In the vicinity of Thebes there are sacred serpents, not at all troublesome to men ; they are very small, but have two horns on the top of their head. When they die they are buried in the Temple of Jupiter, to whom they are said to belong. Queen Móo and the Egyptian Sphinx - Page 5de Augustus Le Plongeon - 1896 - 277 pagesAffichage du livre entier - À propos de ce livre
 | Herodotus - 1812 - 478 pages
...celebrated. It is remarkable men : they are very small, but have two horns on the top of the head. When they die, they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are said to belong. LXXV. There is a place in Arabia, near the city Butos, which I visited for the purpose... | |
 | Herodotus - 1814 - 422 pages
...ages very extensive, and was introduces are very small, but have two horns on the top of the . head. When they die, they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are said to belong. LXXV. There is a place in Arabia, near the city Butos, which I visited for the purpose... | |
 | William Cowherd - 1818 - 728 pages
...Thehes there are also sacred serpents, very small, with two horns on the top of the head : when these die, they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are said to belong. See UEKODOT. Euterpe, Ixix, Ixxl, Ixv.i, i\xiv. 13, &c.] When it is said, ' Of the... | |
 | 1821 - 790 pages
...serpents, not at all troublesome to men : they are very small, but have two horns at the top of the head. When they die, they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are said to belong." Herodotus, vol. ip 302. " About seven or eight miles from Gau, on tbe east side of... | |
 | Edward Upham - 1824 - 348 pages
...real but the universal soul. — Oupnek-bat, Vedas. (66) Sacred serpents are frequent about Thebes : when they die they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they belong. The Egyptians worshipped the goodness of the Creator under the name of Cneph. The serpent,... | |
 | sir John Gardner Wilkinson - 1841 - 532 pages
...(Nat. Dcor. lib.i.); Herodotus from Arabia. § Aristot. An. i. 5. || Herodot. ii. 74. to man ; and when they die they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are reputed to be sacred." These horned snakes are very common in Upper Egypt, but are seldom found as far north... | |
 | John Gardner Wilkinson - 1841 - 528 pages
...(Nat. Deor. lib.i.); Herodotus from Arabia. § Aristot. An. i. 5. || Herodot. ii. 74. to man ; and when they die they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are reputed to be sacred." These horned snakes are very common in Upper Egypt, but are seldom found as far north... | |
 | James Ewing Cooley - 1843 - 668 pages
...species of sacred snake, of a very small size, on whose head are two horns. They do no harm to man ; and when they die, they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are reputed to be sacred."J This horned serpent is said, however, to be very venomous, and is now often found in... | |
 | Popular history - 1843 - 440 pages
...innoxious to man ; they are of diminutive size, and have two horns sprouting from the top of the head ; and when they die, they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whem they are said to be sacred."* But it would also appear, that Serpents were regarded as genii,... | |
 | Herodotus - 1859 - 524 pages
...serpents/1 not at all troublesome to men; they are very small, but have two horns on the top of the head. When they die, they are buried in the temple of Jupiter, to whom they are said to belong. LXXV. There is a place in Arabia, near the city Butos, which I visited for the purpose... | |
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