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WHEN Queen Móo reached the place where she hoped to find a refuge, she discovered that the Land of Mu had vanished. Not a vestige of it was to be seen, except the shoals and muddy waters mentioned by Herodotus, Plato, Scylax, Aristotle, and other ancient writers, who tell us that this made the ocean impassable to ships and prevented navigation for many centuries after the cataclysm.

It seems that Queen Móo, notwithstanding these obstacles, was able to continue her voyage eastward, and succeeded in reaching Egypt. We find mention made of her on the monuments and in the papyri, always as Queen Mau (Moó). She is, however, better known as the goddess Isis; wearing vestments dyed with a variety of colors, imitating feather work,1 like the plumage of the macaw, after which she was named in Mayach. Isis was, no doubt, a term of endearment applied to their beloved queen by her followers and her new subjects. It seems to be a corruption or may be a dialectical pronunciation of the Maya word iǝin (pronounced idzin), the "little sister."

Sir Gardner Wilkinson, Manners and Customs, vol. iii., p. 395.

Plate LVII.



Plate LVIII.

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