CONSISTING OF A JUDICIOUS COLLECTION OF SCRIPTURES, PROPER TO THE SEVERAL With an ESSAY ON THE NATURE OF THE To which are annexed, SOME FORMS OF PRAYER. * BY A COMMITTEE OF THE NORTH CONSOCI * HARTFORD: PRINTED BY LINCOLN & GLEASON. 1805. District of Connecticut ss. L. S. Be it remembered, That on the thirtieth day of September, in the thirtieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, LINCOLN and GLEASON of the said district, printers in company, have deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors in the words following, to wit: "An abridgment of Henry on Prayer; consisting " of a judicious collection of Scriptures, proper to " the several parts of the duty. With an Essay on "the nature of the Duty of Prayer. To which are "annexed some forms of Prayer. By a Committee " of the North Consociation of Hartford County." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encourage. "ment of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, "Charts and Books to Authors and Proprietors Proprietors " of such copies during the times therein mention " ed." SIMEON BALDWIN, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. A true Copy of Record, Examined by S. BALDWIN, Clerk Dist. Con. DIVINITY SCHOOL LIBRARY. HARVARD UNIVERSITY HE North Consociation of Hart THE ford county, at their session, September 27th, 1803, at East-Hartford, first society, impressed with a sense that the worship of God, in its various forms, is so important and essential a part of religion, and desirous of promoting what might directly tend to assist the acts of religious worship in God's people of all communions, passed the following vote, "That a " committee be appointed to prepare " for publication a small cheap vol" ume on the subject of prayer, con"sisting of an abridgment of Henry on Prayer, with such additions as " they shall judge proper." In pursuance of their appointment, the committee have abridged Mr. Henry's method of Prayer, which is a judicious collection of scriptures, proper to the several parts of the duty: and have concluded to accompany it with an |