under New Masters. By EDWIN DE LEON, Ex-Agent and Consul-General in Egypt. NEW NOVEL BY MR. J. DANGERFIELD. Now ready, ALIX FAIRFORD. 2 vols. small post 8vo. price 14s. "Mr. Dangerfield is the same person as the Mr. John Latouche whose Travels in Portugal' were favourably reviewed in our columns and elsewhere some time ago.”—Athenæum. Next week, in large post 8vo, handsomely bound in cloth, gilt edges, 400 pages, price 128. 6d. The FERN WORLD. By Francis George Heath, Author of "The Fern Paradise," "The English Peasantry," &c. The work will be illustrated by Twelve Coloured Plates, giving complete Figures (Sixty-four in all) of every Species of British Fern, specially printed from Nature, and by several Full-Page Engravings of some of the choicest scenery of Devon Will be ready shortly, crown 8vo. cloth extra, leatherette binding, price 108. 6d. NOTES on FISH and FISHING. By the Rev. J. J. Manley, M.A. This Work, besides containing descriptions of all Fresh-Water Fish and the modes of taking them, will also contain Chapters on Fishing as a Sport-Fishing as a Fine Art-The Literature of Fishing-Natural History of Fish-Thames Fishing and Puntsmen-Devonshire Fishing -The Norfolk Broads-Winter Fishing-Preservation of Fishi-Pisciculture-Storage of Winter Water-Aquaria, &c. Now ready, crown 8vo. cloth extra, price 108. 6d. A SUMMER HOLIDAY in SCANDINAVIA. By E. L. L. Arnold. Nearly ready, 2 vols. crown 8vo. 248. MORTIMER COLLINS: His Letters and Friendships. With some Account of his Life. By FRANCES COLLINS. With a Portrait. Now ready, in fcap. 8vo. cloth extra, price 38. 6d. OUT of SCHOOL at ETON. Being a Collection of Poetry and Prose Writings. By SOME PRESENT ETONIANS. HOLIDAY READING. BOOKS FOR HOLIDAY R. D. BLACKMORE'S LORNA DOONE: a Romance of Exmoor. 8vo. cloth, 6s. 8vo. cloth, 68. 8vo. cloth, 68. 8vo. cloth, 6s. WILLIAM BLACK'S LADY SILVERDALE'S SWEETHEART, and other Stories. cloth, 108. 6d. London: SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON, Printed by E. J. FRANCIS & CO., at Took's Court, Chancery Lane, E.C.; and Published by Crown 8vo. I Medium of Intercommunication FOR LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC. No. 185. WANTED to EDITED BY DR. DORAN, F.S.A. "When found, make a note of."-CAPTAIN CUTTLE. SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1877. PRICE FOURPENCE. (Registered as a Newspaper. PURCHASE, Wentworth's NOTICE.-E. J. FRANCIS & CO., Printing Orisons (sixteenth century), by Paul Wentworth and A Pithie Exhortation, by Peter Wentworth.-JOHN FRANCIS, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, W.C. Contractors, Wine Office Court, E. C., and Took's Court, E.C., are prepared to submit ESTIMATES and enter into CONTRACTS for LETTER-PRESS PRINTING and LITHOGRAPHY. Boston, U.S., 1874 THE 13, MOUNT STREET, GROSVENOR SQUARE, W. MISS GLYN has the honour to announce that she will give & Series of READINGS from SHAKSPEARE: On Tuesday Evening, July 17, from HAMLET. On Friday Morning, July 29, from MERCHANT of VENICE. The Evening Readings to commence at Half-past Eight o'clock preeisely: Carriages may be ordered at Ten. The Morning Readings to emmence at Haif-past Three o'clock precisely; Carriages may be ordered at Five. Tickets to be obtained from Miss GLYN, at her Residence, 13, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, W. Just ready, PART I. of Vol. II. price la. Also Vol. I. of the same, just issued, cloth extra, 420 pp. 218. 8vo. price 32. 6d. with 4 Plates, NOTES on CROQUET, and some Ancient Bat Ball Games Related to it. By R. C. ALEXANDER PRICE, M.D. F.L.S. By the same Author, post 8vo. price 78. 6d. Second Edition, SOUTH by EAST, Notes of Travel in Southern Europe. By G. F. RODWELL, Science Master in Marlborough College. 102 Full-Page Original and other Illustrations. 4to. cloth extra, price 218. "He is able to give freshness to his chapters by faithfully recording the ideas and impressions of a cultivated observer.... Descriptive passages that are admirable in their way."-Daily News. MR. L. HERRMAN'S Fine-Art Gallery, 60, Great A HISTORY of BELFAST, from the Earliest Russell Street, Bloomsbury, opposite the British Museum, the Removal from 92, Great Russell Street having been necessitated through the expiration of Ground Lease. The Collection of Pictures, sisting of the Old and Modern School of Art, is Permanent. for Exhi bition and Sale; containing a large number of Works of the Early Italian Period adapted for CHURCH DECORATION and for the EMBELLISHMENT of PRIVATE CHAPELS, &c., and containing rapy Works of the various Continental Schools for the Cabinet and Galery, purchased and selected from time to time, with the advantage of judgment and extensive Continental connexion. Many interesting Specimens of Art by deceased British Artists are added with the large Collection. Now on view. No. 60, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY, opposite British Museum. Times to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. By GEO. BENN. Maps and Illustrations. Large Svo. 770 pp. cloth gilt, price 288. "Worthy of being regarded as a standard work of reference to the locality of which it treats."-Belfast News Letter. "In all respects this work is very complete."-Northern Whig. MARCUS WARD & CO. London and Belfast. Miscellaneous Books, including the Library of a Gentleman removing; Valuable Books on the Topography of Gloucestershire; High-Class Works on Natural History, Choice Engravings, &c. Collections Valued and Arranged; and for the Cleaning, Framing, MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, d for general arrangement of Artistic Property, this Establishment offers the Highest Testimonials for Skilful and Artistic Work. F. EGERTON HINE, Dealer in High-Class PaintForeign Artists-Works now on View at 27, King Street, St. James's Mare, W., by Pourbus, Ruisch, Albano, Cano, Caravaggio, Seignac, rayer, Rosier, Simoni, Richter, Webb, Topham, Barnard, Hine, Lanton, P. Goodall, Watson, &c. Daily from 10 till 6. WORKS on TOBACCO, SNUFF, &c.-Book sellers having Books on Tobacco, Snuff, &c., or Magazines, Journals, or Newspapers containing Articles on the subject. are invited 1port such to the Office of COPE'S TOBACCO PLANT, 10, Lord Belson street, Liverpool. 5TH S. No. 185. at their Rooms, 115, Chancery Lane, W. C. (Fleet Street end), on WEDNESDAY, July 18. and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock, VALUABLE MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, as above; comprising Atkyns's Gloucestershire. second edition- Rudder's GloucesterLysons's Gloucester and Winchester, 2 vols.- Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis, 2 vols.-Fosbrooke's Gloucester, &c., 4 vols.-Neale's Westminster Abbey, 2 vols., and Collegiate Churches, 2 vols.- Lysons's Environs of London, &c., 9 vols.-Rees's Cyclopedia. 45 vols.-Pope's Works and Homer, 19 vols large paper-Dodley's Old Plays, 12 vols.-Beaumont and Fletcher's Works, 14 vols.-Otway's Works, 3 vols large paperRichardson's Works, 19 vols.-Ireland's Memoirs of Jeanne D'Arc, 2 vols. large paper-the Works of Chatterton, Sterne, Congreve, Churchill, Mengs, and others (for the most part in neat bindings: to which are added, Hooker's Exotic Ferns and Rhododendrons of the Himalayas-Harvey's Phycologia Britannica et Australica, 9 vols.Ruskin's Seven Lamps-Dickens's Works, original editions, 31 vols.-a few Choice Engravings-Print Stand-Bookcase, &c. To be viewed, and Catalogues had. COLLINSON & LOCK. ARTISTIC FURNITURE IN THE OLD ENGLISH STYLE. Inexpensive. rouuoly constructed. Most finished workmanship. CONSTRUCTIVE WOODWORK FOR INTERIORS, Staircases, Wall Panelling, CURTAIN FABRICS OF SILK, WOOL, AND COTTON, Of Special Designs Reproductions of Old Brocades. DECORATIVE WALL AND CEILING PAPERS. COLLINSON & LOCK, 109, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C. PARTRIDGE AND COOPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS, NOTE PAPER, 38., 48., 59., and 69. per ream. RUPTURES.-BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effec tive invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in its effects, is here avoided; a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER WILLS' fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, and MR. JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. E LASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, &c., for VARICOSE VEINS, and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS, SPRAINS, &c. They are porous, light in texture, and inexpensive, and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking. Prices, 48. 6d., 78, 6d., 108., and 168. each. Postage free. JOHN WHITE, MANUFACTURER, 228, PICCADILLY, London. 56 THREE CASTLES." THACKERAY, in The VIRGINIANS, says:— "There's no sweeter Tobacco comes from Virginia, and no better brand, than the 1IIREE CASTLES."" Sold only in Packets, protected by our Name and Trade Mark W. D. & H. O. WILLS, Wholesale and Export only, Bristol and London. R OLLS COURT.-P IRA C Y.- PIRATICAL IMITATIONS, I have again applied for and obtained PYRETIC SALINE has my Name, Trade-Mark, and Signature on a Buff-Coloured Wrapper H. LAMPLOUGH, 113, Holborn. |